A data type for geospatial location.
Complex type information
Schema document: niem-core/3.0/niem-core.xsd
- Sequence [1..1]
- structures:ObjectAugmentationPointAbstract [0..*]An augmentation point for ObjectType
- Choice [0..*]
- nc:AddressA postal location to which paper mail can be directed.
- im:NaturalizationAddressA location address where the alien was naturalized as a U.S. Citizen
- nc:AddressCrossStreetA location identified by two or more streets which intersect.
- nc:AddressGridA location identified by a unit of a grid system overlaid on an area.
- nc:AddressHighwayA major public road.
from subst. group nc:LocationAddressAbstractfrom subst. group nc:Address - nc:LocationArea [0..*]A location identified by geographic boundaries.
- Choice [0..*]
- it:LocationCategoryCodeTextA category of operation performed at a given Location
- j:LocationCategoryCodeA kind or functional description of a location.
- j:LocationCategoryNDExCodeA kind of location or area.
- j:LocationGeneralCategoryCodeA kind of general category of a location, such as commercial.
- j:LocationSublocationCategoryCodeA kind of location inside of another location, such as a restroom in a restaurant.
- scr:LocationCategoryCodeA kind of or functional description of a location.
- nc:LocationCategoryTextA kind or functional description of a location.
from subst. group nc:LocationCategory - nc:LocationContactInformation [0..*]A set of contact information for a location.
- nc:LocationDescriptionText [0..*]A description of a location.
- Choice [0..*]
- geo:LocationGeospatialPointA 2D or 3D geometric point. A gml:Point is defined by a single coordinate tuple. The direct position of a point is specified by the gml:pos element which is of type gml:DirectPositionType.
- nc:Location2DGeospatialCoordinateA location identified by a latitude and longitude.
- nc:Location3DGeospatialCoordinateA location identified by latitude, longitude, and height.
- nc:LocationMGRSCoordinateA coordinate from the Military Grid Reference System (MGRS) which represents a location with a Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinate and a unique military grid square.
- nc:LocationUTMCoordinateA coordinate from the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) Coordinate System, which represents a location with a hemisphere, zone, an easting value, and a northing value.
from subst. group nc:LocationGeospatialCoordinate - nc:LocationLandmarkText [0..*]A distinguishing physical feature at a location.
- nc:LocationLocale [0..*]A geopolitical area.
- nc:LocationMapLocation [0..*]A location identified by map or grid coordinates.
- nc:LocationName [0..*]A name of a location.
- nc:LocationRangeDescriptionText [0..*]A description of the boundary or range of a location.
- nc:LocationRelativeLocation [0..*]A location identified by its proximity to another location.
- nc:LocationSurroundingAreaDescriptionText [0..*]A description of the immediate area around a location.
- nc:LocationIdentification [0..*]An identification of a Location.
- Choice [0..*]
- nc:LocationAltitudeA measurement of the height or position of a location above a certain reference.
- nc:LocationDepthA measure of the depth of a location relative to a reference.
- nc:LocationElevationA measure of the distance of a point on the Earth from a reference point.
from subst. group nc:LocationHeight - Choice [0..*]
- geo:LocationFeatureA GML feature that describes a location.
- geo:LocationGeometryA GML geometry that describes a location.
- cbrn:SiteLocationAugmentationAdditional information about a site location.
- em:LocationAugmentationAdditional information related to the location of the alarm.
- im:LocationAugmentationAdditional information about a location.
- intel:LocationAugmentationAdditional information about a location.
- j:LocationAugmentationAdditional information about a location.
- m:LocationAugmentationAdditional information about a location.
- scr:LocationAugmentationAdditional information about a location.
