Schema Central > NIEM 3.1 > xPIL.xsd > xpil:PersonDetailsType
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A container for defining the unique characteristics of a person only

Complex type information



xpil:Usage [0..1]xpil:PersonDetailsUsageListType of use of this data. e.g. data exchange, contact, update, create
xpil:Status [0..1]ct:StatusListStatus of the organisation details
ct:DateValidFrom [0..1]xsd:dateTimeCould be start date, issue date, validity start date, etcfrom group ct:grValidityDate
ct:DateValidTo [0..1]xsd:dateTimeCould be end date, expiry date, validity end date, etcfrom group ct:grValidityDate
xpil:PersonDetailsKey [0..1]ct:StringA primary key to reference Person Details.
xpil:PersonDetailsKeyRef [0..1]ct:StringA foreign key to reference attribute Key of Person Details.
ct:DataQualityType [0..1]ct:DataQualityTypeListThis attribute indicates what level of trust can be given to the parent element. Omit this attribute if the data quality is unknown. If the data quality is known, the value is "Valid, else "InValid"from group ct:grDataQuality
ct:ValidFrom [0..1]xsd:dateTimeDate the data quality is valid from from group ct:grDataQuality
ct:ValidTo [0..1]xsd:dateTimeDate the data quality is valid tofrom group ct:grDataQuality
ct:LanguageCode [0..1]xsd:languageHuman Language used. e.g. "en", "en-US", "en-AUS", etcfrom group ct:grLanguageCode
Any attribute[0..*]Namespace: ##other, Process Contents: strict

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Type inheritance chain

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