A data type for a geopolitical area in which an organization, person, or object has a specific range of authority.
Complex type information
Schema document: niem-core/3.0/niem-core.xsd
- Sequence [1..1]
- structures:ObjectAugmentationPointAbstract [0..*]An augmentation point for ObjectType
- Choice [0..*]
- j:JurisdictionANSID20AuthorityCodeAn area, state, region, or other geographic unit over which some kind of authority exists.
- j:JurisdictionNCICLISCodeAn area, state, region, or other geographic unit over which some kind of authority exists.
- j:JurisdictionNCICLSTACodeAn area, state, region, or other geographic unit over which some kind of authority exists.
- j:JurisdictionNCICRESCodeAn area, state, region, or other geographic unit over which some kind of authority exists.
- nc:JurisdictionCanadianProvinceCodeAn area, state, region, or other geographic unit over which some kind of authority exists.
- nc:JurisdictionFIPS10-4CodeAn area, state, region, or other geographic unit over which some kind of authority exists.
- nc:JurisdictionFIPS10-4InternationalCodeAn area, state, region, or other geographic unit over which some kind of authority exists.
- nc:JurisdictionFIPS5-2AlphaCodeAn area, state, region, or other geographic unit over which some kind of authority exists.
- nc:JurisdictionFIPS5-2NumericCodeAn area, state, region, or other geographic unit over which some kind of authority exists.
- nc:JurisdictionTextAn area in which an organization or person has some kind of authoritative capacity or responsibility over.
- nc:JurisdictionUSPostalServiceCodeAn area, state, region, or other geographic unit over which some kind of authority exists.
from subst. group nc:JurisdictionAbstract - nc:LocationCityName [0..*]A name of a city or town.
- Choice [0..*]
- intel:LocationCountryFIPS10-4PlusNCTCCodeTextA union of additional country codes managed by NCTC and the FIPS 10-4 country codes.
- scr:LocationCountryIdentificationAn identification value that represents a country.
- nc:LocationCountryFIPS10-4CodeA country, territory, dependency, or other such geopolitical subdivision of a location.
- nc:LocationCountryGENCCodeA country, territory, dependency, or other such geopolitical subdivision of a location.
- nc:LocationCountryISO3166Alpha2CodeA country, territory, dependency, or other such geopolitical subdivision of a location.
- nc:LocationCountryNameA name of a country, territory, dependency, or other such geopolitical subdivision of a location.
from subst. group nc:LocationCountry - Choice [0..*]
- nc:LocationCountyCodeA county, parish, vicinage, or other such geopolitical subdivision of a state.
- nc:LocationCountyNameA name of a county, parish, vicinage, or other such geopolitical subdivision of a state.
from subst. group nc:LocationCounty - Choice [0..*]
- j:LocationStateNCICLISCodeA state, commonwealth, province, or other such geopolitical subdivision of a country.
- j:LocationStateNCICLSTACodeA state, commonwealth, province, or other such geopolitical subdivision of a country.
- j:LocationStateNCICRESCodeA state, commonwealth, province, or other such geopolitical subdivision of a country.
- nc:LocationCanadianProvinceCodeA province.
- nc:LocationStateFIPS10-4InternationalCodeA state, commonwealth, province, or other such geopolitical subdivision of a country.
- nc:LocationStateFIPS5-2AlphaCodeA state, commonwealth, province, or other such geopolitical subdivision of a country.
- nc:LocationStateFIPS5-2NumericCodeA state, commonwealth, province, or other such geopolitical subdivision of a country.
- nc:LocationStateNameA name of a state, commonwealth, province, or other such geopolitical subdivision of a country.
- nc:LocationStateUSPostalServiceCodeA state, commonwealth, province, or other such geopolitical subdivision of a country.
from subst. group nc:LocationState - nc:JurisdictionIdentification [0..*]An identification of a jurisdiction.
- j:JurisdictionAugmentation [0..*]Additional information about a jurisdiction.
from type structures:ObjectTypefrom subst. group structures:ObjectAugmentationPointfrom subst. group nc:JurisdictionAugmentationPoint
Name | Occ | Type | Description | Notes |
structures:id | [0..1] | xsd:ID | from type structures:ObjectType | |
structures:ref | [0..1] | xsd:IDREF | from type structures:ObjectType | |
structures:metadata | [0..1] | xsd:IDREFS | from type structures:ObjectType | |
structures:relationshipMetadata | [0..1] | xsd:IDREFS | from type structures:ObjectType | |
Any attribute | [0..*] | Namespace: urn:us:gov:ic:ism urn:us:gov:ic:ntk, Process Contents: lax | from type structures:ObjectType |
Used by
- Element cyfs:SeriousHabitualOffenderDeterminingJurisdiction
- Element j:CourtOrderJurisdiction
- Element j:DrivingIncidentJurisdiction
- Element j:OrganizationJurisdiction
- Element j:StatuteJurisdiction
- Element j:SupervisionJurisdiction
- Element j:TitleIssuingJurisdiction
- Element m:CertificateJurisdiction
- Element nc:IdentificationJurisdiction
- Element nc:Jurisdiction
Type inheritance chain
- structures:ObjectType
- nc:JurisdictionType