A data type that describes a formal statement made for use in International Trade office mostly for customs purpose.
Complex type information
- Sequence [1..1]
- Choice [0..*]
- nc:CaveatText [0..*]A warning or caution about the information.
- nc:DocumentAlternativeTitleText [0..*]A title used as a substitute or alternative to the formal title of a document.
- nc:DocumentSoftwareName [0..*]A name of a computer application used to process a document.
- nc:DocumentApprovedIndicator [0..*]True if a document has been approved; false otherwise.
- nc:DocumentBinary [0..*]A binary encoding of the content of a document.
- nc:DocumentCategoryDescriptionText [0..*]A description of a kind of information in a document.
- nc:DocumentContentListText [0..*]A list of the chapters, sections, or other divisions of a document.
- nc:DocumentCopyrightIndicator [0..*]True if a document is copyrighted; false otherwise.
- Choice [0..*]
- nc:DocumentCreationDate [0..*]A date a document was created.
- nc:DocumentDescriptionText [0..*]A description of the content of a document.
- nc:DocumentDispositionAuthorityName [0..*]A name of an authority designated to handle or process information in a document.
- nc:DocumentDispositionInstructionText [0..*]An instruction on how to handle or process information in a document.
- nc:DocumentDisputedIndicator [0..*]True if the accuracy of a document is disputed; false otherwise.
- nc:DocumentDisputedReasonText [0..*]A reason why the accuracy of a document is disputed.
- nc:DocumentEffectiveDate [0..*]A date in which the content or action becomes enforceable, active, or effective.
- nc:DocumentEntrySubmitter [0..*]A person who contributed an entry in a document.
- nc:DocumentExpirationDate [0..*]A date after which the document is no longer valid. It may indicate a document should be removed from a registry or index.
- nc:DocumentFileControlID [0..*]An identifier assigned to a document to locate it within a file control system.
- nc:DocumentFiledDate [0..*]A date a document was officially filed with an organization or agency.
- nc:DocumentFileExtensionText [0..*]A file extension of an electronic document.
- nc:DocumentFileName [0..*]A file name of an electronic document.
- nc:DocumentFormatText [0..*]A file format, content type (e.g., a MIME type), or physical format of a document.
- nc:DocumentGroupID [0..*]An identifier of a group to which a document belongs.
- nc:DocumentIdentification [0..*]An identification that references a document.
- nc:DocumentInformationCutOffDate [0..*]A date after which contributions to the content of a document will no longer be accepted.
- nc:DocumentKeywordText [0..*]A significant word or phrase that describes the overall content of a document or its main topic.
- nc:DocumentLastModifiedDate [0..*]A date a document was last changed.
- nc:DocumentLocation [0..*]A location of a physical document.
- nc:DocumentLocationURI [0..*]A location of an electronic representation of a document.
- nc:DocumentManagementCyclePeriodText [0..*]A review or update cycle period for a document.
- nc:DocumentMediaCategoryText [0..*]A kind of class that describes the media format of a document.
- nc:DocumentMediumText [0..*]A material or physical carrier for storing a document.
- nc:DocumentOtherRecipient [0..*]A name of additional addressees.
- nc:DocumentPermanentRecordIndicator [0..*]True if a document is to be kept as a permanent record; false otherwise.
- nc:DocumentPostDate [0..*]A date a document is entered or posted to an information system or network; used when the date of posting is different from the date on which a document was officially filed.
- nc:DocumentPrivacyActIndicator [0..*]True if a document is categorized as containing personal information subject to protection by the Privacy Act; false otherwise.
- nc:DocumentPublicationDate [0..*]A date of the first public dissemination of the content in any media.
- nc:DocumentReceivedDate [0..*]A date a transmitted document was received.
- nc:DocumentRecipient [0..*]An entity that is a target or intended recipient of a document.
- nc:DocumentRelatedResourceText [0..*]A reference to another document or resource related to the document.
- nc:DocumentRightsText [0..*]A right held in and over the resource. Rights are the constraints applied to assure the protection of privacy or intellectual property, and any special restrictions, limitations or warning on using a shared resource.
- nc:DocumentSequenceID [0..*]An identifier that determines the document order in a set of related documents.
- nc:DocumentSource [0..*]An entity that was the source of a document.
- nc:DocumentSourceText [0..*]A source from which the content of a document is derived.
- nc:DocumentStatus [0..*]A status of a document.
- nc:DocumentSummaryText [0..*]A short description of the subject, content, and key points of a document.
- nc:DocumentSupplementalMarkingText [0..*]A marking made on a document that is not part of the original content and that was added after a document was finalized.
- nc:DocumentTitleText [0..*]A name given to a document.
