Complex type information
Schema document: external/ogc/gml/3.2.1/deprecatedTypes.xsd
- Choice [0..*]
- gml:ParameterValuegml:ParameterValue is a parameter value, an ordered sequence of values, or a reference to a file of parameter values. This concrete complex type may be used for operation methods without using an Application Schema that defines operation-method-specialized element names and contents, especially for methods with only one instance. This complex type may be used, extended, or restricted for well-known operation methods, especially for methods with many instances.
- gml:ParameterValueGroupgml:ParameterValueGroup is a group of related parameter values. The same group can be repeated more than once in a Conversion, Transformation, or higher level ParameterValueGroup, if those instances contain different values of one or more parameterValues which suitably distinquish among those groups. This concrete complex type can be used for operation methods without using an Application Schema that defines operation-method-specialized element names and contents. This complex type may be used, extended, or restricted for well-known operation methods, especially for methods with only one instance. The parameterValue elements are an unordered set of composition association roles to the parameter values and groups of values included in this group.
- gml:DataBlockgml:DataBlock describes the Range as a block of text encoded values similar to a Common Separated Value (CSV) representation. The range set parameterization is described by the property gml:rangeParameters.
- gml:Filefor efficiency reasons, GML also provides a means of encoding the range set in an arbitrary external encoding, such as a binary file. This encoding may be "well-known" but this is not required. This mode uses the gml:File element. The values of the coverage (attribute values in the range set) are transmitted in a external file that is referenced from the XML structure described by gml:FileType. The external file is referenced by the gml:fileReference property that is an anyURI (the gml:fileName property has been deprecated). This means that the external file may be located remotely from the referencing GML instance. The gml:compression property points to a definition of a compression algorithm through an anyURI. This may be a retrievable, computable definition or simply a reference to an unambiguous name for the compression method. The gml:mimeType property points to a definition of the file mime type. The gml:fileStructure property is defined by a codelist. Note further that all values shall be enclosed in a single file. Multi-file structures for values are not supported in GML. The semantics of the range set is described as above using the gml:rangeParameters property. Note that if any compression algorithm is applied, the structure above applies only to the pre-compression or post-decompression structure of the file. Note that the fields within a record match the gml:valueComponents of the gml:CompositeValue in document order.
- gml:coverageFunctionThe gml:coverageFunction property describes the mapping function from the domain to the range of the coverage. The value of the CoverageFunction is one of gml:CoverageMappingRule and gml:GridFunction. If the gml:coverageFunction property is omitted for a gridded coverage (including rectified gridded coverages) the gml:startPoint is assumed to be the value of the gml:low property in the gml:Grid geometry, and the gml:sequenceRule is assumed to be linear and the gml:axisOrder property is assumed to be "+1 +2".
- gml:CoverageMappingRulegml:CoverageMappingRule provides a formal or informal description of the coverage function. The mapping rule may be defined as an in-line string (gml:ruleDefinition) or via a remote reference through xlink:href (gml:ruleReference). If no rule name is specified, the default is 'Linear' with respect to members of the domain in document order.
- gml:GridFunctiongml:GridFunction provides an explicit mapping rule for grid geometries, i.e. the domain shall be a geometry of type grid. It describes the mapping of grid posts (discrete point grid coverage) or grid cells (discrete surface coverage) to the values in the range set. The gml:startPoint is the index position of a point in the grid that is mapped to the first point in the range set (this is also the index position of the first grid post). If the gml:startPoint property is omitted the gml:startPoint is assumed to be equal to the value of gml:low in the gml:Grid geometry. Subsequent points in the mapping are determined by the value of the gml:sequenceRule.
- gml:EnvelopeEnvelope defines an extent using a pair of positions defining opposite corners in arbitrary dimensions. The first direct position is the "lower corner" (a coordinate position consisting of all the minimal ordinates for each dimension for all points within the envelope), the second one the "upper corner" (a coordinate position consisting of all the maximal ordinates for each dimension for all points within the envelope). The use of the properties "coordinates" and "pos" has been deprecated. The explicitly named properties "lowerCorner" and "upperCorner" shall be used instead.
- gml:EnvelopeWithTimePeriodgml:EnvelopeWithTimePeriod is provided for envelopes that include a temporal extent. It adds two time position properties, gml:beginPosition and gml:endPosition, which describe the extent of a time-envelope. Since gml:EnvelopeWithTimePeriod is assigned to the substitution group headed by gml:Envelope, it may be used whenever gml:Envelope is valid.
- gml:LinearRingA LinearRing is defined by four or more coordinate tuples, with linear interpolation between them; the first and last coordinates shall be coincident. The number of direct positions in the list shall be at least four.
- gml:RingA ring is used to represent a single connected component of a surface boundary as specified in ISO 19107:2003, 6.3.6. Every gml:curveMember references or contains one curve, i.e. any element which is substitutable for gml:AbstractCurve. In the context of a ring, the curves describe the boundary of the surface. The sequence of curves shall be contiguous and connected in a cycle. If provided, the aggregationType attribute shall have the value "sequence".
- gml:LineStringSegmentA LineStringSegment is a curve segment that is defined by two or more control points including the start and end point, with linear interpolation between them. The content model follows the general pattern for the encoding of curve segments.
- gml:ArcStringAn ArcString is a curve segment that uses three-point circular arc interpolation ("circularArc3Points"). The number of arcs in the arc string may be explicitly stated in the attribute numArc. The number of control points in the arc string shall be 2 * numArc + 1. The content model follows the general pattern for the encoding of curve segments.
- gml:ArcAn Arc is an arc string with only one arc unit, i.e. three control points including the start and end point. As arc is an arc string consisting of a single arc, the attribute "numArc" is fixed to "1".
- gml:CircleA Circle is an arc whose ends coincide to form a simple closed loop. The three control points shall be distinct non-co-linear points for the circle to be unambiguously defined. The arc is simply extended past the third control point until the first control point is encountered.
