A data type for a class of fingerprint pattern used by most automated fingerprint information systems
Simple type information
Schema document: domains/biometrics/4.0/biom.xsd
Valid value Description AU Arch DR Unable to classify; disassociated ridges or dysplasia LS Left slant loop RS Right slant loop SR Unable to classify; complete scar UC Unable to classify UP Temporarily unable to print (e.g. bandaged) WU Whorl XX Unable to print; amputation
Used by
- Element biom:FingerprintPatternGeneralClassCode via derived type biom:FingerprintPatternGeneralClassCodeType
Type inheritance chain
- xsd:token
- biom:FingerprintPatternGeneralClassCodeSimpleType
- extended by biom:FingerprintPatternGeneralClassCodeType
- biom:FingerprintPatternGeneralClassCodeSimpleType