Schema Central > NIEM 3.0 > occs_facility.xsd > occs:FacilityUsageLevel2CodeType
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A data type for Level 2 facility usage codes.

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      11-11 00 00Assembly Facility - Facilities where large groups of individuals can gather and assemble for commercial, entertainment, educational, and other purposes.
      11-11 11 11Convention Center - A facility with sufficient floor area to accommodate several thousand individuals in addition to multiple display areas and booths.
      11-11 21 11Cinema - A facility for the display and viewing of motion pictures/movies/films.
      11-11 21 17Performing Arts Facility - A facility used for the viewing and performance of dance, music, opera, theater or other art involving live performers.
      11-11 21 21Casino - A facility which houses and accommodates gambling activities.
      11-11 21 22Theme Park - A permanent facility containing multiple entertainment venues, rides and attractions with the intent of entertaining large numbers of people.
      11-11 21 23Fair or Circus Ground - A temporary facility containing multiple entertainment venues, rides and attractions for then entertainment of crowds.
      11-11 21 24Race Track - A facility for the racing of animals, automobiles, motorcycles or athletes. The facility typically contains seating for spectators in addition to the racing surface.
      11-11 21 27Arena - A sports arena, usually oval or horseshoe-shaped, with tiers of seats for spectators. Interior sports area usually contains a field for football, soccer, baseball, softball, or track and field events.
      11-12 00 00Education Facility - Facilities designed for instruction of students and research accompanying higher education.
      11-12 11 11Daycare Facility - A facility for the care of infants thru pre-school age children and for school aged children less than 12 years of age before and after normal public school hours.
      11-12 11 14Preschool Facility - A facility for the care and education of children typically younger than 4-5 years of age prior to their admittance into a formal education institution.
      11-12 21 14Elementary School - A facility generally outfitted or intended for use in providing children with the earliest stages of education.
      11-12 21 21Middle School - A facility generally outfitted or intended for use in the education of children utilizing academic departments and multiple teachers to facilitate learning.
      11-12 21 31High School - A facility generally outfitted or intended for use in the education and preparing of young adults looking to enter the work force or attend a higher education institution.
      11-12 24 11University - A facility for the education of adults on a wide variety of subjects and self-study in the attempt of reaching a terminal degree for a specific career.
      11-12 29 00Library - A facility for the collection, storage and retrieval of print, audio and visual materials in both numerous physical and digital formats.
      11-13 00 00Public Service Facility - Facilities for use typically by governmental or nonprofit organizations for various types of public service and functions, including but not limited to military facilities, police and fire stations, courthouses, and capitol buildings
      11-13 11 00Government Facility - A facility owned or substantially controlled by a government and the services of any civilian and military personnel of that government.
      11-13 11 14Regulatory Agency Facility - A facility that houses a public authority or government agency responsible for exercising autonomous authority over some area of human activity in a regulatory or supervisory capacity.
      11-13 11 17Courthouse - A facility that houses a local court of law and in some cases regional government.
      11-13 11 21Legislative Facility - A facility that houses the legislative branch of a government and the services related to the creation of law.
      11-13 11 23Public Health and Safety Facility - A facility that houses any department or service of a government focusing on the safety and welfare of the public.
      11-13 11 23 11National Center - A facility that houses any department or service of a government focusing on nation-wide the safety and welfare of the public.
      11-13 11 23 14Regional Fusion Center - A facility that houses any department or service of a government combining region-wide information for the safety and welfare of the public.
      11-13 11 24Police Station - A facility designed to be the law enforcement center on the installation. Includes space for the police reception desk, working space for police personnel, confinement space for prisoners, and an arms room.
      11-13 11 24 11Booking Facility - A state, county or city detention facility where a subject is detained as a result of a law enforcement procedure where officials record facts about arrests and charges against suspects such as the crime for which the arrest was made, identification of the suspect such as photographs or fingerprinting, and other pertinent facts.(based on NIEM j:
      11-13 11 24 14Custody Transfer Facility - An enforcement facility that releases custody of a subject or property (NIEM j:).
      11-13 11 24 17Placement Facility - The facility where a juvenile or other person is directed to reside.(based on NEIM fs:)
      11-13 11 27Post Office - A facility that houses United States Postal Service operations.