- gml:ArcStringByBulgeThis variant of the arc computes the mid points of the arcs instead of storing the coordinates directly. The control point sequence consists of the start and end points of each arc plus the bulge (see ISO 19107:2003, The normal is a vector normal (perpendicular) to the chord of the arc (see ISO 19107:2003, The interpolation is fixed as "circularArc2PointWithBulge". The number of arcs in the arc string may be explicitly stated in the attribute numArc. The number of control points in the arc string shall be numArc + 1. The content model follows the general pattern for the encoding of curve segments.
- gml:ArcByBulgeAn ArcByBulge is an arc string with only one arc unit, i.e. two control points, one bulge and one normal vector. As arc is an arc string consisting of a single arc, the attribute "numArc" is fixed to "1".
- gml:ArcByCenterPointThis variant of the arc requires that the points on the arc shall be computed instead of storing the coordinates directly. The single control point is the center point of the arc plus the radius and the bearing at start and end. This representation can be used only in 2D. The element radius specifies the radius of the arc. The element startAngle specifies the bearing of the arc at the start. The element endAngle specifies the bearing of the arc at the end. The interpolation is fixed as "circularArcCenterPointWithRadius". Since this type describes always a single arc, the attribute "numArc" is fixed to "1". The content model follows the general pattern for the encoding of curve segments.
- gml:CircleByCenterPointA gml:CircleByCenterPoint is an gml:ArcByCenterPoint with identical start and end angle to form a full circle. Again, this representation can be used only in 2D.
- gml:CubicSplineThe number of control points shall be at least three. vectorAtStart is the unit tangent vector at the start point of the spline. vectorAtEnd is the unit tangent vector at the end point of the spline. Only the direction of the vectors shall be used to determine the shape of the cubic spline, not their length. interpolation is fixed as "cubicSpline". degree shall be the degree of the polynomial used for the interpolation in this spline. Therefore the degree for a cubic spline is fixed to "3". The content model follows the general pattern for the encoding of curve segments.
- gml:BSplineA B-Spline is a piecewise parametric polynomial or rational curve described in terms of control points and basis functions as specified in ISO 19107:2003, 6.4.30. Therefore, interpolation may be either "polynomialSpline" or "rationalSpline" depending on the interpolation type; default is "polynomialSpline". degree shall be the degree of the polynomial used for interpolation in this spline. knot shall be the sequence of distinct knots used to define the spline basis functions (see ISO 19107:2003, The attribute isPolynomial shall be set to "true" if this is a polynomial spline (see ISO 19107:2003, The attribute knotType shall provide the type of knot distribution used in defining this spline (see ISO 19107:2003, The content model follows the general pattern for the encoding of curve segments.
- gml:BezierBezier curves are polynomial splines that use Bezier or Bernstein polynomials for interpolation purposes. It is a special case of the B-Spline curve with two knots. degree shall be the degree of the polynomial used for interpolation in this spline. knot shall be the sequence of distinct knots used to define the spline basis functions. interpolation is fixed as "polynomialSpline". isPolynomial is fixed as "true". knotType is not relevant for Bezier curve segments.
- gml:OffsetCurveAn offset curve is a curve at a constant distance from the basis curve. offsetBase is the base curve from which this curve is defined as an offset. distance and refDirection have the same meaning as specified in ISO 19107:2003, 6.4.23. The content model follows the general pattern for the encoding of curve segments.
- gml:ClothoidA clothoid, or Cornu's spiral, is plane curve whose curvature is a fixed function of its length. refLocation, startParameter, endParameter and scaleFactor have the same meaning as specified in ISO 19107:2003, 6.4.22. interpolation is fixed as "clothoid". The content model follows the general pattern for the encoding of curve segments.
- gml:GeodesicStringA sequence of geodesic segments. The number of control points shall be at least two. interpolation is fixed as "geodesic". The content model follows the general pattern for the encoding of curve segments.
- gml:AffinePlacementlocation, refDirection, inDimension and outDimension have the same meaning as specified in ISO 19107:2003, 6.4.21.
- gml:ShellA shell is used to represent a single connected component of a solid boundary as specified in ISO 19107:2003, 6.3.8. Every gml:surfaceMember references or contains one surface, i.e. any element which is substitutable for gml:AbstractSurface. In the context of a shell, the surfaces describe the boundary of the solid. If provided, the aggregationType attribute shall have the value "set".
- gml:StylePredefined concrete value of the top-level property. Encapsulates all other styling information.
- gml:FeatureStyleThe style descriptor for features.
- gml:GeometryStyleThe style descriptor for geometries of a feature.
- gml:TopologyStyleThe style descriptor for topologies of a feature. Describes individual topology elements styles.
- gml:LabelStyleThe style descriptor for labels of a feature, geometry or topology.
- gml:GraphStyleThe style descriptor for a graph consisting of a number of features. Describes graph-specific style attributes.
- gml:Bag
- gml:Array
- gml:DefinitionThe basic gml:Definition element specifies a definition, which can be included in or referenced by a dictionary. The content model for a generic definition is a derivation from gml:AbstractGMLType. The gml:description property element shall hold the definition if this can be captured in a simple text string, or the gml:descriptionReference property element may carry a link to a description elsewhere. The gml:identifier element shall provide one identifier identifying this definition. The identifier shall be unique within the dictionaries using this definition. The gml:name elements shall provide zero or more terms and synonyms for which this is the definition. The gml:remarks element shall be used to hold additional textual information that is not conceptually part of the definition but is useful in understanding the definition.
- gml:PassThroughOperationgml:PassThroughOperation is a pass-through operation specifies that a subset of a coordinate tuple is subject to a specific coordinate operation. The modifiedCoordinate property elements are an ordered sequence of positive integers defining the positions in a coordinate tuple of the coordinates affected by this pass-through operation. The AggregationAttributeGroup should be used to specify that the modifiedCoordinate elements are ordered.
