Details of the Premises (could be building(s), site, loaction, property, premise, place) which is a landmark place which has a main address such as large mail user (e.g. Airport, Hospital, University) or could be a building (e.g. apartment, house) or a building or complex of buildings (e.g. an apartment complex or shopping centre) or even a vacant land (e.g. LOT). A premises can have many sub-addresses such as apartments in a building having its own addresses or buildings within an airport having its own addresses including its own thoroughfares
Element information
Namespace: urn:oasis:names:tc:ciq:xal:3
Schema document: external/have/1.0/xAL.xsd
Type: Anonymous
Properties: Local, Qualified
- Sequence [1..1]
- Choice [1..*]
- a:NameElementData associated with the name of the Premises. e.g. Full name of premises or part of the name. E.g. Westfield shopping center, reference data to support the premises location, street in the premises
- a:NumberData associated with the number of the premises. E.g.House 15, number range, number suffix
- a:SubPremises [0..*]Examples of sub-premises are apartments and suites in buildings, shops in malls, etc. or sub-addresses in a land mark place such as airports, military bases, hospitals, etc. Some countries have blocks within blocks
from type a:PremisesType - Choice [1..*]
Name | Occ | Type | Description | Notes |
Any attribute | [0..*] | Namespace: ##other, Process Contents: lax | from type a:PremisesType | |
a:Type | [0..1] | a:PremisesTypeList | ||
a:TypeCode | [0..1] | ct:String | Type of code use for Premises Type attribute |
Used in
- Anonymous type of element xpil:Address via extension of a:AddressType
- Type a:AddressType (Elements a:Address, xpil:AddressOnDocument, xpil:BirthPlaceDetails)
Sample instance
<a:Premises> <a:NameElement>normalizedString</a:NameElement> <a:SubPremises> <a:NameElement>normalizedString</a:NameElement> </a:SubPremises> </a:Premises>