      11-13 11 31Fire Station - A facility containing the personnel and equipment that provides fire and rescue support to the installation. Equipment located in these facilities is not real property and is not included in this Facility Analysis Category.
      11-13 11 33Detention Center - A facility to house and secure service members during pre-trial confinement, post-trial confinement, and for the duration of sentences. Although not normally housed in the same facility, prisoners can include officers, enlisted personnel, and prisoners of war. Functional space includes sleeping space, administrative areas, dining areas, recreational and educational areas, vocational areas, and health clinics.
      11-13 11 33 11Prison - A facility to house and secure criminals for the duration of sentences.
      11-13 11 33 14Jail - A facility to house and secure individuals during pre-trial confinement, post-trial confinement, or temporary holding.
      11-13 11 33 17Immigration Detention Center - A facility for temporary custody of an alien that precedes disposition by a court (NIEM im:)
      11-13 11 33 21Juvenile Detention Center - A facility for temporary custody of people under the legal age of an adult (based on NIEM j:).
      11-13 11 34Embassy - A facility (residence or office) that serves as the permanent diplomatic mission of a state or inter-governmental organization present in another state for purposes of representation and diplomatic endeavors.
      11-13 21 00Military Facility - A facility owned or substantially controlled by a government and military personnel of that government.
      11-13 27 11Homeless Shelter - A facility that is being provided for housing homeless persons or to assist agencies that provide support to the homeless.
      11-13 27 14Food Bank - A facility that collects, stores and distributes non-perishable food items to those in need within the surrounding community.
      11-13 27 26Public Restroom/Shower - A public toilet and/or shower facility.
      11-13 29 11Orphanage - A facility where a juvenile without parents is directed to reside, may include teen shelters and similar facilities (based on NIEM fs:)
      11-13 29 14Foster Home - A household in which an orphaned or delinquent child is placed, usually by a social-service agency (The Free Dictionary).
      11-14 00 00Cultural Facility - Facilities used for programs or activities focused on the arts, personal beliefs or other activities focused on personal growth and reflection.
      11-14 15 00Monument and Memorial - Items such as commemorative plaques, military equipment displays, statues, and the like.
      11-14 21 00Museum - A facility for presenting history, culture, and tradition through education-oriented exhibits and programs.
      11-14 24 11Religious Facility - A facility that provides space for most religious activities, such as a church, temple, synagogue, or mosque.
      11-15 00 00Recreation Facility - Facilities for the pursuit of indoor or outdoor recreation or sports.
      11-15 11 00Outdoor Recreation Facility - Facilities for the pursuit of outdoor recreation and sport.
      11-15 11 36 15Golf Course - Golf courses are grassy, turfed tracts of land with tees, fairways, hazards and greens for the purpose of playing golf. Cost factors are based upon an 18-hole golf course.
      11-15 11 39Playground - Playgrounds are outdoor areas set aside for recreation near family housing, schools, recreational areas, or child support service centers. They provide for the outdoor recreational needs of children. Cost factors are based upon an average size of 6,000 SF.
      11-15 21 00Indoor Recreation Facility - Facilities for the pursuit of indoor recreation and sport.
      11-15 21 37 11Bowling Alley - An indoor facility containing multiple bowling lanes and seating.
      11-15 21 37 14Billiards Facility - An indoor facility containing multiple pool tables and seating.
      11-16 00 00Housing Facility - Facilities used for long-term inhabitation and dwelling by humans.
      11-16 11 00Single Family Residence - A dwelling unit for a service member or for an authorized government civilian and his/her authorized dependents when accompanied by those dependents.
      11-16 11 11Studio Family Residence - A dwelling containing a single living space for dining, living and sleeping. May contain separate spaces for kitchen and bathroom activities.
      11-16 11 14One-Bedroom Family Residence - A dwelling that contains a single room dedicated to sleeping and additional rooms for living, dining kitchen and bathroom activities.
      11-16 15 11Family Housing Trailer Site - Pads or sites with associated utilities provided for privately or government owned trailers and mobile homes.
      11-16 21 00Multiple Family Residences - Multiple dwellings contained in a single structure.