- gml:Conversiongml:Conversion is a concrete operation on coordinates that does not include any change of Datum. The best-known example of a coordinate conversion is a map projection. The parameters describing coordinate conversions are defined rather than empirically derived. Note that some conversions have no parameters. This concrete complex type can be used without using a GML Application Schema that defines operation-method-specialized element names and contents, especially for methods with only one Conversion instance. The usesValue property elements are an unordered list of composition associations to the set of parameter values used by this conversion operation.
- gml:Transformationgml:Transformation is a concrete object element derived from gml:GeneralTransformation ( This concrete object can be used for all operation methods, without using a GML Application Schema that defines operation-method-specialized element names and contents, especially for methods with only one Transformation instance. The parameterValue elements are an unordered list of composition associations to the set of parameter values used by this conversion operation.
- gml:ConcatenatedOperation
- gml:OperationMethodgml:OperationMethod is a method (algorithm or procedure) used to perform a coordinate operation. Most operation methods use a number of operation parameters, although some coordinate conversions use none. Each coordinate operation using the method assigns values to these parameters. The parameter elements are an unordered list of associations to the set of operation parameters and parameter groups used by this operation method.
- gml:OperationParametergml:OperationParameter is the definition of a parameter used by an operation method. Most parameter values are numeric, but other types of parameter values are possible. This complex type is expected to be used or extended for all operation methods, without defining operation-method-specialized element names.
- gml:OperationParameterGroupgml:OperationParameterGroup is the definition of a group of parameters used by an operation method. This complex type is expected to be used or extended for all applicable operation methods, without defining operation-method-specialized element names. The generalOperationParameter elements are an unordered list of associations to the set of operation parameters that are members of this group.
- gml:CoordinateSystemAxisgml:CoordinateSystemAxis is a definition of a coordinate system axis.
- gml:EllipsoidalCSgml:EllipsoidalCS is a two- or three-dimensional coordinate system in which position is specified by geodetic latitude, geodetic longitude, and (in the three-dimensional case) ellipsoidal height. An EllipsoidalCS shall have two or three gml:axis property elements; the number of associations shall equal the dimension of the CS.
- gml:CartesianCSgml:CartesianCS is a 1-, 2-, or 3-dimensional coordinate system. In the 1-dimensional case, it contains a single straight coordinate axis. In the 2- and 3-dimensional cases gives the position of points relative to orthogonal straight axes. In the multi-dimensional case, all axes shall have the same length unit of measure. A CartesianCS shall have one, two, or three gml:axis property elements.
- gml:VerticalCSgml:VerticalCS is a one-dimensional coordinate system used to record the heights or depths of points. Such a coordinate system is usually dependent on the Earth's gravity field, perhaps loosely as when atmospheric pressure is the basis for the vertical coordinate system axis. A VerticalCS shall have one gml:axis property element.
- gml:TimeCSgml:TimeCS is a one-dimensional coordinate system containing a time axis, used to describe the temporal position of a point in the specified time units from a specified time origin. A TimeCS shall have one gml:axis property element.
- gml:LinearCSgml:LinearCS is a one-dimensional coordinate system that consists of the points that lie on the single axis described. The associated coordinate is the distance – with or without offset – from the specified datum to the point along the axis. A LinearCS shall have one gml:axis property element.
- gml:UserDefinedCSgml:UserDefinedCS is a two- or three-dimensional coordinate system that consists of any combination of coordinate axes not covered by any other coordinate system type. A UserDefinedCS shall have two or three gml:axis property elements; the number of property elements shall equal the dimension of the CS.
- gml:SphericalCSgml:SphericalCS is a three-dimensional coordinate system with one distance measured from the origin and two angular coordinates. A SphericalCS shall have three gml:axis property elements.
- gml:PolarCSgml:PolarCS ia s two-dimensional coordinate system in which position is specified by the distance from the origin and the angle between the line from the origin to a point and a reference direction. A PolarCS shall have two gml:axis property elements.
- gml:CylindricalCSgml:CylindricalCS is a three-dimensional coordinate system consisting of a polar coordinate system extended by a straight coordinate axis perpendicular to the plane spanned by the polar coordinate system. A CylindricalCS shall have three gml:axis property elements.
- gml:AffineCSgml:AffineCS is a two- or three-dimensional coordinate system with straight axes that are not necessarily orthogonal. An AffineCS shall have two or three gml:axis property elements; the number of property elements shall equal the dimension of the CS.
- gml:TemporalCS
- gml:ObliqueCartesianCS
- gml:GeodeticDatumgml:GeodeticDatum is a geodetic datum defines the precise location and orientation in 3-dimensional space of a defined ellipsoid (or sphere), or of a Cartesian coordinate system centered in this ellipsoid (or sphere).
- gml:EngineeringDatumgml:EngineeringDatum defines the origin of an engineering coordinate reference system, and is used in a region around that origin. This origin may be fixed with respect to the earth (such as a defined point at a construction site), or be a defined point on a moving vehicle (such as on a ship or satellite).
- gml:ImageDatumgml:ImageDatum defines the origin of an image coordinate reference system, and is used in a local context only. For an image datum, the anchor definition is usually either the centre of the image or the corner of the image. For more information, see ISO 19111 B.3.5.
- gml:VerticalDatumgml:VerticalDatum is a textual description and/or a set of parameters identifying a particular reference level surface used as a zero-height surface, including its position with respect to the Earth for any of the height types recognized by this International Standard.
- gml:TemporalDatumA gml:TemporalDatum defines the origin of a Temporal Reference System. This type omits the "anchorDefinition" and "realizationEpoch" elements and adds the "origin" element with the dateTime type.
- gml:EllipsoidA gml:Ellipsoid is a geometric figure that may be used to describe the approximate shape of the earth. In mathematical terms, it is a surface formed by the rotation of an ellipse about its minor axis.
- gml:PrimeMeridianA gml:PrimeMeridian defines the origin from which longitude values are determined. The default value for the prime meridian gml:identifier value is "Greenwich".
