Schema Central > NIEM 3.0 > fbi_ndex.xsd > ndex:LocationGeneralCategoryCodeSimpleType
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A data type for a code that identifies the general type of location.

Simple type information


  • Type based on xsd:token
    • Valid valueDescription
      CommercialCommercial (The characterization of a location_area where goods or services are exchanged for profit, e.g., store, restaurant, office building, daycare, financial institution, hotel, etc.)
      IndustrialIndustrial (The characterization of a location_area where goods are created or assembled using mechanical equipment, e.g., factory, plant, mine, assembly line.)
      Open AreaOpen Area (The characterization of a location_area with little to no building structures, e.g., field, camp, woods, lake, right of way, cemetary, etc.)
      Public_Non ResidentialPublic_Non Residential (The characterization of a location_area open to the public and_or maintained using tax dollars, e.g., school, medical center, terminal, government building, fire department, religious building, meeting hall.)
      ResidentialResidential (The characterization of a location_area where persons or groups of persons reside, e.g., house, townhouse, mobile home, etc.)
  • Used by

    Type inheritance chain

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