      11-16 21 14Co-housing Multiple Family Residence - Multiple dwellings that share facilities (typically kitchen, dining, laundry and recreational areas are shared).
      11-16 21 17Small Complex Multiple Family Residence - A single facility containing a small collection of dwellings (typically less than 10 dwellings per facility)
      11-16 21 21Large Complex Multiple Family Residence - A single facility containing many dwellings (11 or more dwellings per facility).
      11-16 21 25Government Subsidized Residence - A dwelling (or dwellings) that has a lowered cost of ownership due to government funding and support.
      11-16 21 29LIHTC Tax Credit Housing - A dwelling (or dwellings) that is awarded tax credits (deductions) to allow for lower income occupants.
      11-16 27 00Dormitory - A single facility containing multiple sleeping quarters and typically shared eating and lavatory facilities typically for students.
      11-16 31 00Special Care Residence - A dwelling containing multiple sleeping quarters with shared eating, living and lavatory facilities in addition to offering additional care and medical/health assistance from trained staff.
      11-16 42 00Senior Housing - Dwellings and commercial facilities designed and/or retrofitted for occupancy by Seniors.
      11-17 00 00Retail Facility - Facility that provides a method for display, sale and purchase of goods and services.
      11-17 05 00Office Showroom - A facility containing offices for a company and an area for displaying/demonstrating the company's products or services.
      11-17 07 00Department Store - A facility that sells a wide range of the consumer's personal and residential product needs; and at the same time offering the consumer a choice of multiple manufactures, in a wide range of product categories.
      11-17 09 00Big Box Retail - A facility specializing in a single (or select few) merchandising needs that offers an extreme selection of products.
      11-17 11 00Specialty Store - A facility that offers products in a very select grouping or specific need.
      11-17 11 11Drug Store - A retail facility where prescriptions are filled and drugs and other articles are sold; includes pharmacies or medical buildings (Free dictionary)
      11-17 11 13Liquor Store - A retail facility that sells alcoholic beverages for consumption elsewhere. (Free dictionary)
      11-17 13 00Garden Center - A facility that specializes in the sale of horticulture based products and plants.
      11-17 15 00Grocery Store - A facility that specializes in the sale of food goods.
      11-17 17 00Convenience Store - A facility that offers a wide range of readily used items but with limited selection.
      11-17 19 13Vehicle Dealership - A facility that sells automobiles or other vehicles.
      11-17 21 14Bank - A facility that provides the following essential services: checking and savings accounts, loans, foreign currency sales, etc.
      11-17 27 11Commercial Mall - A facility that offers a wide variety of retail stores for consumers in addition to other services such as dining.
      11-17 27 14Shopping Center - A collection of retail facilities that are located near one another and share parking facilities. Often smaller in scale than a power center.
      11-17 27 23Convenience/Strip Center - A collection of retail facilities in one building but with separate entrances from the outside and parking.
      11-17 27 26Clothing Sales Store - A facility for the sales of military clothing and personal equipment.
      11-17 27 29Thrift Shop - Thrift shops are nonprofit facilities for the sale and purchase of used goods and handmade items. Volunteer family members normally operate these facilities on a consignment basis.
      11-17 27 35Outlet Center - A specialized branch of a main retail facility that offers lower prices but on a limited selection of goods.
      11-21 00 00Health Care Facility - Facilities used to house equipment and personnel for the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease, illness, injury, and other physical and mental impairments in humans.
      11-21 12 00Hospital - A facility that provides general and specialized medical, psychiatric, obstetrical or surgical care for four or more authorized inpatients on a 24 hour basis, with both inpatient and outpatient services. Pharmacy, clinic, ambulance, and administrative space within the hospital are included in this Facility Analysis Category. Classified as a Health Care Occupancy facility under the NFPA Life Safety Code.
      11-21 15 00Outpatient Care Facility - A health care facility that specializes in the consultation, treatment or advanced medical procedures delivered on an outpatient basis.
