A data type for a code that indicates the impact of domestic violence upon children.
Simple type information
Namespace: http://release.niem.gov/niem/codes/fbi_ndex/3.0/
Schema document: codes/fbi_ndex/3.0/fbi_ndex.xsd
Valid value Description CHILDREN ABUSED BY SUBJECT Children abused by subject CHILDREN AFRAID OF SUBJECT Children afraid of subject CHILDREN INVOLVED IN THE INCIDENT Children involved in the incident CHILDREN PRESENT DURING INCIDENT Children present during incident NO CHILD IMPACT Children not involved or present SUBJECT THREATENED OR ATTEMPTED TO ABDUCT CHILDREN Subject threatened or attempted to abduct children
Used by
- Element j:DomesticViolenceChildImpactCode via derived type ndex:DomesticViolenceChildImpactCodeType
Type inheritance chain
- xsd:token
- ndex:DomesticViolenceChildImpactCodeSimpleType
- extended by ndex:DomesticViolenceChildImpactCodeType
- ndex:DomesticViolenceChildImpactCodeSimpleType