- nc:DocumentVitalIndicator [0..*]True if a document is categorized as a vital record by the originating agency; false otherwise.
- nc:DocumentAuthor [0..*]An entity primarily responsible for creating the intellectual content of the resource.
- nc:DocumentContributor [0..*]An entity responsible for making contributions to the content of the resource.
- Choice [0..*]
- nc:DocumentFormatCategoryText [0..*]A kind of classification system used to define the specific format of a binary object or file.
- nc:DocumentSubmissionAmount [0..*]A fee or price required to submit a document.
- nc:DocumentSubmitter [0..*]An entity responsible for making the resource available.
- nc:DocumentIssuanceDate [0..*]A date a document was issued.
- nc:DocumentStatusDetails [0..*]A classification of status of a document.
- nc:DocumentIssuanceLocation [0..*]A location from which a document was issued.
- Choice [0..*]
- it:DeclarationTotalGrossWeightMeasure [0..*]A weight (mass) of goods including packaging but excluding the carriers equipment for a declaration.
- it:DeclarationTotalInvoiceAmount [0..*]A total of all invoice amounts declared in a single declaration.
- Choice [0..*]
- it:DeclarationIssueDate [0..*]A date on which a declaration was issued and when appropriate, signed or otherwise authenticated.
- it:DeclarationAcceptanceDate [0..*]A date on which a declaration has been or will be accepted by Customs
- it:DeclarationIssuePlace [0..*]A location at which a declaration was issued and when appropriate, signed or otherwise authenticated.
- it:DeclarationDocumentNameCategory [0..*]A code specifying the category name of a document.
- it:DeclarationDocumentReferenceNumber [0..*]A reference number identifying a specific document.
- it:DeclarationGoodsDate [0..*]A date on which a Goods declaration has been or will be accepted by Customs in accordance with Customs legislation.
- it:DeclarationTotalItemsQuantity [0..*]A count of the total number of goods items within a declaration
- it:CustomsOfficeDutyTaxPaymentText [0..*]A code to identify a location at which a subsequent declaration is lodged.
- it:DocumentMessageFunctionCategory [0..*]A code indicating the function of a document.
- it:RepresentativePerson [0..*]A representative of the party making the declaration.
- it:Agent [0..*]A data type for additional information about a party authorized to act on behalf of another person, organization or thing.
- it:Importer [0..*]A party which makes - or on whose behalf a Customs clearing agent or other authorized person makes - an import declaration.
- it:Exporter [0..*]A person who makes an export declaration or on whose behalf the export declaration is made. This is the owner of the goods or has similar right of disposal over them at the time when the declaration is accepted.
- it:Broker [0..*]A data type describing the name [and address] of a party to which merchandise or services are sold.
- it:Stevedore [0..*]A party loading or unloading the cargo of (a ship) or vessel
- it:Carrier [0..*]A party providing the transport of goods between named points.
- it:BorderTransportMeans [0..*]A means of transport used in crossing a border.
- it:LoadingLocation [0..*]A seaport, airport, freight terminal, rail station or other place at which goods are loaded onto the means of transport being used for their carriage.
- it:UnloadingLocation [0..*]An identification of a seaport, airport, freight terminal, rail station or other place at which goods are unloaded from the means of transport having been used for their carriage.
- it:Consignment [0..*]A set of goods shipped or delivered under a consignment sale agreement.
- it:PreviousCustomDocument [0..*]A customs document that has been superseded by a more recent document.
- it:DeclarationPackaging [0..*]A declaration of the type of packaging that the consignment is transported.
- it:DutyTaxFee [0..*]A fee associated with a customs duty tax or tariff.
- it:ObligationGuarantee [0..*]A set of details of how the obligation will be fulfilled
- it:StuffingEstablishment [0..*]A location where the goods are loaded into the transport equipment.
- it:UCR [0..*]A UCR (Unique Customs Reference) Identifier
- it:GoodsShipment [0..*]A description of the goods being shipped
- it:ExitCustomsOfficeLocation [0..*]A location of the customs office at which the goods leave or are intended to leave the customs territory of dispatch.
- it:CurrencyExchange [0..*]An exchange of currency for a specified country
- it:ContainerTerminalOperator [0..*]A Container Terminal Operator
- it:DocumentFunctionText [0..*]A function of a document.
- it:DocumentAuthenticationText [0..*]An idication or proof that a document has been authenticated indicating where appropriate the authentication party.
- it:DeclarationCustomsOfficeLocation [0..*]An identification of a location at which a declaration is lodged.
- it:GoodsDeclarationCustomsIdentification [0..*]An identification assigned or accepted by Customs, to identify a goods declaration.
- it:DeclarationTraderAssignedIdentification [0..*]A reference identification assigned by a trader to a declaration.
Used by
Type inheritance chain