      11-21 17 00Medical Office Building (MOB) - Office and laboratory facilities constructed for the use of physicians and other health personnel (Reference.MD)
      11-21 28 00Mobile, Transportable, Relocatable Health Care Unit - A mobile, transportable, or movable dwelling unit equipped to provide consultation, treatment or advanced medical procedures delivered on an outpatient basis. A mobile unit is any trailer or self-propelled unit equipped with a chassis on wheels and intended to provide medical services on a temporary basis. A transportable unit is any pre-manufactured structure or trailer equipped with a chassis on wheels that is intended to provide medical services on an extended temporary basis. A relocatable unit is any structure not on a chassis or wheels that is built to be relocated at any time and to provide medical services.
      11-21 32 00Mental, Behavioral Care Facility - A health care facility that specializes in the treatment of serious mental and/or behavioral disorders.
      11-21 32 11Psychiatric Hospital - A facility that provides specialized psychiatric care for four or more authorized inpatients on a 24 hour basis, with both inpatient and outpatient services. Pharmacy, clinic, ambulance, and administrative space within the hospital are common amenities.
      11-21 32 15Psychiatric Outpatient Facility - The psychiatric outpatient center provides community outpatient psychiatric services. May be a freestanding facility or incorporated in a commercial retail or office facility. Facility has within it physician offices and counseling spaces. Does not support overnight patient care. .
      11-21 35 00Maternity Facility - A health care facility that specializes in the caring of woman while pregnant and during childbirth and the caring of newborn infants.
      11-21 38 00Animal Healthcare Facility - A facility for administrative and operational functions of veterinary activities assigned to the installation. These can include animal medical care, control of communicable animal diseases, animal boarding, and food inspection.
      11-21 45 00Medical Center - A large health care complex or collection of facilities including hospitals, research facilities, medical schools and other health care facilities.
      11-21 55 11Funeral Home - A facility that provides burial and funeral services for the deceased and their families.
      11-21 55 19Cemetery - Those areas set aside for burial of the dead.
      11-23 00 00Hospitality Facility - Facilities that provide service or entertainment to customers.
      11-23 12 00Dining Establishment - Facilities that provide delivery, distribution and/or sale of prepared food and drink.
      11-23 12 11Military Dining Facility - A facility, with cafeteria style dining operations, for unaccompanied personnel and other authorized persons.
      11-23 12 31Fast Food Restaurant - A facility that specializes in the rapid production and distribution of food with minimal table service.
      11-23 12 35Full Service Restaurant - A facility that both prepares and serves food and drink for customers that is served and eaten on the premises.
      11-23 12 43Limited Service Restaurant - A facility that prepares and/or serves food in a limited capacity due to either location, seating area or preparation space.
      11-23 15 00Tavern, Bar, or Micro-Brewery - Facilities that predominantly provide delivery, distribution and/or sale of drink with a limited selection of food.
      11-23 18 00Nightclub - Facilities that predominantly provide delivery, distribution and/or sale of drink with elements of entertainment, possibly including sound systems, light shows, live performance, or space for dancing.
      11-25 00 00Lodging Facility - Facilities that provide temporary lodging to customers.
      11-25 12 00Hotel - A facility for the short term lodging of military members, family members, authorized civilian employees and guests in connection with official travel.
      11-25 12 15Motel - A facility for short term lodging that caters to motorists by having dedicated parking and separate entries for each rented unit.
      11-25 12 19Bed and Breakfast - A facility for short term lodging often located within a residence and offers breakfast as part of the accommodations.
      11-25 12 23Residence Hotel - A facility that provides lodging to meet short term housing requirements for unaccompanied enlisted personnel and civilian employees on temporary duty or traveling on official business.
      11-25 12 27Resort Hotel - A facility that provides short term lodging and offers a series of recreational and entertainment accommodations.
      11-25 12 43Recreational Camp and Trailer Park - Trailer parking sites/pads or tent pads, with associated site facilities, for recreational trailers, vehicles, or tents. Cost factors are based upon an area providing 100 camping sites.
      11-25 12 47Emergency Unaccompanied Personnel Housing - A facility such as hutments that can be used for emergency housing during training, mobilization, deployments, and natural disasters. These facilities provide bare minimum shelter that does not meet the criteria for permanent housing.
