A data type for an apparent condition of the road which may have contributed to the crash.
Simple type information
Schema document: codes/mmucc/3.0/mmucc.xsd
Valid value Description 101 Road Surface Condition (wet,icy,snow,slush etc) 102 Obstruction in Road way 103 Traffic Control Device Inoperative, Missing or Obscured 104 Non-Highway Work 60 None 64 Debris 65 Rut,Holes,Bumps 66 Workzone(Construction/Maintenance/Utility) 67 Worn,Travel Polished Surface 70 Shoulders(none,low,soft,high) 77 Other 999 Unknown
Used by
- Element j:CrashRoadContributingCircumstancesCode via derived type mmucc:CrashRoadContributingCircumstancesCodeType
Type inheritance chain
- xsd:token
- mmucc:CrashRoadContributingCircumstancesCodeSimpleType
- extended by mmucc:CrashRoadContributingCircumstancesCodeType
- mmucc:CrashRoadContributingCircumstancesCodeSimpleType