Identifies the previously received plan schedule that this new schedule is responding to as a reference. The typical scenario is a supplier uses a Sync PlanningSchedule or Sync ShipmentSchedule to respond to a customer demand schedule, and this will identify the customer demand schedule that this supplier previously received. The date and time is also used in identifying the previously received plan schedule that the new plan schedule is responding to. Note that the combination of document id, document date, and revision number can uniquely identify a plan schedule.
DateType indicates whether the dates specified on the schedule are delivery based or shipment based. Dates specified on the schedule include FromDateTime and ToDateTime at Header and Line levels. ScheduleType indicates whether the PlanningSchedule is a demand schedule from a customer or a supply schedule from a supplier. For the supplier schedule to respond to the original demand schedule, the RespondingScheduleReference is used to identify the customer's original demand schedule that it is responding to.
Element information
Schema document: Common.xsd
Type: DocumentReferenceType
Properties: Global, Qualified, ID: oagis-id-84b90418c0ba4b60bea747bba37db130
- Sequence [1..1]
- ID [0..1] Is the Identifiers of the given instance of an entity within the scope of the integration. The schemeAgencyID attribute identifies the party that provided or knows this party by the given identifier.
- RevisionID [0..1] Is the revision of the semantically named document. The combination of the ID and its revision uniquely identifies the associated entity.
- VariationID [0..1]
- DocumentIDSet [0..*]
- DocumentDateTime [0..1] The date that document was created within the system of record.
- Description [0..*]
- Note [0..*]
- Status [0..*] Indicates the status of the associated object by providing the Status Code along with a description and when the status is effective.
- LineNumberID [0..1] Is the Line Number of the given Line Coponent within the document. LineNumbers are assigned by the sending system.
- LineIDSet [0..*]
- Extension [0..1] Allows the user of OAGIS to extend the specification in order to provide additional information that is not captured in OAGIS.This is done by defining the additional information in XML Schema and referencing the new schema in the xml instance document through the use of namespaces. Once this is done the additional information defined there can be carried in the BOD XML instance document.The Open Applications Group will make best efforts to quickly consider all proposed submissions.The Extension is always the last element in all components, except where the component has been extended inline.
from type DocumentIdentificationBaseTypefrom type DocumentReferenceBaseTypefrom group FreeFormTextGroup
Name | Occ | Type | Description | Notes |
typeCode | [0..1] | CodeType_1E7368 | from type DocumentReferenceBaseType | |
actionCode | [0..1] | ActionCodeContentType | from type DocumentReferenceBaseType |
Used in
- Type PlanningScheduleDetailBaseType
- Type PlanningScheduleDetailType via extension of PlanningScheduleDetailBaseType (Element PlanningScheduleDetail)
- Type PlanningScheduleHeaderBaseType via extension of ScheduleHeaderBaseType
- Type PlanningScheduleHeaderType via extension of ScheduleHeaderBaseType (Element PlanningScheduleHeader)
- Type PlanningScheduleLineBaseType via extension of ScheduleLineBaseType
- Type PlanningScheduleLineType via extension of ScheduleLineBaseType (Element PlanningScheduleLine)
- Type ScheduleHeaderBaseType
- Type ScheduleLineBaseType
- Type SequenceScheduleHeaderBaseType via extension of ScheduleHeaderBaseType
- Type SequenceScheduleHeaderType via extension of ScheduleHeaderBaseType (Element SequenceScheduleHeader)
- Type SequenceScheduleLineBaseType via extension of ScheduleLineBaseType
- Type SequenceScheduleLineType via extension of ScheduleLineBaseType (Element SequenceScheduleLine)
- Type ShipmentScheduleHeaderType via extension of ScheduleHeaderBaseType (Element ShipmentScheduleHeader)
- Type ShipmentScheduleLineBaseType via extension of ScheduleLineBaseType
- Type ShipmentScheduleLineType via extension of ScheduleLineBaseType (Element ShipmentScheduleLine)
Sample instance
<RespondingScheduleReference> <ID/> <RevisionID>normalizedString</RevisionID> <VariationID>normalizedString</VariationID> <DocumentIDSet> <ID/> </DocumentIDSet> <DocumentDateTime></DocumentDateTime> <Description/> <Note/> <Status> <ID/> <IDSet> <ID/> </IDSet> <Code/> <Description/> <ReasonCode>normalizedString</ReasonCode> <Reason/> <EffectiveTimePeriod> <InclusiveIndicator>true</InclusiveIndicator> <StartDateTime></StartDateTime> <StartTime>token</StartTime> <Duration>P1Y2M3DT10H</Duration> <EndDateTime></EndDateTime> <EndTime>token</EndTime> </EffectiveTimePeriod> <Extension> <AnyExtension> <!--any element--> </AnyExtension> <Amount/> <Code/> <DateTime></DateTime> <ID/> <Indicator>true</Indicator> <Measure/> <Name/> <Number>1.0</Number> <Quantity/> <Text/> <Time></Time> <ValueText>string</ValueText> </Extension> </Status> <LineNumberID/> <LineIDSet> <ID/> </LineIDSet> <Extension> <AnyExtension> <!--any element--> </AnyExtension> <Amount/> <Code/> <DateTime></DateTime> <ID/> <Indicator>true</Indicator> <Measure/> <Name/> <Number>1.0</Number> <Quantity/> <Text/> <Time></Time> <ValueText>string</ValueText> </Extension> </RespondingScheduleReference>