- gml:DefinitionCollection
- gml:DefinitionProxy
- gml:DictionarySets of definitions may be collected into dictionaries or collections. A gml:Dictionary is a non-abstract collection of definitions. The gml:Dictionary content model adds a list of gml:dictionaryEntry properties that contain or reference gml:Definition objects. A database handle (gml:id attribute) is required, in order that this collection may be referred to. The standard gml:identifier, gml:description, gml:descriptionReference and gml:name properties are available to reference or contain more information about this dictionary. The gml:description and gml:descriptionReference property elements may be used for a description of this dictionary. The derived gml:name element may be used for the name(s) of this dictionary. for remote definiton references gml:dictionaryEntry shall be used. If a Definition object contained within a Dictionary uses the descriptionReference property to refer to a remote definition, then this enables the inclusion of a remote definition in a local dictionary, giving a handle and identifier in the context of the local dictionary.
- gmx:CodeListDictionary
- gml:ProjectedCRSgml:ProjectedCRS is a 2D coordinate reference system used to approximate the shape of the earth on a planar surface, but in such a way that the distortion that is inherent to the approximation is carefully controlled and known. Distortion correction is commonly applied to calculated bearings and distances to produce values that are a close match to actual field values.
- gml:DerivedCRSgml:DerivedCRS is a single coordinate reference system that is defined by its coordinate conversion from another single coordinate reference system known as the base CRS. The base CRS can be a projected coordinate reference system, if this DerivedCRS is used for a georectified grid coverage as described in ISO 19123, Clause 8.
- gml:GeodeticCRS
- gml:VerticalCRSgml:VerticalCRS is a 1D coordinate reference system used for recording heights or depths. Vertical CRSs make use of the direction of gravity to define the concept of height or depth, but the relationship with gravity may not be straightforward. By implication, ellipsoidal heights (h) cannot be captured in a vertical coordinate reference system. Ellipsoidal heights cannot exist independently, but only as an inseparable part of a 3D coordinate tuple defined in a geographic 3D coordinate reference system.
- gml:EngineeringCRSgml:EngineeringCRS is a contextually local coordinate reference system which can be divided into two broad categories: - earth-fixed systems applied to engineering activities on or near the surface of the earth; - CRSs on moving platforms such as road vehicles, vessels, aircraft, or spacecraft, see ISO 19111 8.3.
- gml:ImageCRSgml:ImageCRS is an engineering coordinate reference system applied to locations in images. Image coordinate reference systems are treated as a separate sub-type because the definition of the associated image datum contains two attributes not relevant to other engineering datums.
- gml:TemporalCRSgml:TemporalCRS is a 1D coordinate reference system used for the recording of time.
- gml:GeographicCRS
- gml:GeocentricCRS
- gml:CompoundCRSgml:CompundCRS is a coordinate reference system describing the position of points through two or more independent coordinate reference systems. It is associated with a non-repeating sequence of two or more instances of SingleCRS.
- gml:TimeReferenceSystemA reference system is characterized in terms of its domain of validity: the spatial and temporal extent over which it is applicable. The basic GML element for temporal reference systems is gml:TimeReferenceSystem. Its content model extends gml:DefinitionType with one additional property, gml:domainOfValidity.
- gml:TimeCoordinateSystemA temporal coordinate system shall be based on a continuous interval scale defined in terms of a single time interval. The differences to ISO 19108 TM_CoordinateSystem are: - the origin is specified either using the property gml:originPosition whose value is a direct time position, or using the property gml:origin whose model is gml:TimeInstantPropertyType; this permits more flexibility in representation and also supports referring to a value fixed elsewhere; - the interval uses gml:TimeIntervalLengthType.
- gml:TimeCalendarA calendar is a discrete temporal reference system that provides a basis for defining temporal position to a resolution of one day. gml:TimeCalendar adds one property to those inherited from gml:TimeReferenceSystem. A gml:referenceFrame provides a link to a gml:TimeCalendarEra that it uses. A gml:TimeCalendar may reference more than one calendar era. The referenceFrame element follows the standard GML property model, allowing the association to be instantiated either using an inline description using the gml:TimeCalendarEra element, or a link to a gml:TimeCalendarEra which is explicit elsewhere.
- gml:TimeClockA clock provides a basis for defining temporal position within a day. A clock shall be used with a calendar in order to provide a complete description of a temporal position within a specific day. gml:TimeClock adds the following properties to those inherited from gml:TimeReferenceSystemType: - gml:referenceEvent is the name or description of an event, such as solar noon or sunrise, which fixes the position of the base scale of the clock. - gml:referenceTime specifies the time of day associated with the reference event expressed as a time of day in the given clock. The reference time is usually the origin of the clock scale. - gml:utcReference specifies the 24 hour local or UTC time that corresponds to the reference time. - gml:dateBasis contains or references the calendars that use this clock.
- gml:TimeOrdinalReferenceSystemIn some applications of geographic information — such as geology and archaeology — relative position in time is known more precisely than absolute time or duration. The order of events in time can be well established, but the magnitude of the intervals between them cannot be accurately determined; in such cases, the use of an ordinal temporal reference system is appropriate. An ordinal temporal reference system is composed of a sequence of named coterminous eras, which may in turn be composed of sequences of member eras at a finer scale, giving the whole a hierarchical structure of eras of verying resolution. An ordinal temporal reference system whose component eras are not further subdivided is effectively a temporal topological complex constrained to be a linear graph. An ordinal temporal reference system some or all of whose component eras are subdivided is effectively a temporal topological complex with the constraint that parallel branches may only be constructed in pairs where one is a single temporal ordinal era and the other is a sequence of temporal ordinal eras that are called "members" of the "group". This constraint means that within a single temporal ordinal reference system, the relative position of all temporal ordinal eras is unambiguous. The positions of the beginning and end of a given era may calibrate the relative time scale. gml:TimeOrdinalReferenceSystem adds one or more gml:component properties to the generic temporal reference system model.
