A data type for Jewelry Type.
Simple type information
Schema document: codes/fbi_ncic/3.0/fbi_ncic.xsd
Valid value Description AB Ankle bracelet (includes ankle bracelet with pendant) BB Belt buckle BK Backpack BP Broach or pin CL Cigarette lighter, holder, or case CO Comb (includes hair combs and picks) CU Cuff links ER Earrings (includes clasp, pierced, and pendant earrings) KC Key chain MC Money clip NE Necklace (includes necklace with pendant or watch) PC Pocket watch chain (fob) or vest chain PK Pocket knife RI Ring TC Tie chain, clasp, or tack WA Watch (includes wrist, pocket, and stopwatch) WB Wrist bracelet having pendant (includes ID and medical alert bracelet) WP Wallet or purse
Used by
- Element j:JewelryCategoryCode via derived type ncic:JWTCodeType
Type inheritance chain
- xsd:token
- ncic:JWTCodeSimpleType
- extended by ncic:JWTCodeType
- ncic:JWTCodeSimpleType