The Cancel verb is used when the sender of the BOD is not the owner of the data, but is sending a request for the document to be canceled.An example is the Cancel PO where the business implications must be calculated and a simple data processing term such as delete can not fully convey the business meaning and required processing associated with the meaning.
Element information
Schema document: Common.xsd
Type: ProcessType
Properties: Global, Qualified, ID: oagis-id-88b49ded83d94bf3b6f61f97fbb1f279
- ActionCriteria [0..*] Identifies with the ActionExpression the level by carrying a value of the expressionLanguage (this is typically XPath) within the BOD that the actionCode is to be performed. The ChangeStatus communicates just that the Change Status.
from type ActionVerbType
Name | Occ | Type | Description | Notes |
recordSetStartNumber | [0..1] | PositiveIntegerNumberType | from type ActionVerbType | |
recordSetCountNumber | [0..1] | PositiveIntegerNumberType | from type ActionVerbType | |
recordSetTotalNumber | [0..1] | PositiveIntegerNumberType | from type ActionVerbType | |
recordSetCompleteIndicator | [0..1] | IndicatorType | from type ActionVerbType | |
recordSetReferenceID | [0..1] | IDType_B3F14E | from type ActionVerbType | |
acknowledgeCode | [0..1] | ResponseCodeContentType |
Used in
- Type CancelActualLedgerDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type CancelAllocateResourceDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type CancelBOMDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type CancelBatchCertificateOfAnalysisDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type CancelBudgetLedgerDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type CancelCarrierRouteDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type CancelCatalogDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type CancelChartOfAccountsDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type CancelCommercialInvoiceDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type CancelConfigurationDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type CancelConfirmWIPDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type CancelCostingActivityDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type CancelCreditDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type CancelCreditStatusDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type CancelCreditTransferDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type CancelCreditTransferISTDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type CancelCurrencyExchangeRateDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type CancelCustomerPartyMasterDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type CancelDebitTransferDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type CancelDebitTransferISTDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type CancelDispatchListDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type CancelEmployeeWorkScheduleDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type CancelEmployeeWorkTimeDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type CancelEngineeringChangeOrderDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type CancelEngineeringWorkDocumentDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type CancelFieldDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type CancelFreightInvoiceDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type CancelHazardousMaterialShipmentDocumentDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type CancelInspectDeliveryDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type CancelInventoryBalanceDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type CancelInventoryConsumptionDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type CancelInventoryCountDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type CancelInvoiceDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type CancelInvoiceLedgerEntryDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type CancelIssueInventoryDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type CancelItemCertificateOfAnalysisDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type CancelItemMasterDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type CancelItemNonconformanceDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type CancelJournalEntryDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type CancelLocationDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type CancelLocationServiceDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type CancelMaintenanceOrderDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type CancelMatchDocumentDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type CancelMergeWIPDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type CancelMoveInventoryDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type CancelMoveProductDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type CancelMoveProductForecastDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type CancelMoveWIPDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type CancelOnlineOrderDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type CancelOnlineSessionDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type CancelOperationDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type CancelOpportunityDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type CancelPartyMasterDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type CancelPartyScreenDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type CancelPartyScreenResponseDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type CancelPayableDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type CancelPaymentStatusDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type CancelPaymentStatusISTDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type CancelPersonnelDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type CancelPickListDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type CancelPlanningScheduleDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type CancelPriceListDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type CancelProductAvailabilityDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type CancelProductionOrderDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type CancelProductionPerformanceDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type CancelProductionScheduleDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type CancelProjectAccountingDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type CancelProjectMasterDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type CancelPurchaseOrderDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type CancelQuoteDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type CancelRFQDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type CancelReceivableDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type CancelReceiveDeliveryDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type CancelReceiveItemDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type CancelRecoverWIPDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type CancelRemittanceAdviceDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type CancelRequireProductDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type CancelRequisitionDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type CancelRiskControlLibraryDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type CancelRoutingDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type CancelSalesLeadDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type CancelSalesOrderDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type CancelSequenceScheduleDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type CancelShipmentDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type CancelShipmentScheduleDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type CancelShipmentUnitDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type CancelShippersExportDeclarationDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type CancelShippersLetterOfInstructionDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type CancelSplitWIPDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type CancelSupplierPartyMasterDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type CancelTableDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type CancelUOMGroupDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type CancelWIPStatusDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type CancelWarehouseShippingAdviceDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type CancelWarehouseShippingOrderDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
- Type CancelWarrantyClaimDataAreaType (Element DataArea)
Sample instance
<Cancel> <ActionCriteria> <ActionExpression actionCode="token">token</ActionExpression> <ChangeStatus> <ID/> <IDSet>... </IDSet> <Code/> <Description/> <ReasonCode>normalizedString</ReasonCode> <Reason/> <EffectiveTimePeriod>.................. </EffectiveTimePeriod> <StateChange>... </StateChange> <Extension>....................................... </Extension> </ChangeStatus> </ActionCriteria> </Cancel>