      11-25 12 51EUPH Tent Pad - Tent pads, which can be used for erecting tents for emergency housing during training, mobilization, deployments, and natural disasters. Cost factors are based on the area of a GP Medium tent.
      11-25 12 67Luxury Lodging - A facility that offers short term lodging with a focus on providing an exceptional level of service and luxury accommodations, typically at a commensurate price.
      11-25 55 00Animal Lodging Facility - A facility that offers short term lodging for animals.
      11-27 00 00Office Facility - Facilities used for the administration of a business, service or other work related activity.
      11-27 12 00Administrative Building - A facility containing general office space as well as space typically associated with office space. Associated space may include conference rooms, small storage rooms, restrooms, break/lunch rooms, locker/shower rooms, and utility rooms.
      11-27 18 00Headquarters Office - A centralized office that serves to connect other office branches in different locations.
      11-27 22 00Regional Administrative Office - A company's branch office located in a specific location to address local needs, concerns of cultures.
      11-27 22 11Field Office - Branch office away from the organizations's main office (
      11-27 25 00Multi-tenant Office Building - A single facility that may contain multiple office spaces from many different tenants.
      11-27 28 00Business Park - A collection of office facilities grouped closely to form a neighborhood of tenants.
      11-27 38 00Office Building - A facility that contains a collection of offices.
      11-27 38 11Commercial Office Building - A facility intended to generate a profit, either from capital gain or rental income.
      11-27 38 14Government Office Building - A facility that contains government office space.
      11-27 38 17Private Office Building - A privately owned facility that contains office space.
      11-27 42 00Office/Research and Development Building - A single facility that contains office space and research and development facilities.
      11-27 45 00Office/Warehouse Building - A single facility that contains both office space and storage/distribution facilities.
      11-27 55 21Logistics - A facility for procurement, maintenance, distribution, and replacement of personnel and materiel (Websters)
      11-27 55 22Logistics Support Building - A facility to support procurement, maintenance, distribution, and replacement of personnel and materiel that may occur elsewhere.
      11-27 65 41Customs Facility - A facility where goods enter or exit the country.
      11-29 00 00Research Facility - A facility used for the exploration, review, investigation, testing and development of a specific topic or item.
      11-29 12 00Scientific Research and Development Facility - Facilities used to administer scientific experiments and research in the development of living things and manufactured goods.
      11-29 12 11 11Chemical Research Facility - Facilities used directly in theoretical or applied research, development, testing, and evaluation activities for chemistry research.
      11-29 12 14 33Nuclear Research Facility - Facility used directly in theoretical or applied research, development, testing, and evaluation activities for nuclear materials and radiation research.(Developed with NIEM cbrn).
      11-29 12 18 15Biomedical Research Facility - Facilities used for clinical, diagnostic, teaching, research, or production work that may be performed with indigenous or exotic agents with a potential for respiratory transmission, and which may cause serious and/or potentially lethal infection applicable to Risk Group 3 pathogenic agents as defined by the latest edition of "Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories," U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and National Institutes of Health.
      11-29 12 18 17Biometrics Research Facility - Facilities used directly in biometric collection, biometric transmission between organizations, biometric evaluation activities, and biometric comparison research that includes, but is not limited to: fingerprints, palmprints, footprints, iris images, facial images and others which will be used for investigation and linking of investigative cases (Developed with FBI CJIS).
      11-29 12 18 21Forensics Research Facility - Facilities used directly in the detection of crime, evidence-based evaluation activities, and comparison research to determine causes of unknown origin which will be used for investigation and linking of investigative cases. (Developed with FBI CJIS).
      11-29 12 18 27High Hazard Research Facility - Facilities used directly in theoretical or applied research, development, testing, and evaluation activities for hazardous research.
      11-29 12 18 31Hazardous Materials Containment Research Facility - Facility used to limit exposure to or prevent the release of potentially hazardous materials.
      11-29 28 63Propulsion Research Development Test and Evaluation Facility (or Engine, Turbine, and Power Transmission Equipment Manufacturing Research Development Test and Evaluation Facility) - Facilities used in the direct research, development, testing, and evaluation of propulsion hardware and propellant fuels.
      11-35 00 00Production Facility - Facilities for the creation, repair, or maintenance of items of value.
