Schema Central > NIEM 3.1 > fbi_ndex.xsd > ndex:IntellectualPropertySubjectMatterCategoryCodeSimpleType
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A data type for a code that identifies the type of subject matter protected by intellectual property rights.

Simple type information


  • Type based on xsd:token
    • Valid valueDescription
      COPYRIGHTCopyright (general)
      COPYRIGHT_FILMCopyright_Film (motion picture)
      COPYRIGHT_MUSICAL WORKCopyright_Musical Work
      INDUSTRIALIndustrial (general)
      INDUSTRIAL_COMMERCIAL NAMEIndustrial_Commercial Name (includes designations) (Name or designation that identifies an enterprise)
      INDUSTRIAL_COMPETITION PROTECTIONIndustrial_Competition Protection (Protection of knowledge, technology, or information which is not protected by a patent but may be required in order to make the best use of a patented invention)
      INDUSTRIAL_DESIGNIndustrial_Design (Visual appeal or ornamental and nonfunctional features of a product that result from design) (Does not include Integrated Circuit Layout)
      INDUSTRIAL_GEOGRAPHICAL INDICATORSIndustrial_Geographical Indicators (A sign used on goods that have a specific geographical origin and possess qualities or reputation that are due to the place or origin)
      INDUSTRIAL_INTEGRATED CIRCUIT LAYOUTIndustrial_Integrated Circuit Layout (includes designs) (Not considered an industrial design, this is the detailed layout design of the physical location, within an integrated circuit, of each element with an electronic function)
      INDUSTRIAL_INVENTIONIndustrial_Invention (Invention in all fields of human endeavor)
      INDUSTRIAL_INVENTION_PROCESSIndustrial_Invention_Process (Invention of new process or method of making a known or new thing; all fields of human endeavor)
      INDUSTRIAL_INVENTION_PRODUCTIndustrial_Invention_Product (Invention of a new product; all fields of human endeavor)
      INDUSTRIAL_TRADEMARKIndustrial_Trademark (A sign, or a combination of signs, which distinguishes goods or services of one enterprise from another)
      INDUSTRIAL_TRADEMARK_CERTIFICATION MARKIndustrial_Trademark_Certification Mark (A trademark type given in compliance with defined standards, but not confined to membership)
      INDUSTRIAL_TRADEMARK_COLLECTIVE MARKIndustrial_Trademark_Collective Mark (A trademark type used to identify members of a group with a level of quality and requirements set by the group)
      INDUSTRIAL_TRADEMARK_SERVICE MARKIndustrial_Trademark_Service Mark (A trademark type used in connection with services, e.g., hotel, restaurant, airlines)
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