A data type for a code that identifies the status of property. Expands the NIBRS PropertyLoss code list.
Simple type information
Namespace: http://release.niem.gov/niem/codes/fbi_ndex/3.0/
Schema document: codes/fbi_ndex/3.0/fbi_ndex.xsd
Valid value Description Bait Bait Burned Burned Cargo Cargo Contraband Contraband Counterfeited Counterfeited, includes forged Cultivated Cultivated Damaged Damaged Destroyed Destroyed Destroyed_Damaged_Vandalized Destroyed_Damaged_Vandalized Found Found Lost Lost None None Recovered Recovered (To impound property previously stolen) Returned Returned Seized Seized (To impound property not previously stolen) Stolen Stolen Stolen_Bribed Stolen_Bribed Stolen_Defrauded Stolen_Defrauded Stolen_Embezzled Stolen_Embezzled Stolen_Extorted Stolen_Extorted Stolen_Ransomed Stolen_Ransomed Stolen_Robbed Stolen_Robbed Unknown Unknown Vandalized Vandalized
Type inheritance chain
- xsd:token
- ndex:ItemStatusCodeSimpleType
- extended by ndex:ItemStatusCodeType
- ndex:ItemStatusCodeSimpleType