- gml:UnitDefinitionA gml:UnitDefinition is a general definition of a unit of measure. This generic element is used only for units for which no relationship with other units or units systems is known. The content model of gml:UnitDefinition adds three additional properties to gml:Definition, gml:quantityType, gml:quantityTypeReference and gml:catalogSymbol. The gml:catalogSymbol property optionally gives the short symbol used for this unit. This element is usually used when the relationship of this unit to other units or units systems is unknown.
- gml:BaseUnitA base unit is a unit of measure that cannot be derived by combination of other base units within a particular system of units. For example, in the SI system of units, the base units are metre, kilogram, second, Ampere, Kelvin, mole, and candela, for the physical quantity types length, mass, time interval, electric current, thermodynamic temperature, amount of substance and luminous intensity, respectively. gml:BaseUnit extends generic gml:UnitDefinition with the property gml:unitsSystem, which carries a reference to the units system to which this base unit is asserted to belong.
- gml:DerivedUnitDerived units are defined by combination of other units. Derived units are used for quantities other than those corresponding to the base units, such as hertz (s-1) for frequency, Newton (kg.m/s2) for force. Derived units based directly on base units are usually preferred for quantities other than the fundamental quantities within a system. If a derived unit is not the preferred unit, the gml:ConventionalUnit element should be used instead. The gml:DerivedUnit extends gml:UnitDefinition with the property gml:derivationUnitTerms.
- gml:ConventionalUnitConventional units that are neither base units nor defined by direct combination of base units are used in many application domains. For example electronVolt for energy, feet and nautical miles for length. In most cases there is a known, usually linear, conversion to a preferred unit which is either a base unit or derived by direct combination of base units. The gml:ConventionalUnit extends gml:UnitDefinition with a property that describes a conversion to a preferred unit for this physical quantity. When the conversion is exact, the element gml:conversionToPreferredUnit should be used, or when the conversion is not exact the element gml:roughConversionToPreferredUnit is available. Both of these elements have the same content model. The gml:derivationUnitTerm property defined above is included to allow a user to optionally record how this unit may be derived from other ("more primitive") units.
- gmx:ML_UnitDefinition
- gmx:CodeDefinition
- gml:MultiPointCoverageIn a gml:MultiPointCoverage the domain set is a gml:MultiPoint, that is a collection of arbitrarily distributed geometric points. The content model is identical with gml:DiscreteCoverageType, but that gml:domainSet shall have values gml:MultiPoint. In a gml:MultiPointCoverage the mapping from the domain to the range is straightforward. - For gml:DataBlock encodings the points of the gml:MultiPoint are mapped in document order to the tuples of the data block. - For gml:CompositeValue encodings the points of the gml:MultiPoint are mapped to the members of the composite value in document order. - For gml:File encodings the points of the gml:MultiPoint are mapped to the records of the file in sequential order.
- gml:MultiCurveCoverageIn a gml:MultiCurveCoverage the domain is partioned into a collection of curves comprising a gml:MultiCurve. The coverage function then maps each curve in the collection to a value in the range set. The content model is identical with gml:DiscreteCoverageType, but that gml:domainSet shall have values gml:MultiCurve. In a gml:MultiCurveCoverage the mapping from the domain to the range is straightforward. - For gml:DataBlock encodings the curves of the gml:MultiCurve are mapped in document order to the tuples of the data block. - For gml:CompositeValue encodings the curves of the gml:MultiCurve are mapped to the members of the composite value in document order. - For gml:File encodings the curves of the gml:MultiCurve are mapped to the records of the file in sequential order.
- gml:MultiSurfaceCoverageIn a gml:MultiSurfaceCoverage the domain is partioned into a collection of surfaces comprising a gml:MultiSurface. The coverage function than maps each surface in the collection to a value in the range set. The content model is identical with gml:DiscreteCoverageType, but that gml:domainSet shall have values gml:MultiSurface. In a gml:MultiSurfaceCoverage the mapping from the domain to the range is straightforward. - For gml:DataBlock encodings the surfaces of the gml:MultiSurface are mapped in document order to the tuples of the data block. - For gml:CompositeValue encodings the surfaces of the gml:MultiSurface are mapped to the members of the composite value in document order. - For gml:File encodings the surfaces of the gml:MultiSurface are mapped to the records of the file in sequential order.
- gml:MultiSolidCoverageIn a gml:MultiSolidCoverage the domain is partioned into a collection of solids comprising a gml:MultiSolid. The coverage function than maps each solid in the collection to a value in the range set. The content model is identical with gml:DiscreteCoverageType, but that gml:domainSet shall have values gml:MultiSolid. In a gml:MultiSolidCoverage the mapping from the domain to the range is straightforward. - For gml:DataBlock encodings the solids of the gml:MultiSolid are mapped in document order to the tuples of the data block. - For gml:CompositeValue encodings the solids of the gml:MultiSolid are mapped to the members of the composite value in document order. - For gml:File encodings the solids of the gml:MultiSolid are mapped to the records of the file in sequential order.
- gml:GridCoverageA gml:GriddedCoverage is a discrete point coverage in which the domain set is a geometric grid of points. Note that this is the same as the gml:MultiPointCoverage except that we have a gml:Grid to describe the domain. The simple gridded coverage is not geometrically referenced and hence no geometric positions are assignable to the points in the grid. Such geometric positioning is introduced in the gml:RectifiedGridCoverage.
- gml:RectifiedGridCoverageThe gml:RectifiedGridCoverage is a discrete point coverage based on a rectified grid. It is similar to the grid coverage except that the points of the grid are geometrically referenced. The rectified grid coverage has a domain that is a gml:RectifiedGrid geometry.
- gml:FeatureCollection
- gml:DynamicFeatureStates are captured by time-stamped instances of a feature. The content model extends the standard gml:AbstractFeatureType with the gml:dynamicProperties model group. Each time-stamped instance represents a 'snapshot' of a feature. The dynamic feature classes will normally be extended to suit particular applications. A dynamic feature bears either a time stamp or a history.
