Schema Central > NIEM 3.0 > screening.xsd > scr:LeadSourceCategoryCodeSimpleType
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A data type for a LEAD SOURCE TYPE

Simple type information


  • Type based on xsd:token
    • Valid valueDescription
      ANOAnonymous Complaint
      ATFATF Referral
      BOPBOP Referral (Bureau of Prisons)
      CGRCoast Guard Referral
      CUSCustoms Referral
      D91DOL(Department of Labor) Referral Using Form ESA-91
      DEADEA Referral (Drug Enforcement Agency)
      DEPDeportations Referral
      DOIDOI Referral (Department of the Interior)
      DOLDOL Referral (Department of Labor)
      DOODOL(Department of Labor) Referral Using Form Other Than ESA-91
      DOSDept of State Referral
      DOTDOT Referral (Department of Transportation)
      EXMExaminations Referral
      FBIFBI Referral (Federal Bureau of Investigation)
      FGRForeign Government Referral
      FLEForeign Local Enforcement Agency Referral
      FLUFollow-up Investigation
      GAPGAP Referral (General Administrative Plan)
      GASGAP(General Administrative Plan) special
      IRSIRS Referral
      ISPInspections Referral
      LALink Analysis
      LEALEA Referral (Local Enforcement Agency)
      NSRNational Security Referral
      NTPNational Targeting Plan
      NVSNon-Visual Surveillance
      OAROther Agency Referral
      OTHOther Lead
      PCPrivate Citizen
      SACSAC Discretion 8 CFR 274a.9(b)
      TRSTreasury Referral
      USMUSMS Referral (US Marshalls Service)
      VSVisual Surveillance
      WSCWritten, Signed Complaint
  • Used by

    Type inheritance chain

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