Schema Central > OAGIS® 10 > Common.xsd > EffectiveRange
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Expresses effectivity as a range of ordered values, such as a range of serial numbers or lot numbers. The absence of a Start identifier indicates the item is effective to all referenced items whose sequence identifier precedes the End Value. The absence of an End identifier indicates the item is effective to all referenced items whose sequence identifier succeeds the Start Value. Multiple ranges are possible, they may be contiguous or disjoint. 

Element information

Type: RangeType

Properties: Global, Qualified, ID: oagis-id-7ee0f69e12d546d1aeb47be859a17203



typeCode [0..1]CodeType_1E7368from type IdentificationType
actionCode [0..1]ActionCodeContentTypefrom type IdentificationType

Used in

Sample instance

         <!--any element-->

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