- gml:DynamicFeatureCollectionA gml:DynamicFeatureCollection is a feature collection that has a gml:validTime property (i.e. is a snapshot of the feature collection) or which has a gml:history property that contains one or more gml:AbstractTimeSlices each of which contain values of the time varying properties of the feature collection. Note that the gml:DynamicFeatureCollection may be one of the following: 1. A feature collection which consists of static feature members (members do not change in time) but which has properties of the collection object as a whole that do change in time . 2. A feature collection which consists of dynamic feature members (the members are gml:DynamicFeatures) but which also has properties of the collection as a whole that vary in time.
- gml:ObservationThe content model is a straightforward extension of gml:AbstractFeatureType; it automatically has the gml:identifier, gml:description, gml:descriptionReference, gml:name, and gml:boundedBy properties. The gml:validTime element describes the time of the observation. Note that this may be a time instant or a time period. The gml:using property contains or references a description of a sensor, instrument or procedure used for the observation. The gml:target property contains or references the specimen, region or station which is the object of the observation. This property is particularly useful for remote observations, such as photographs, where a generic location property might apply to the location of the camera or the location of the field of view, and thus may be ambiguous. The gml:subject element is provided as a convenient synonym for gml:target. This is the term commonly used in phtotography. The gml:resultOf property indicates the result of the observation. The value may be inline, or a reference to a value elsewhere.
- gml:DirectedObservationA gml:DirectedObservation is the same as an observation except that it adds an additional gml:direction property. This is the direction in which the observation was acquired. Clearly this applies only to certain types of observations such as visual observations by people, or observations obtained from terrestrial cameras.
- gml:DirectedObservationAtDistancegml:DirectedObservationAtDistance adds an additional distance property. This is the distance from the observer to the subject of the observation. Clearly this applies only to certain types of observations such as visual observations by people, or observations obtained from terrestrial cameras.
- gml:MultiGeometrygml:MultiGeometry is a collection of one or more GML geometry objects of arbitrary type. The members of the geometric aggregate may be specified either using the "standard" property (gml:geometryMember) or the array property (gml:geometryMembers). It is also valid to use both the "standard" and the array properties in the same collection.
- gml:MultiPointA gml:MultiPoint consists of one or more gml:Points. The members of the geometric aggregate may be specified either using the "standard" property (gml:pointMember) or the array property (gml:pointMembers). It is also valid to use both the "standard" and the array properties in the same collection.
- gml:MultiCurveA gml:MultiCurve is defined by one or more gml:AbstractCurves. The members of the geometric aggregate may be specified either using the "standard" property (gml:curveMember) or the array property (gml:curveMembers). It is also valid to use both the "standard" and the array properties in the same collection.
- gml:MultiSurfaceA gml:MultiSurface is defined by one or more gml:AbstractSurfaces. The members of the geometric aggregate may be specified either using the "standard" property (gml:surfaceMember) or the array property (gml:surfaceMembers). It is also valid to use both the "standard" and the array properties in the same collection.
- gml:MultiSolidA gml:MultiSolid is defined by one or more gml:AbstractSolids. The members of the geometric aggregate may be specified either using the "standard" property (gml:solidMember) or the array property (gml:solidMembers). It is also valid to use both the "standard" and the array properties in the same collection.
- gml:PointA Point is defined by a single coordinate tuple. The direct position of a point is specified by the pos element which is of type DirectPositionType.
- gml:LineStringA LineString is a special curve that consists of a single segment with linear interpolation. It is defined by two or more coordinate tuples, with linear interpolation between them. The number of direct positions in the list shall be at least two.
- gml:CompositeCurveA gml:CompositeCurve is represented by a sequence of (orientable) curves such that each curve in the sequence terminates at the start point of the subsequent curve in the list. curveMember references or contains inline one curve in the composite curve. The curves are contiguous, the collection of curves is ordered. Therefore, if provided, the aggregationType attribute shall have the value "sequence".
- gml:CurveA curve is a 1-dimensional primitive. Curves are continuous, connected, and have a measurable length in terms of the coordinate system. A curve is composed of one or more curve segments. Each curve segment within a curve may be defined using a different interpolation method. The curve segments are connected to one another, with the end point of each segment except the last being the start point of the next segment in the segment list. The orientation of the curve is positive. The element segments encapsulates the segments of the curve.
- gml:OrientableCurveOrientableCurve consists of a curve and an orientation. If the orientation is "+", then the OrientableCurve is identical to the baseCurve. If the orientation is "-", then the OrientableCurve is related to another AbstractCurve with a parameterization that reverses the sense of the curve traversal.
- gml:PolygonA Polygon is a special surface that is defined by a single surface patch (see D.3.6). The boundary of this patch is coplanar and the polygon uses planar interpolation in its interior. The elements exterior and interior describe the surface boundary of the polygon.
- gml:CompositeSurfaceA gml:CompositeSurface is represented by a set of orientable surfaces. It is geometry type with all the geometric properties of a (primitive) surface. Essentially, a composite surface is a collection of surfaces that join in pairs on common boundary curves and which, when considered as a whole, form a single surface. surfaceMember references or contains inline one surface in the composite surface. The surfaces are contiguous.
- gml:SurfaceA Surface is a 2-dimensional primitive and is composed of one or more surface patches as specified in ISO 19107:2003, The surface patches are connected to one another. patches encapsulates the patches of the surface.
- gml:PolyhedralSurfaceA polyhedral surface is a surface composed of polygon patches connected along their common boundary curves. This differs from the surface type only in the restriction on the types of surface patches acceptable. polygonPatches encapsulates the polygon patches of the polyhedral surface.
- gml:TriangulatedSurfaceA triangulated surface is a polyhedral surface that is composed only of triangles. There is no restriction on how the triangulation is derived. trianglePatches encapsulates the triangles of the triangulated surface.