from subst. group nc:LocationAugmentationPoint
from type structures:ObjectTypefrom subst. group structures:ObjectAugmentationPoint
Name | Occ | Type | Description | Notes |
structures:id | [0..1] | xsd:ID | from type structures:ObjectType | |
structures:ref | [0..1] | xsd:IDREF | from type structures:ObjectType | |
structures:metadata | [0..1] | xsd:IDREFS | from type structures:ObjectType | |
structures:relationshipMetadata | [0..1] | xsd:IDREFS | from type structures:ObjectType | |
Any attribute | [0..*] | Namespace: urn:us:gov:ic:ism urn:us:gov:ic:ntk, Process Contents: lax | from type structures:ObjectType |
Used by
- Element cyfs:AdoptionLocation
- Element cyfs:PlacementOtherLocation
- Element em:AlarmEventLocation
- Element em:AlarmLocation
- Element em:ArrivalLocation
- Element em:ResourceCurrentLocation
- Element em:ResourceDepartureLocation
- Element em:ResourceReportToLocation
- Element em:ResourceRequestedLocation
- Element em:RouteLocation
- Element im:AlienLocation
- Element im:DeportationLocation
- Element it:ArrivalLocation
- Element it:DeclarationCustomsOfficeLocation
- Element it:DeclarationIssuePlace
- Element it:DeliveryDestination
- Element it:DepartureLocation
- Element it:EntryCustomsOfficeLocation
- Element it:ExitCustomsOfficeLocation
- Element it:ForeignTradeZone
- Element it:INCOTERMSPlace
- Element it:ItineraryLocation
- Element it:TransitDestination
- Element it:TransportDocumentIssuePlace
- Element j:ArrestLocation
- Element j:CitationIssuedLocation
- Element j:ContactPersonLocation
- Element j:ConveyanceRegistrationLocation
- Element j:CourtOrderDesignatedLocation
- Element j:CustodyTransferLocation
- Element j:EvidencePreviousLocation
- Element j:EvidenceTakenLocation
- Element j:IncidentSurroundingLocation
- Element j:ItemSeizedLocation
- Element j:MissingPersonFoundLocation
- Element j:MissingPersonLastSeenLocation
- Element j:RecipientLocation
- Element j:SenderLocation
- Element j:ServiceCallPlacedLocation
- Element j:ServiceCallResponseLocation
- Element j:SubjectDetainmentLocation
- Element j:SupervisionOtherLocation
- Element j:SupervisionRestrictionLocation
- Element j:TargetLocation
- Element m:AnomalyLocation
- Element m:CargoDestinationLocation
- Element m:CargoOriginLocation
- Element m:HazmatDeclarationDestinationLocation
- Element m:HazmatDeclarationOriginLocation
- Element m:MerchantMarinerDocumentIssuerLocation
- Element m:PersonDeathLocation
- Element m:PersonDebarkationLocation
- Element m:PersonEmbarkationLocation
- Element m:SeamanLicenseIssuerLocation
- Element m:ShipmentDestinationLocation
- Element m:ShipmentOriginLocation
- Element m:VesselDestinationLocation
- Element m:VesselLocation
- Element m:VesselOriginLocation
- Element m:VisitLocationInPort
- Element m:VoyageDestinationLocation
- Element m:VoyageOriginLocation
- Element nc:DocumentIssuanceLocation
- Element nc:DocumentLocation
- Element nc:EmploymentLocation
- Element nc:FacilityLocation
- Element nc:ImageLocation
- Element nc:IncidentLocation
- Element nc:ItemDispositionLocation
- Element nc:Location
- Element nc:OrganizationIncorporationLocation
- Element nc:OrganizationLocation
- Element nc:PersonBirthLocation
- Element nc:PersonEncounterLocation
- Element nc:PersonUnionLocation
- Element nc:PersonWorkLocation
- Element nc:RelativeLocationReferencePoint
- Element nc:ReleaseFromLocation
- Element nc:ReleaseToLocation
- Element nc:SiteLocation
- Element scr:FlightFinalDestinationLocation
- Element scr:FlightOriginatingLocation
- Element scr:PrimaryLocation
- Element scr:SecondaryLocation
- Element scr:VisaApplicationLocation
- Element biom:CaptureLocation via derived type biom:CaptureLocationType
- Element em:AlertAffectedLocation via derived type em:AlertAffectedLocationType
- Element em:NotificationTargetLocation via derived type em:NotificationTargetLocationType
- Element it:CountryOfOrigin via derived type it:GoodsOriginType
- Element it:GoodsLocationText via derived type it:GoodsLocationType
- Element it:LoadingLocation via derived type it:LoadingLocationType
- Element it:TranshipmentLocation via derived type it:TranshipmentLocationType
- Element it:UnloadingLocation via derived type it:UnloadingLocationType
Type inheritance chain
- structures:ObjectType
- nc:LocationType
- extended by biom:CaptureLocationType
- extended by em:AlertAffectedLocationType
- extended by em:NotificationTargetLocationType
- extended by it:GoodsLocationType
- extended by it:GoodsOriginType
- extended by it:LoadingLocationType
- extended by it:TranshipmentLocationType
- extended by it:UnloadingLocationType
- nc:LocationType