Schema Central > NIEM 3.0 > have-codes.xsd > have-codes:SecurityStatusCodeType
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A data type for a code set of the status of security procedures in the hospital.

Complex type information


  • Type based on xsd:token
    • Valid valueDescription
      ElevatedThe hospital has activated increased security procedures (awareness, surveillance) due to a potential threat, or specific security related event i.e. increase in local threat level, VIP, bomb threat.
      LockdownBased on security needs, the hospital has activated procedures to control entry to the facility to authorized persons only.
      NormalThe hospital is operating under routine security procedures.
      QuarantineBased on a public health emergency, the entry and exit of the facility is controlled by public health officials
      RestrictedAccessBased on security needs, the hospital has activated procedures to allow access to the facility through a reduced number of controlled entrances.
  • Attributes

    structures:id [0..1]xsd:IDfrom group structures:SimpleObjectAttributeGroup
    structures:ref [0..1]xsd:IDREFfrom group structures:SimpleObjectAttributeGroup
    structures:metadata [0..1]xsd:IDREFSfrom group structures:SimpleObjectAttributeGroup
    structures:relationshipMetadata [0..1]xsd:IDREFSfrom group structures:SimpleObjectAttributeGroup
    Any attribute[0..*]Namespace: urn:us:gov:ic:ism urn:us:gov:ic:ntk, Process Contents: laxfrom group structures:SimpleObjectAttributeGroup

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    Type inheritance chain

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