A data type for a shipment of goods
Complex type information
- Sequence [1..1]
- it:GoodsNatureClassificationText [0..*]A description of the nature of a transaction associated with a shipment.
- it:Buyer [0..*]A party to which merchandise or services are sold.
- it:Seller [0..*]A party selling merchandise or services to a buyer
- it:Warehouse [0..*]A set of information about a warehouse.
- it:CustomsValuationAmount [0..*]A monetary representation of costs incurred by the shipper in moving goods.
- it:TradeTerm [0..*]A trade terms name of the point or port of departure, shipment or destination, as required under the applicable terms of delivery, e.g. Incoterm.
- it:Invoice [0..*]A non-negotiable commercial instrument issued by a seller to a buyer.
- it:EntryCustomsOfficeLocation [0..*]A location type where Entry Customs Office is located.
- it:UCR [0..*]A UCR (Unique Customs Reference) Identifier
- it:CustomsGoodsItem [0..*]A data type that describes the value declared for purposes of those goods in a consignment.
- it:Consignment [0..*]A set of goods shipped or delivered under a consignment sale agreement.
- it:Consignor [0..*]A party consigning goods as stipulated in the transport contract by the party ordering transport.
- it:NotifyParty [0..*]A party to be notified.
- it:Consignee [0..*]A party to which goods are consigned.
- it:DeliveryDestination [0..*]A location to which goods are to be delivered. Address, region and/or country as required by national legislation or according to national requirements.
- it:ExitCustomsOfficeLocation [0..*]A location of the customs office at which the goods leave or are intended to leave the customs territory of dispatch.
- it:Exporter [0..*]A person who makes an export declaration or on whose behalf the export declaration is made. This is the owner of the goods or has similar right of disposal over them at the time when the declaration is accepted.
- it:Importer [0..*]A party which makes - or on whose behalf a Customs clearing agent or other authorized person makes - an import declaration.
- it:Broker [0..*]A data type describing the name [and address] of a party to which merchandise or services are sold.
- it:Declaration [0..*]A formal statement made for use in International Trade office mostly for customs purpose.
- it:ForeignTradeZone [0..*]An identification of a foreign trade zone or FTZ where particular goods shipment has been moved.
- it:SequenceNumeric [0..*]A number indicating the position in a sequence.
- it:ExitDate [0..*]A date when the goods departs from last port, airport, or border post of customs territory whence consigned (country of export).
- it:GoodsCountryExportCode [0..*]A code used to identify the original exporting country for goods; without any commercial transaction in intermediate countries.
Used by
Type inheritance chain