      11-35 11 81Light Manufacturing Facility - A facility for the creation and/or assembly of small or light goods.
      11-35 11 83Heavy Manufacturing Facility - A facility for the creation and/or assembly of large, heavy, industrial products.
      11-35 11 86High-Tech Manufacturing Facility - A facility for the creation and/or assembly of products requiring advanced tools and parts.
      11-35 15 15Crop Farm - A facility that produces large quantities of grain or other plant based foods as the major source of income.
      11-35 15 27Livestock Farm - A facility that specializes in the raising of animals for meat production.
      11-35 19 31Mining Facility - A facility that digs and extracts minerals, rocks and naturally occurring metals from the ground.
      11-35 55 21Movie Studio - A facility or facilities containing the necessary equipment and built environments for the production of motion pictures.
      11-35 55 31Broadcasting Facility - A facility containing the equipment and functions that provide photographic or television production.
      11-37 00 00Storage Facility - Facilities for the housing of goods.
      11-37 12 31Parts Storage Facility - A facility for the housing of miscellaneous parts and items needed for the production or maintenance of other goods.
      11-37 12 35Equipment Storage Facility - A facility for the housing of machinery needed for the production or maintenance of other goods.
      11-37 12 39Raw Material Storage Facility - A facility for the housing of products intended for sale to manufactures and persons looking to produce multiple goods or products.
      11-37 12 43Self-Storage/Mini-Storage Facility - A facility for the housing of miscellaneous personal items of an individual or business.
      11-37 32 00Open Storage Facility - A facility for the housing of goods within an open area with set boundaries.
      11-37 32 11Depot Open Storage Facility - An open storage area to be used for depot-level storage. Usually a paved surface.
      11-37 32 15Open Storage, Installation Facility - An open storage area to be used for installation-level storage. Usually a paved surface.
      11-37 35 00Environmentally-Controlled Storage Facility - A facility for the housing of goods that require specific environment conditions.
      11-37 39 00Hazardous Storage Facility - A facility used for the storage and/or disposal of hazardous wastes.
      11-37 39 11Explosives Storage Facility - A facility for the housing of explosives.
      11-37 39 21Toxins Storage Facility - A facility for the housing of toxic materials and chemicals.
      11-37 39 31Radioactive Material Storage Facility - A facility for the housing of radioactive isotopes and radioactive waste.
      11-37 45 00Gas Plant and Storage Facility - Facilities for the production and housing of gaseous goods.
      11-37 45 11Helium Production/Storage Building - A facility for the receipt, bulk storage, processing, and dispensing of helium gas. Included are tanks, valves, valve chambers, and similar equipment.
      11-37 45 15Helium Storage Facility - A facility, other than a building, for the bulk storage of helium gas. Cost factors are based on a 30,000 GA welded steel pressure tank.
      11-37 45 19Installation Gas Storage Facility - A facility for the storage of oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, compressed air and other non-heating gasses. Cost factors are based upon an average size facility of 1,297 SF.
      11-37 49 00Bulk Liquid Fuel Storage Facility - A facility for the storage of bulk liquid fuels.
      11-37 49 11Strategic Petroleum Reserve Facility - A facility for the housing of excess petroleum for use in times of need.
      11-37 55 00Bulk Liquid Non-Fuel Storage Facility - A facility for the storage of bulk liquids, other than fuels.
      11-37 55 11Liquid Oxygen Storage Facility - A facility for the storage of liquid oxygen.
      11-37 65 00Intermodal/Transportation Facility - A facility for the storage and/or organization of storage containers intended for transportation.
      11-37 65 11Truck Terminal/Transit Facility - A facility for the housing and/or organization of storage containers transported by truck.
      11-37 65 15Air Cargo Warehouse - A facility for the housing and/or organization of storage containers transported by airplane.
      11-37 65 19Distribution Warehouse - A facility for the collection and organization of storage containers for transportation.
      11-37 65 23Loading Platform/Ramp - A structure from which trucks or rail cars can be loaded or unloaded by moving the load directly to or from the bed.
      11-37 65 27Cargo Handling and Storage Area - A facility for the housing of goods to be shipped.
