A data type for a means of transport used in crossing a border.
Complex type information
- Sequence [1..1]
- structures:ObjectAugmentationPointAbstract [0..*]An augmentation point for ObjectType
- it:TransportMeansName [0..*]A name to identify the means of transport used.
- it:TransportMeansConveyanceReferenceIdentification [0..*]An identification of a journey of a means of transport.
- it:TransportMeansFirstArrival [0..*]An arrival of means of transport at (for air) first airport, (land) arrival at first border post, or (sea) arrival at first port.
- it:TransportMeansCategoryText [0..*]A kind of means/mode of transport used for the carriage of the goods.
- it:TransportMeansIdentification [0..*]An identification of the means of transport.
- it:TransportMeansBorderCrossingIdentification [0..*]An identification of the means of transport used in crossing the border.
- it:TransportMeansBorderCrossingName [0..*]A name to identify the means of transport used in crossing the border.
- it:TransportMeansOperator [0..*]An identification of the registered operator of means of transport.
- it:TransportMeansOwner [0..*]An identification of the registered owner of means of transport.
- it:TransportContractDocument [0..*]A contract between multiple parties pertaining to cargo shipments e.g. export shipment with a carrier i.e. bill of lading(s) or manifest.
- it:TransportMeansArrival [0..*]An arrival of means of transport at (for air) airport, (land) arrival at border post, or (sea) arrival at port.
- it:TransportMeansConveyance [0..*]A means of Transport.
- it:TransportMeansDeparture [0..*]A Departure from a crossing or other location for a means of transport
- it:TransportMeansItinerary [0..*]An itinerary of the of the Transport Means
- it:TransportMeansModeOfTransportationCode [0..*]A mode of means of transport like air, sea, land.
- cbrn:RemarkText [0..*]A placeholder for comments intended to help the consumer of the data to understand better the information encapsulated by the parent element.
- it:TransportMeansAugmentationPointAbstract [0..*]An augmentation point for TransportMeansType.
- it:BorderTransportMeansNationalityText [0..*]A nationality of the active means of transport used in crossing the border.
- it:Itinerary [0..*]A detailed plan for a journey including dates, times, location and modes of departure and arrival.
- Choice [0..*]
- it:TransportEquipmentA specific equipment used in Means of Transport
- it:MaterialHandlingEquipmentA reusable container for transporting goods and materials.
- it:ShippingContainerA reusable container for transporting goods and materials.
from subst. group it:TransportEquipment - it:TransportMeansActualFirstDepartureDate [0..*]Actual First Date of departure of the means of transport.
- it:TransportMeansActualFirstArrivalDate [0..*]Actual First Date / scheduled date of arrival of means of transport at (for air) first airport, (land) arrival at first border post and (sea) arrival at first port.
- it:Master [0..*]A name of the Master of a means of transport such as a vessel.
- it:CrewMember [0..*]A crew member.
- it:NonVesselOperatingCarrier [0..*]A common carrier that does not operate the vessels.
- it:Carrier [0..*]A party providing the transport of goods between named points.
- it:ConsortiumCarrier [0..*]A consortium carrier.
- it:TransportMeansStayIdentification [0..*]An identification of the stay of a means of transport in a port or airport.
- it:TransportMeansConsignmentUnloadingDate [0..*]A date on which the cargo was outturned.
- it:TransportMeansCrewQuantity [0..*]A number of the total members of the crew, including the captain/master, of a means of a transport.
- it:TransportMeansGrossWeightMeasure [0..*]A measure of the overall size of a ship determined in accordance with the provisions of the International Convention on Tonnage Measurement of Ships, 1969.
- it:TransportMeansNetWeightMeasure [0..*]A measure of the useful capacity of a ship determined in accordance with the provisions of International Convention on Tonnage Measurements of Ships, 1969
- it:TransportMeansPassengerQuantity [0..*]A number of the total passengers on board a means of transport.
- it:TransportMeansCallPurposeText [0..*]A purpose of the conveyance call.
- it:TransportMeansContainerQuantity [0..*]A number of the total freight containers or similar unit load devices.
- it:TransportMeansDepartureDate [0..*]A date of departure of the means of transport.
- it:TransportMeansArrivalDate [0..*]A date / scheduled date of arrival of means of transport at (for air) first airport, (land) arrival at first border post and (sea) arrival at first port.
- it:TransportMeansVesselHeightMeasure [0..*]An expression in meters of the forward/after draft level.
- it:TransportMeansVesselLengthMeasure [0..*]An expression in meters of the length of a single vehicle.
- it:BorderTransportMeansAugmentationPointAbstract [0..*]An augmentation point for BorderTransportMeansType.
from type structures:ObjectTypefrom subst. group structures:ObjectAugmentationPointfrom type it:TransportMeansTypefrom subst. group it:TransportMeansModeOfTransportationfrom subst. group it:TransportMeansAugmentationPointfrom subst. group it:BorderTransportMeansAugmentationPoint
Name | Occ | Type | Description | Notes |
structures:id | [0..1] | xsd:ID | from type structures:ObjectType | |
structures:ref | [0..1] | xsd:IDREF | from type structures:ObjectType | |
structures:metadata | [0..1] | xsd:IDREFS | from type structures:ObjectType | |
structures:relationshipMetadata | [0..1] | xsd:IDREFS | from type structures:ObjectType | |
Any attribute | [0..*] | Namespace: urn:us:gov:ic:ism urn:us:gov:ic:ntk, Process Contents: lax | from type structures:ObjectType |
Used by
- Element it:BorderTransportMeans
Type inheritance chain
- structures:ObjectType
- it:TransportMeansType
- it:BorderTransportMeansType
- it:TransportMeansType