A data type for information about a trading party.
Complex type information
- Sequence [1..1]
- it:CarrierSCACText [0..*]A Standard Carrier Alpha Code if the trade party organization is a Carrier.
- it:NTNPassportNumberID [0..*]An identifier for a NTN Passport Number.
- nc:InternationalTelephoneNumber [0..*]An international telephone number.
- nc:AddressDeliveryPointText [0..*]A single place or unit at which mail is delivered.
- nc:LocationCityName [0..*]A name of a city or town.
- it:CHAINumberText [0..*]An identifier used on customs forms in Pakistan.
- it:WarehouseLicenseNumberText [0..*]A warehouse license number.
- it:CollectorateText [0..*]A Customs Collectorate Identifier used on customs forms in a host country.
- nc:OrganizationName [0..*]A name of an organization.
- Choice [0..*]
- intel:LocationCountryFIPS10-4PlusNCTCCodeTextA union of additional country codes managed by NCTC and the FIPS 10-4 country codes.
- scr:LocationCountryIdentificationAn identification value that represents a country.
- nc:LocationCountryFIPS10-4CodeA country, territory, dependency, or other such geopolitical subdivision of a location.
- nc:LocationCountryGENCCodeA country, territory, dependency, or other such geopolitical subdivision of a location.
- nc:LocationCountryISO3166Alpha2CodeA country, territory, dependency, or other such geopolitical subdivision of a location.
- nc:LocationCountryNameA name of a country, territory, dependency, or other such geopolitical subdivision of a location.
- Choice [0..*]
- j:LocationStateNCICLISCodeA state, commonwealth, province, or other such geopolitical subdivision of a country.
- j:LocationStateNCICLSTACodeA state, commonwealth, province, or other such geopolitical subdivision of a country.
- j:LocationStateNCICRESCodeA state, commonwealth, province, or other such geopolitical subdivision of a country.
- nc:LocationCanadianProvinceCodeA province.
- nc:LocationStateFIPS10-4InternationalCodeA state, commonwealth, province, or other such geopolitical subdivision of a country.
- nc:LocationStateFIPS5-2AlphaCodeA state, commonwealth, province, or other such geopolitical subdivision of a country.
- nc:LocationStateFIPS5-2NumericCodeA state, commonwealth, province, or other such geopolitical subdivision of a country.
- nc:LocationStateNameA name of a state, commonwealth, province, or other such geopolitical subdivision of a country.
- nc:LocationStateUSPostalServiceCodeA state, commonwealth, province, or other such geopolitical subdivision of a country.
- cbrn:RemarkText [0..*]A placeholder for comments intended to help the consumer of the data to understand better the information encapsulated by the parent element.
Used by
Type inheritance chain