A data type for a LEAD SOURCE TYPE
Simple type information
Schema document: domains/screening/3.0/screening.xsd
Valid value Description ANO Anonymous Complaint ATF ATF Referral BOP BOP Referral (Bureau of Prisons) CGR Coast Guard Referral CUS Customs Referral D91 DOL(Department of Labor) Referral Using Form ESA-91 DEA DEA Referral (Drug Enforcement Agency) DEP Deportations Referral DOI DOI Referral (Department of the Interior) DOL DOL Referral (Department of Labor) DOO DOL(Department of Labor) Referral Using Form Other Than ESA-91 DOS Dept of State Referral DOT DOT Referral (Department of Transportation) EVI Evidence EXM Examinations Referral FBI FBI Referral (Federal Bureau of Investigation) FGR Foreign Government Referral FLE Foreign Local Enforcement Agency Referral FLU Follow-up Investigation GAP GAP Referral (General Administrative Plan) GAS GAP(General Administrative Plan) special INF Informant IRS IRS Referral ISP Inspections Referral LA Link Analysis LEA LEA Referral (Local Enforcement Agency) NSR National Security Referral NTP National Targeting Plan NVS Non-Visual Surveillance OAR Other Agency Referral OTH Other Lead PC Private Citizen SAC SAC Discretion 8 CFR 274a.9(b) TRS Treasury Referral USM USMS Referral (US Marshalls Service) VS Visual Surveillance WSC Written, Signed Complaint
Used by
- Element scr:LeadSourceCategoryCode via derived type scr:LeadSourceCategoryCodeType
Type inheritance chain
- xsd:token
- scr:LeadSourceCategoryCodeSimpleType
- extended by scr:LeadSourceCategoryCodeType
- scr:LeadSourceCategoryCodeSimpleType