- gml:TinA tin is a triangulated surface that uses the Delauny algorithm or a similar algorithm complemented with consideration of stoplines (stopLines), breaklines (breakLines), and maximum length of triangle sides (maxLength). controlPoint shall contain a set of the positions (three or more) used as posts for this TIN (corners of the triangles in the TIN). See ISO 19107:2003, 6.4.39 for details.
- gml:OrientableSurfaceOrientableSurface consists of a surface and an orientation. If the orientation is "+", then the OrientableSurface is identical to the baseSurface. If the orientation is "-", then the OrientableSurface is a reference to a gml:AbstractSurface with an up-normal that reverses the direction for this OrientableSurface, the sense of "the top of the surface".
- gml:CompositeSolidgml:CompositeSolid implements ISO 19107 GM_CompositeSolid (see ISO 19107:2003, 6.6.7) as specified in D.2.3.6. A gml:CompositeSolid is represented by a set of orientable surfaces. It is a geometry type with all the geometric properties of a (primitive) solid. Essentially, a composite solid is a collection of solids that join in pairs on common boundary surfaces and which, when considered as a whole, form a single solid. solidMember references or contains one solid in the composite solid. The solids are contiguous.
- gml:SolidA solid is the basis for 3-dimensional geometry. The extent of a solid is defined by the boundary surfaces as specified in ISO 19107:2003, 6.3.18. exterior specifies the outer boundary, interior the inner boundary of the solid.
- gml:GeometricComplex
- gml:GridThe gml:Grid implicitly defines an unrectified grid, which is a network composed of two or more sets of curves in which the members of each set intersect the members of the other sets in an algorithmic way. The region of interest within the grid is given in terms of its gml:limits, being the grid coordinates of diagonally opposed corners of a rectangular region. gml:axisLabels is provided with a list of labels of the axes of the grid (gml:axisName has been deprecated). gml:dimension specifies the dimension of the grid. The gml:limits element contains a single gml:GridEnvelope. The gml:low and gml:high property elements of the envelope are each integerLists, which are coordinate tuples, the coordinates being measured as offsets from the origin of the grid along each axis, of the diagonally opposing corners of a "rectangular" region of interest.
- gml:RectifiedGridA rectified grid is a grid for which there is an affine transformation between the grid coordinates and the coordinates of an external coordinate reference system. It is defined by specifying the position (in some geometric space) of the grid "origin" and of the vectors that specify the post locations. Note that the grid limits (post indexes) and axis name properties are inherited from gml:GridType and that gml:RectifiedGrid adds a gml:origin property (contains or references a gml:Point) and a set of gml:offsetVector properties.
- gml:TimeInstantgml:TimeInstant acts as a zero-dimensional geometric primitive that represents an identifiable position in time.
- gml:TimePeriodgml:TimePeriod acts as a one-dimensional geometric primitive that represents an identifiable extent in time. The location in of a gml:TimePeriod is described by the temporal positions of the instants at which it begins and ends. The length of the period is equal to the temporal distance between the two bounding temporal positions. Both beginning and end may be described in terms of their direct position using gml:TimePositionType which is an XML Schema simple content type, or by reference to an indentifiable time instant using gml:TimeInstantPropertyType. Alternatively a limit of a gml:TimePeriod may use the conventional GML property model to make a reference to a time instant described elsewhere, or a limit may be indicated as a direct position.
- gml:TimeNodeA time node is a zero-dimensional topological primitive that represents an identifiable node in time (it is equivalent to a point in space). A node may act as the termination or initiation of any number of time edges. A time node may be realised as a geometry, its position, whose value is a time instant.
- gml:TimeEdgeA time edge is a one-dimensional topological primitive. It is an open interval that starts and ends at a node. The edge may be realised as a geometry whose value is a time period.
- gml:TimeTopologyComplexA temporal topology complex shall be the connected acyclic directed graph composed of temporal topological primitives, i.e. time nodes and time edges. Because a time edge may not exist without two time nodes on its boundaries, static features have time edges from a temporal topology complex as the values of their temporal properties, regardless of explicit declarations. A temporal topology complex expresses a linear or a non-linear graph. A temporal linear graph, composed of a sequence of time edges, provides a lineage described only by "substitution" of feature instances or feature element values. A time node as the start or the end of the graph connects with at least one time edge. A time node other than the start and the end shall connect to at least two time edges: one of starting from the node, and another ending at the node. A temporal topological complex is a set of connected temporal topological primitives. The member primtives are indicated, either by reference or by value, using the primitive property.
- gml:Nodegml:Node represents the 0-dimensional primitive. The optional coboundary of a node (gml:directedEdge) is a sequence of directed edges which are incident on this node. Edges emanating from this node appear in the node coboundary with a negative orientation. If provided, the aggregationType attribute shall have the value "sequence". A node may optionally be realised by a 0-dimensional geometric primitive (gml:pointProperty).
- gml:Edgegml:Edge represents the 1-dimensional primitive. The topological boundary of an Edge (gml:directedNode) consists of a negatively directed start Node and a positively directed end Node. The optional coboundary of an edge (gml:directedFace) is a circular sequence of directed faces which are incident on this edge in document order. In the 2D case, the orientation of the face on the left of the edge is "+"; the orientation of the face on the right on its right is "-". If provided, the aggregationType attribute shall have the value "sequence". An edge may optionally be realised by a 1-dimensional geometric primitive (gml:curveProperty).
- gml:Facegml:Face represents the 2-dimensional topology primitive. The topological boundary of a face (gml:directedEdge) consists of a sequence of directed edges. If provided, the aggregationType attribute shall have the value "sequence". The optional coboundary of a face (gml:directedTopoSolid) is a pair of directed solids which are bounded by this face. A positively directed solid corresponds to a solid which lies in the direction of the negatively directed normal to the face in any geometric realisation. A face may optionally be realised by a 2-dimensional geometric primitive (gml:surfaceProperty).