      11-37 65 31Marine Cargo Staging Area - An open area for the temporary placement of cargo to be loaded on, or already unloaded from, ships.
      11-41 00 00Water Infrastructure Facility - Facilities and structures for the production, management and distribution of water utilities.
      11-42 00 00Energy Infrastructure Facility - Facilities and structures for the production, management and distribution of energy utilities, including but not limited to gas and other fuels, and electrical power.
      11-43 00 00Waste Infrastructure Facility - Facilities and structures supporting the infrastructure for the removal, treatment, and disposal of waste.
      11-44 00 00Information Infrastructure Facility - Facilities and structures for the management and distribution of information utilities, including but not limited to internet, cable television, and telephone service.
      11-44 11 14Tier I Data Center - A facility used to house computer systems and associated components that address single, non-redundant distribution path serving IT equipment; contain non-redundant capacity components; and contain infrastructure to guarantee 99.671% availability.
      11-44 11 17Tier II Data Center - A facility used to house computer systems and associated components that meet or exceed all Tier I requirements and contain infrastructure to guarantee 99.741% availability.
      11-44 11 21Tier III Data Center - A facility used to house computer systems and associated components that meet or exceed all Tier I and II requirements; allow for multiple independent distribution paths serving IT equipment; ensure all IT equipment is dual-powered and fully compatible with the topology of a site's architecture; and contains infrastructure to guarantee 99.982% availability.
      11-44 11 24Tier IV Data Center - A facility used to house computer systems and associated components that meet or exceed all Tier I, II and III requirements; ensure all cooling equipment is independently dual-powered, including chillers and heating, ventilating and air-conditions (HVAC) systems; and contains fault-tolerant site infrastructure with power storage and distribution facilities guaranteeing 99.995% availability.
      11-51 00 00Transportation Facility - Terminals, stations, and routes for the movement of people and goods from one location to another by a variety of means.
      11-51 11 11Rural/Isolated Airfield - A facility distant from settlements or communities for aircraft flight operations to take place, regardless of whether they involve cargo, passengers or neither.
      11-51 11 14Local or Municipal Airfield - A facility for very small commercial or hobby aircraft flight operations to take place, regardless of whether they involve cargo, passengers or neither.
      11-51 11 17Regional Airport - A facility for small commercial aircraft intercontinental flight operations to take place, regardless of whether they involve cargo, passengers or neither.
      11-51 11 21International Airport - A facility for commercial aircraft international flight operations to take place, regardless of whether they involve cargo, passengers or neither.
      11-51 11 24Heliport - A facility for helicopter flight operations to take place, regardless of whether they involve cargo, passengers or neither.
      11-51 21 00Marine Transportation Terminal - Terminals for the movement of people and goods from one location to another via maritime travel.
      11-51 21 11Recreational Marina - A facility for berthing pleasure craft. Cost factors are based upon an average size of 150 -200 slips.
      11-51 21 12Recreational Pier - A platform constructed along or over a body of water, from which wildlife can be observed, recreational boats can be tied or launched, or fishing can take place. Cost factors are based upon medium construction of a small jetty equivalent structure, less than 120 SF.
      11-51 21 14Commercial Pier - A structure for docking ships that extends into the waterway such that ships can dock along both sides.
      11-51 21 15Wharf - A structure that abuts the waterway such that ships can dock along only the seaward side.
      11-51 21 17Industrial Pier - A facility for the handling of mass quantities of passengers and cargo onto and off ships or canal boats.
      11-51 21 21Port - A facility capable of receiving vessels and transferring cargo (NIEM m:)
      11-51 21 23Container Terminal - A facility where cargo containers are transshipped between different transport vehicles (Wikipedia)
      11-51 24 00Rail Transportation Terminal - Facilities indicating a destination, node or temporary stop for rail based transportation.
      11-51 24 11Rural Long Distance Rail Station - A facility for individuals to purchase tickets and await rail service that exceeds a local jurisdiction from a point outside a city's limits.
      11-51 24 14Urban Long Distance Rail Station - A facility for individuals to purchase tickets and await rail service that exceeds a local jurisdiction from within a city's limits.
