A data type that supplements nc:VesselType.
Complex type information
Namespace: http://release.niem.gov/niem/domains/maritime/3.0/
Schema document: domains/maritime/3.0/maritime.xsd
- m:VesselActivityHistorySummaryText [0..*]A summary of activities of note in which a vessel has participated.
- m:VesselBeamMeasure [0..*]A measure of the beam (breadth) of a vessel.
- m:VesselBuildDate [0..*]A date (or year) a vessel was built.
- m:VesselCallSignText [0..*]A call sign for a vessel.
- m:VesselCargoCapabilityText [0..*]A description of cargo capabilities of a vessel.
- m:VesselCargoCategoryText [0..*]A kind of cargo that a vessel is carrying. Cargo types may be categorized as DG=Dangerous Goods, HS=Harmful Substances, or MP=Marine Pollutants.
- m:VesselCargoOnBoardIndicator [0..*]True if a vessel is carrying cargo; false otherwise.
- m:VesselCategoryText [0..*]A kind of vessel based upon the purpose for which the vessel was designed or built.
- m:VesselCDCCapableIndicator [0..*]True if a vessel is Certain Dangerous Cargo (CDC) capable; false otherwise.
- m:VesselCDCCargoOnBoardIndicator [0..*]True if a vessel is carrying hazardous or Certain Dangerous Cargo (CDC); false otherwise.
- m:VesselCertificateOfFinancialResponsibilityOperator [0..*]A responsible party for the Certificate of Financial Responsibility for a vessel.
- m:VesselCharterer [0..*]An entity that chartered a vessel.
- m:VesselClassText [0..*]A class or category of a vessel.
- m:VesselClassificationSocietyName [0..*]A name of a classification society for a vessel.
- m:VesselContactInformation [0..*]A means of contacting a vessel.
- m:VesselCraneQuantity [0..*]A number of cranes on a vessel.
- m:VesselCruiseRangeMeasure [0..*]A measure of the range of a vessel while travelling at cruise speed.
- m:VesselCruiseSpeedMeasure [0..*]A measure of the cruise speed of a vessel.
- m:VesselCVSSAOnBoardIndicator [0..*]True if a vessel has at least one crew member qualified to meet 46 U.S.C Secs 3507, 3508; false otherwise.
- m:VesselDeadWeightMeasure [0..*]A measure of the total carrying capacity of a vessel.
- m:VesselDeckConfigurationText [0..*]A deck configuration of a vessel.
- m:VesselDeckEquipment [0..*]A piece of equipment on the deck of a vessel.
- m:VesselDescriptionText [0..*]A description of a vessel.
- m:VesselDisplacementMeasure [0..*]A weight of a vessel when empty.
- m:VesselDOCCertificate [0..*]A Document of Compliance (DOC) Certificate for a vessel.
- m:VesselDraftMeasure [0..*]A measure of the draft of a vessel when fully loaded.
- m:VesselDraftUnloadedMeasure [0..*]A measure of the draft of a vessel when unloaded.
- m:VesselElectronicEquipment [0..*]A piece of electronic equipment on a vessel.
- m:VesselEndurance [0..*]An extent of time that, under normal conditions, a vessel can operate without support.
- m:VesselEngineCategoryDescriptionText [0..*]A description of the kind of engines on a vessel.
- m:VesselFuelConsumptionRateMeasure [0..*]A measure of the rate at which a vessel consumes fuel.
- m:VesselFuelCategoryText [0..*]A kind of fuel a vessel uses.
- m:VesselGrossTonnageValue [0..*]A gross tonnage (GT) of a vessel, described as a unitless index related to the overall internal volume of a vessel.
- m:VesselHailingPort [0..*]A hailing port of a vessel.
- m:VesselHeloPadQuantity [0..*]A number of helicopter pads on a vessel.
- m:VesselHINText [0..*]A Hull Identification Number (HIN) for a vessel.
- m:VesselHoldsQuantity [0..*]A number of holds in a vessel.
- m:VesselHomePort [0..*]A home port of a vessel.
- m:VesselHullCategoryText [0..*]A kind of a hull of a vessel.
- Choice [0..*]
- m:VesselHullColorCodeA primary color of a hull of a vessel.
- m:VesselHullColorTextA primary color of a hull of a vessel.
from subst. group m:VesselHullColor - m:VesselHullNumberText [0..*]A hull number of a vessel.
- m:VesselIdentification [0..*]An identification of a vessel.
- m:VesselImage [0..*]An image of a vessel.
- m:VesselIncidentHistorySummaryText [0..*]A summary of activities of note in which crew or passengers have participated. Examples include illegal or suspicious activities on the part of the passengers and, if applicable, vessels on which the passenger has previously traveled, vessels on which the passenger regularly traveled or travels, etc.
- m:VesselIMONumberText [0..*]An International Maritime Organization Number (IMO number) of a vessel.
- m:VesselIRCSText [0..*]An International Registered Call Sign (IRCS) of a vessel.
- m:VesselISMCodeText [0..*]An International Safety Management (ISM) Code of a vessel.
