Schema Central > NIEM 3.0 > fbi_ndex.xsd > ndex:IntangibleItemCategoryCodeSimpleType
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A data type for a code that identifies the type of intangible property.

Simple type information


  • Type based on xsd:token
    • Valid valueDescription
      REPUTATIONReputation (includes all)
      REPUTATION_PROMOTIONReputation_Promotion (includes receipt of prestige)
      RIGHTRight (includes all rights and freedoms)
      RIGHT_ASSOCIATIONRight to Association (The right to join with others in a common undertaking that would be lawful if pursued individually.)
      RIGHT_BEAR ARMSRight to Bear Arms (The constitutional right of persons to own firearms.)
      RIGHT_CHOOSERight to Choose (includes right to choose to have an abortion or location to put children in school) (The liberty embodied in the exercise of ones rights.)
      RIGHT_CONTRACTRight to Contract (The doctrine that people have the right to bind themselves legally.)
      RIGHT_COUNSELRight to Counsel (A criminal defendants constitutional right to representation by a court-appointed lawyer if the defendant cannot afford to hire one.)
      RIGHT_ENTRYRight_Entry (The right of taking or resuming possession of land or other real property in a peaceable manner.)
      RIGHT_EXPRESSIONRight_Expression (The freedom of speech, press, assembly, or religion as guaranteed by the First Amendment; the prohibition of governmental interference with those freedoms.)
      RIGHT_FAMILY INTEGRITYRight of Family Integrity (includes right to bear, rear, and guide children according to parents beliefs) (A fundamental and substantive due-process right for a family unit to be free of unjustified state interference.)
      RIGHT_FIRST REFUSALRight of First Refusal (A potential buyers contractual right to meet the terms of a third partys higher offer.)
      RIGHT_INFORMATIONRight to Information (The right of the public to access official information so that the public will be better informed and the government will be more accountable for its actions, see Freedom of Information Act)
      RIGHT_KNOWRight to Know (Requirement that businesses that produce hazardous substances disclose information about the substances both to the community where they are produced or stored and to employees who handle them.)
      RIGHT_PETITIONRight of Petition (The constitutional right of the people to make formal requests to the government, as by lobbying or writing letters to public officials.)
      RIGHT_POSSESSIONRight of Possession (The right to hold, use, occupy, or otherwise enjoy a given property.)
      RIGHT_POSSESSION_STOCK OPTIONSRight_Possession_Stock Options
      RIGHT_PREEMPTIONRight of Preemption (A potential buyers contractual right to have the first opportunity to buy.)
      RIGHT_PRIVACYRight to Privacy (The right to personal autonomy.)
      RIGHT_PUBLICITYRight of Publicity (The right to control the use of ones own name, picture, or likeness and to prevent another from using it for commercial benefit without ones consent.)
      RIGHT_REFUSE TREATMENTRight to Refuse Treatment (The right of a terminally ill person to refuse life-sustaining treatment.)
      RIGHT_REMAIN SILENTRight to Remain Silent (A criminal defendants or a witnesss constitutional right guaranteeing that a person cannot be compelled by the government to testify if the testimony might result in the persons being criminally prosecuted.)
      RIGHT_RESCINDRight to Rescind (The remedy accorded to a party to a contract when the other party breaches a duty that arises independently of the contract.)
      RIGHT_RETAINERRight of Retainer (A trustees power to withhold trust funds or property from distribution, exercisable, when the beneficiary owes money to the trust.)
      RIGHT_SUPPORTRight of Support (The right of a landowner to have the land supported by adjacent land and by the underlying earth.)
      RIGHT_TERMINATERight to Terminate (The remedy accorded to a party to a contract when the other party breaches a duty that arises under the contract.)
      RIGHT_TRAVELRight to Travel (A persons constitutional right to travel freely between states.)
      RIGHT_VOTERight to Vote (The right or privilege of casting a vote at a public election.)
      RIGHT_WAYRight of Way (The right to pass through property owned by another.)
      RIGHT_WHARFING OUTRight of Wharfing Out (The right to exclusive use of submerged lands, as by establishing a permanent structure or wharf on the land to dock oceangoing vessels.)
      RIGHT_WORKRight to Work (The right of a person to work without joining a union.)
      SERVICEService (includes all)
      SERVICE_FINANCIALFinancial Service (Providing of monetary resource management)
      SERVICE_LODGINGLodging Service (Providing of living quarters)
      SERVICE_MEALMeal Service (Providing of food)
      SERVICE_MEDICALMedical Service (Providing of health related treatment)
      SERVICE_TRANSPORTATIONTransportation Service (Conveying of people or goods)
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