      11-51 24 17Local Transit Rail Station - A facility for individuals to purchase tickets and await rail service within local jurisdiction.
      11-51 27 11Long Distance Bus Station - A facility for individuals to purchase tickets and await bus service that exceeds a local jurisdiction.
      11-51 27 14Local Transit Bus Station - A facility for individuals to purchase tickets and await bus service within local jurisdiction.
      11-51 27 15Bus Stop Shelter - A facility for individuals to await bus service.
      11-51 31 00Vehicle Maintenance and Parking Facility - Facilities for the temporary housing and repair of vehicles.
      11-51 31 14Automobile Parking Facility - A facility for the temporary housing of automobiles.
      11-51 45 00Roadway - A thoroughfare, route, or way on land between two places.
      11-51 45 11Alley - A narrow lane found in urban areas which usually runs between or behind buildings.
      11-51 45 15Driveway - A connection between a public roadway and a residence, business or destination.
      11-51 45 19Street - A paved public thoroughfare in a built environment.
      11-51 45 23Collector Roadway - Roads that provide service to and between traffic generators such as larger towns or consolidated schools, commercial or industrial areas, or serve as links between arterial roadways and highways.
      11-51 45 27Arterial Roadway - A high-capacity urban road.
      11-51 45 31County Highway - Any public road maintained by the county in which it originates or resides. The term is common and almost always designates major roads.
      11-51 45 35State or Provincial Highway - Any public road maintained by the state or province in which it originates or resides. The term is common and almost always designates major roads.
      11-51 45 39Beltway - A road that encircles a town or city.
      11-51 45 43Interstate Highway - A limited-access road that is part of a larger network of highways across multiple states.
      11-51 53 13Parking Lot - An area where cars or other vehicles may be left temporarily. See definitions, FAC 8521, 8522
      11-51 75 19Harbor Control Facility - A facility that functions to control physical access to a harbor.
      11-90 00 00Mixed-Use Facility - A facility developed to support multiple functions without being clearing defined by, or designed for one specific use.
      11-90 11 00Subfacility - A facility within another facility.
      11-95 00 00Land - Land without a major dedicated structure on it, both improved and unimproved.
      11-95 11 11Federal Government-Owned Land - Land comprising the whole or a part of a military installation that is owned by the Federal Government.
      11-95 11 15State-Owned Land - Land, owned by a State, Territory, or Possession, that is under the exclusive control of a Military Department.
      11-95 11 19Public Land - Public land of Territories or Possessions acquired for use of the Federal Government.
      11-95 11 23Institutional Land - Land, owned by a State, Territory, or Possession, that is under the exclusive control of an institution.
      11-95 23 33Construction Site - Aplace where a facility is being built, renovated, or repaired.
      11-95 27 00Contaminated Land - Land that is not suitable for use due to the presence of hazardous waste.
      11-95 39 00Planned Development (PUD) - Land specifically zoned or reserved for the development of community facilities and residences.
      11-95 71 00Water-Related Site - Land that is affected by the presence of a body of water.
      11-95 71 11Coastal/Island - Land that touches or is surrounded by a body of water.
      11-95 71 15Flood Zone - Land that is adjacent to a body of water and may become flooded as a result of heavy rains.
      11-95 71 19Wetland/Marshland - Land that is permanently or seasonally saturated or covered by water.
      11-95 75 00Wilderness Site - Land that has been preserved from the building of any facility or major structure.
      11-95 83 00Land Easement - A right that allows other parties access to and use of land for a specific purpose, without depriving the owner or tenant of continued use.
  • Attributes

    structures:id [0..1]xsd:IDfrom group structures:SimpleObjectAttributeGroup
    structures:ref [0..1]xsd:IDREFfrom group structures:SimpleObjectAttributeGroup
    structures:metadata [0..1]xsd:IDREFSfrom group structures:SimpleObjectAttributeGroup
    structures:relationshipMetadata [0..1]xsd:IDREFSfrom group structures:SimpleObjectAttributeGroup
    Any attribute[0..*]Namespace: urn:us:gov:ic:ism urn:us:gov:ic:ntk, Process Contents: laxfrom group structures:SimpleObjectAttributeGroup

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    Type inheritance chain

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