- gml:TopoSolidgml:TopoSolid represents the 3-dimensional topology primitive. The topological boundary of a solid (gml:directedFace) consists of a set of directed faces. A solid may optionally be realised by a 3-dimensional geometric primitive (gml:solidProperty).
- gml:TopoComplexgml:TopoComplex is a collection of topological primitives. Each complex holds a reference to its maximal complex (gml:maximalComplex) and optionally to sub- or super-complexes (gml:subComplex, gml:superComplex). A topology complex contains its primitive and sub-complex members.
- gml:Boolean
- gml:CategoryA gml:Category has an optional XML attribute codeSpace, whose value is a URI which identifies a dictionary, codelist or authority for the term.
- gml:Count
- gml:QuantityAn XML attribute uom ("unit of measure") is required, whose value is a URI which identifies the definition of a ratio scale or units by which the numeric value shall be multiplied, or an interval or position scale on which the value occurs.
- gml:CompositeValuegml:CompositeValue is an aggregate value built from other values . It contains zero or an arbitrary number of gml:valueComponent elements, and zero or one gml:valueComponents property elements. It may be used for strongly coupled aggregates (vectors, tensors) or for arbitrary collections of values.
- gml:ValueArrayA Value Array is used for homogeneous arrays of primitive and aggregate values. The member values may be scalars, composites, arrays or lists. ValueArray has the same content model as CompositeValue, but the member values shall be homogeneous. The element declaration contains a Schematron constraint which expresses this restriction precisely. Since the members are homogeneous, the gml:referenceSystem (uom, codeSpace) may be specified on the gml:ValueArray itself and inherited by all the members if desired.
- gml:CategoryExtent
- gml:CountExtent
- gml:QuantityExtent
from subst. group gml:AbstractObjectfrom subst. group gml:AbstractGeneralParameterValuefrom subst. group gml:AbstractMetaDatafrom subst. group gml:Envelopefrom subst. group gml:AbstractRingfrom subst. group gml:AbstractCurveSegmentfrom subst. group gml:ArcStringfrom subst. group gml:Arcfrom subst. group gml:ArcStringByBulgefrom subst. group gml:ArcByCenterPointfrom subst. group gml:BSplinefrom subst. group gml:GeodesicStringfrom subst. group gml:AbstractGMLfrom subst. group gml:AbstractStylefrom subst. group gml:Definitionfrom subst. group gml:AbstractCoordinateOperationfrom subst. group gml:AbstractSingleOperationfrom subst. group gml:PassThroughOperationfrom subst. group gml:AbstractGeneralConversionfrom subst. group gml:Conversionfrom subst. group gml:AbstractGeneralTransformationfrom subst. group gml:Transformationfrom subst. group gml:ConcatenatedOperationfrom subst. group gml:OperationMethodfrom subst. group gml:AbstractGeneralOperationParameterfrom subst. group gml:OperationParameterfrom subst. group gml:OperationParameterGroupfrom subst. group gml:CoordinateSystemAxisfrom subst. group gml:AbstractCoordinateSystemfrom subst. group gml:EllipsoidalCSfrom subst. group gml:CartesianCSfrom subst. group gml:VerticalCSfrom subst. group gml:TimeCSfrom subst. group gml:LinearCSfrom subst. group gml:UserDefinedCSfrom subst. group gml:SphericalCSfrom subst. group gml:PolarCSfrom subst. group gml:CylindricalCSfrom subst. group gml:AffineCSfrom subst. group gml:AbstractDatumfrom subst. group gml:GeodeticDatumfrom subst. group gml:EngineeringDatumfrom subst. group gml:ImageDatumfrom subst. group gml:VerticalDatumfrom subst. group gml:TemporalDatumfrom subst. group gml:Ellipsoidfrom subst. group gml:PrimeMeridianfrom subst. group gml:Dictionaryfrom subst. group gmx:CodeListDictionaryfrom subst. group gml:AbstractCRSfrom subst. group gml:AbstractSingleCRSfrom subst. group gml:AbstractGeneralDerivedCRSfrom subst. group gml:ProjectedCRSfrom subst. group gml:DerivedCRSfrom subst. group gml:GeodeticCRSfrom subst. group gml:VerticalCRSfrom subst. group gml:EngineeringCRSfrom subst. group gml:ImageCRSfrom subst. group gml:TemporalCRSfrom subst. group gml:CompoundCRSfrom subst. group gml:TimeReferenceSystemfrom subst. group gml:UnitDefinitionfrom subst. group gml:BaseUnitfrom subst. group gml:DerivedUnitfrom subst. group gml:ConventionalUnitfrom subst. group gmx:CodeDefinitionfrom subst. group gml:AbstractTimeSlicefrom subst. group gml:AbstractFeaturefrom subst. group gml:AbstractDiscreteCoveragefrom subst. group gml:DynamicFeaturefrom subst. group gml:Observationfrom subst. group gml:DirectedObservationfrom subst. group gml:AbstractGeometryfrom subst. group gml:AbstractGeometricAggregatefrom subst. group gml:AbstractGeometricPrimitivefrom subst. group gml:AbstractCurvefrom subst. group gml:AbstractSurfacefrom subst. group gml:Surfacefrom subst. group gml:TriangulatedSurfacefrom subst. group gml:AbstractSolidfrom subst. group gml:AbstractImplicitGeometryfrom subst. group gml:Gridfrom subst. group gml:AbstractTimeGeometricPrimitivefrom subst. group gml:AbstractTimeTopologyPrimitivefrom subst. group gml:AbstractTimeComplexfrom subst. group gml:AbstractTopologyfrom subst. group gml:AbstractTopoPrimitivefrom subst. group gml:AbstractValuefrom subst. group gml:AbstractScalarValuefrom subst. group gml:AbstractScalarValueListfrom subst. group gml:CompositeValue
Name | Occ | Type | Description | Notes |
owns | [0..1] | xsd:boolean | Default value is "false". from group gml:OwnershipAttributeGroup |
Used by
- Element gml:members