This defines the prices and modifiers to the price for buying a given quantity or value of an item or item category on a price list line. For Price List Lines that specify Items the price breaks can be specified in terms of quantity or amount. For Price list lines that specify commodity, price breaks can only be specified in terms of currency amount
Element information
Schema document: Common.xsd
Type: PriceBreakType
Properties: Global, Qualified, ID: oagis-id-c63727b744f14d5597db12edff545381
- Sequence [1..1]
- DiscountAmount [0..1] Indicates an amount of discount that is available against a price
- DiscountPercent [0..1] Indicates a percentage of discount that is available against a price
- OverridePrice [0..1]
- PriceBreakQuantity [0..1] The quantity that must be purchased of the item or commodity on a given price list line before the benefit, or until the detriment of a given price break line will apply. For example, if a customer orders up to 5000 units of flour, they will get a price of $8:00 a case. If the customer buys 5500 units of flour they will get a price of $7.50 a case
- PriceBreakAmount [0..1] The monetary amount that must be spent on a given price list line before the benefit or until the detriment of a given price break line will apply. For example, if a customer orders up to 5000 dollars worth of flour, they will get a price of $8:00 a case. If the customer buys 5500 dollars worth of flour they will get a price of $7.50 a case
- EffectiveTimePeriod [0..1] A time period in which an associated object is effective.
- Description [0..*]
- Note [0..*]
- Extension [0..1] Allows the user of OAGIS to extend the specification in order to provide additional information that is not captured in OAGIS.This is done by defining the additional information in XML Schema and referencing the new schema in the xml instance document through the use of namespaces. Once this is done the additional information defined there can be carried in the BOD XML instance document.The Open Applications Group will make best efforts to quickly consider all proposed submissions.The Extension is always the last element in all components, except where the component has been extended inline.
from type IdentificationTypefrom type PriceBreakBaseTypefrom group FreeFormTextGroup
Name | Occ | Type | Description | Notes |
typeCode | [0..1] | CodeType_1E7368 | from type IdentificationType | |
actionCode | [0..1] | ActionCodeContentType | from type IdentificationType |
Used in
- Type ItemPriceBaseType
- Type ItemPriceType via extension of ItemPriceBaseType (Element ItemPrice)
- Type OnlineOrderLineBaseType
- Type OnlineOrderLineType via extension of OnlineOrderLineBaseType (Element OnlineOrderLine)
- Type PriceListHeaderBaseType
- Type PriceListHeaderType via extension of PriceListHeaderBaseType (Element PriceListHeader)
- Type PriceListLineBaseType
- Type PriceListLineType via extension of PriceListLineBaseType (Element PriceListLine)
Sample instance
<PriceBreak> <ID/> <IDSet> <ID/> </IDSet> <DiscountAmount/> <DiscountPercent>1.0</DiscountPercent> <OverridePrice/> <PriceBreakQuantity>1.0</PriceBreakQuantity> <PriceBreakAmount/> <EffectiveTimePeriod> <InclusiveIndicator>true</InclusiveIndicator> <StartDateTime></StartDateTime> <StartTime>token</StartTime> <Duration>P1Y2M3DT10H</Duration> <EndDateTime></EndDateTime> <EndTime>token</EndTime> </EffectiveTimePeriod> <Description/> <Note/> <Extension> <AnyExtension> <!--any element--> </AnyExtension> <Amount/> <Code/> <DateTime></DateTime> <ID/> <Indicator>true</Indicator> <Measure/> <Name/> <Number>1.0</Number> <Quantity/> <Text/> <Time></Time> <ValueText>string</ValueText> </Extension> </PriceBreak>