A data type for a category of reason for invalidating a previously issued permission to enter the United States.
Simple type information
Schema document: domains/screening/3.0/screening.xsd
Valid value Description DEPARTREQ Departure required (8 CFR 242.5) DEPORTINIT Deportation proceedings initiated IMPOSTER Imposter presented document IVEXCLUDE IV Holder excluded NIVEXCLUDE NIV Holder excluded WAIVREVOK Waiver revoked (212)(d)(3) WDRAW186 Application for Admission withdrawn (Holder of Form I-186 Issued by Consul) WDRAWNIV Application for Admission withdrawn (NIV Holder)
Used by
- Element scr:VisaCancelCategoryCode via derived type scr:VisaCancelCategoryCodeType
Type inheritance chain
- xsd:token
- scr:VisaCancelCategoryCodeSimpleType
- extended by scr:VisaCancelCategoryCodeType
- scr:VisaCancelCategoryCodeSimpleType