Schema Central > niem40 > xPIL-types.xsd > xpil:NumberTypeList
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List of name types for commonly used Number type

Simple type information


  • Type based on xsd:normalizedString
    • Valid valueDescription
      RangeFromIndicates that the element contains the lower value of a range, e.g. 25 in 25-37
      RangeIndicates that the value is a range, e.g. 25-37
      RangeToIndicates that the element contains the top value of a range, e.g. 25 in 25-37
      PrefixIndicates that the element contains some value that is important, but not exactly the number itself. E.g. A250, where A is the prefix to the number 250
      SuffixIndocates that the element contains some value that is important, but not exactly the number itself. E.g. 'bis' in '45 bis'
      NumberIndicates that the value is number, e.g. 2020 in ID 2020. The actual value can be alpha-numeric.
      SeparatorIndicates that the value is a separator that is expected to be preserved. Examples are / - #, etc.
      ExtensionIndicates that the value is an extension number of some identifier, e.g. 01 in ID 2330-01. 01 could be mean a specific semantics
  • Type inheritance chain