- m:VesselISSC [0..*]An International Ship Security Certificate (ISSC) for a vessel.
- m:VesselKeelDate [0..*]A date (or year) the keel of a vessel was laid.
- m:VesselLocation [0..*]A location of a vessel.
- m:VesselManager [0..*]An entity that manages a vessel.
- m:VesselMastHeightMeasure [0..*]A measure of the height of the tallest (highest) mast of a vessel.
- m:VesselMaximumCrewQuantity [0..*]A maximum number of crew members that can be aboard a vessel.
- m:VesselMaximumRangeMeasure [0..*]A measure of the maximum range of a vessel.
- m:VesselMaximumStaticDraftMeasure [0..*]A measure of the draft of a vessel when fully loaded.
- m:VesselMaximumSpeedMeasure [0..*]A measure of the maximum speed of a vessel.
- m:VesselMaximumPassengerQuantity [0..*]A maximum number of passengers that are legally or safely permitted to be aboard a vessel.
- m:VesselMMSIText [0..*]A Maritime Mobile Service Identity (MMSI) of a vessel.
- m:VesselMovementDetails [0..*]A set of details of the geospatial movement activities of a vessel.
- m:VesselName [0..*]A name of a vessel.
- Choice [0..*]
- m:VesselNationalFlagFIPS10-4CodeA national flag under which a vessel sails.
- m:VesselNationalFlagISO3166Alpha2CodeA national flag under which a vessel sails.
- m:VesselNationalFlagTextA national flag under which a vessel sails.
from subst. group m:VesselNationalFlag - m:VesselNationalFlagImage [0..*]An image of a national flag under which a vessel sails.
- m:VesselNavigationStatus [0..*]A navigational status of a vessel.
- m:VesselNetTonnageVolumeMeasure [0..*]A measure of the total internal volume of a vessel that is used for cargo.
- m:VesselNonTankVesselResponsePlanIdentification [0..*]An identification of a Non-Tank Vessel Response Plan (NTVRP).
- m:VesselNonTankVesselResponsePlanIndicator [0..*]True if a vessel has a Non-Tank Vessel Response Plan (NTVRP) per 33 CFR 151,155,160; false otherwise.
- m:VesselOfficialCoastGuardNumberText [0..*]An Official United States Coast Guard Number (USCG Official Number) of a vessel.
- Choice [0..*]
- m:VesselOperationalConditionOfEquipmentCodeA code indicating the Operational Condition of Equipment (OCE) of a vessel.
- m:VesselOperationalConditionOfEquipmentDescriptionTextA description of the Operational Condition of Equipment (OCE) of a vessel.
from subst. group m:VesselOperationalConditionOfEquipment - m:VesselOperator [0..*]An entity that is responsible for the day-to-day operations and travels of a vessel.
- m:VesselOverallLengthMeasure [0..*]A measure of the overall length of a vessel.
- m:VesselOwner [0..*]An entity that owns a vessel.
- m:VesselRampQuantity [0..*]A number of ramps on a vessel.
- m:VesselSafetyManagementCertificate [0..*]A Safety Management Certificate (SMC) for a vessel.
- m:VesselSCONUMText [0..*]A Ship Control Number (SCONUM) of a vessel.
- m:VesselShaftQuantity [0..*]A number of shafts on a vessel.
- m:VesselStackQuantity [0..*]A number of stacks on a vessel.
- m:VesselStateIdentification [0..*]An identification of a vessel given by a government.
- m:VesselSubCategoryText [0..*]A kind of vessel, a subcategory of VesselCategoryText.
- Choice [0..*]
- m:VesselSuperstructureColorCodeA primary color of a superstructure of a vessel.
- m:VesselSuperstructureColorTextA primary color of a superstructure of a vessel.
from subst. group m:VesselSuperstructureColor - m:VesselSuperstructureLocation [0..*]A location of a superstructure on a vessel.
- m:VesselTRDMText [0..*]A US Transportation Command (USTRANSCOM) Reference Data Model (TRDM) unique identifier for a vessel.
- m:VesselViolationHistorySummaryText [0..*]A summary of illegal activities in which the vessel has participated during the previous 5 years.
- m:VesselVoyage [0..*]A journey of a vessel from one place to another.
from subst. group m:VesselCargoCapability
from subst. group m:VesselCargoCategory
from subst. group m:VesselCategory
from subst. group m:VesselClass
from subst. group m:VesselHullCategory
Name | Occ | Type | Description | Notes |
structures:id | [0..1] | xsd:ID | from type structures:AugmentationType | |
structures:ref | [0..1] | xsd:IDREF | from type structures:AugmentationType | |
structures:metadata | [0..1] | xsd:IDREFS | from type structures:AugmentationType | |
Any attribute | [0..*] | Namespace: urn:us:gov:ic:ism urn:us:gov:ic:ntk, Process Contents: lax | from type structures:AugmentationType |
Used by
- Element m:VesselAugmentation
Type inheritance chain
- structures:AugmentationType
- m:VesselAugmentationType