Schema Central > NIEM 3.0 > nga_genc.xsd > genc:CountryAlpha3CodeType
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A data type for three-character country codes.

Complex type information


  • Type based on xsd:token
    • Valid valueDescription
      AFGIslamic Republic of Afghanistan
      AGORepublic of Angola
      ALBRepublic of Albania
      ANDPrincipality of Andorra
      AREUnited Arab Emirates
      ARGArgentine Republic
      ARMRepublic of Armenia
      ASMTerritory of American Samoa
      ATFFrench Southern and Antarctic Lands
      ATGAntigua and Barbuda
      AUSCommonwealth of Australia
      AUTRepublic of Austria
      AX2Guantanamo Bay Naval Base
      AZERepublic of Azerbaijan
      BDIRepublic of Burundi
      BELKingdom of Belgium
      BENRepublic of Benin
      BESBonaire, Sint Eustatius, and Saba
      BFABurkina Faso
      BGDPeople's Republic of Bangladesh
      BGRRepublic of Bulgaria
      BHRKingdom of Bahrain
      BHSCommonwealth of The Bahamas
      BIHBosnia and Herzegovina
      BLMSaint Barthelemy
      BLRRepublic of Belarus
      BOLPlurinational State of Bolivia
      BRAFederative Republic of Brazil
      BRNBrunei Darussalam
      BTNKingdom of Bhutan
      BVTBouvet Island
      BWARepublic of Botswana
      CAFCentral African Republic
      CCKTerritory of Cocos (Keeling) Islands
      CHESwiss Confederation
      CHLRepublic of Chile
      CHNPeople's Republic of China
      CIVRepublic of Côte d'Ivoire
      CMRRepublic of Cameroon
      CODDemocratic Republic of the Congo
      COGRepublic of the Congo
      COKCook Islands
      COLRepublic of Colombia
      COMUnion of the Comoros
      CPTClipperton Island
      CPVRepublic of Cape Verde
      CRIRepublic of Costa Rica
      CUBRepublic of Cuba
      CXRTerritory of Christmas Island
      CYMCayman Islands
      CYPRepublic of Cyprus
      CZECzech Republic
      DEUFederal Republic of Germany
      DGADiego Garcia
      DJIRepublic of Djibouti
      DMACommonwealth of Dominica
      DNKKingdom of Denmark
      DOMDominican Republic
      DZAPeople's Democratic Republic of Algeria
      ECURepublic of Ecuador
      EGYArab Republic of Egypt
      ERIState of Eritrea
      ESHWestern Sahara
      ESPKingdom of Spain
      ESTRepublic of Estonia
      ETHFederal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
      FINRepublic of Finland
      FJIRepublic of Fiji
      FLKFalkland Islands (Islas Malvinas)
      FRAFrench Republic
      FROFaroe Islands
      FSMFederated States of Micronesia
      GABGabonese Republic
      GBRUnited Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
      GGYBailiwick of Guernsey
      GHARepublic of Ghana
      GINRepublic of Guinea
      GLPDepartment of Guadeloupe
      GMBRepublic of The Gambia
      GNBRepublic of Guinea-Bissau
      GNQRepublic of Equatorial Guinea
      GRCHellenic Republic
      GTMRepublic of Guatemala
      GUFDepartment of Guiana
      GUMTerritory of Guam
      GUYCo-operative Republic of Guyana
      HKGHong Kong Special Administrative Region
      HMDTerritory of Heard Island and McDonald Islands
      HNDRepublic of Honduras
      HRVRepublic of Croatia
      HTIRepublic of Haiti
      IDNRepublic of Indonesia
      IMNIsle of Man
      INDRepublic of India
      IOTBritish Indian Ocean Territory
      IRNIslamic Republic of Iran
      IRQRepublic of Iraq
      ISLRepublic of Iceland
      ISRState of Israel
      ITAItalian Republic
      JEYBailiwick of Jersey
      JORHashemite Kingdom of Jordan
      KAZRepublic of Kazakhstan
      KENRepublic of Kenya
      KGZKyrgyz Republic
      KHMKingdom of Cambodia
      KIRRepublic of Kiribati
      KNAFederation of Saint Kitts and Nevis
      KORRepublic of Korea
      KWTState of Kuwait
      LAOLao People's Democratic Republic
      LBNLebanese Republic
      LBRRepublic of Liberia
      LCASaint Lucia
      LIEPrincipality of Liechtenstein
      LKADemocratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
      LSOKingdom of Lesotho
      LTURepublic of Lithuania
      LUXGrand Duchy of Luxembourg
      LVARepublic of Latvia
      MACMacau Special Administrative Region
      MAFSaint Martin
      MARKingdom of Morocco
      MCOPrincipality of Monaco
      MDARepublic of Moldova
      MDGRepublic of Madagascar
      MDVRepublic of Maldives
      MEXUnited Mexican States
      MHLRepublic of the Marshall Islands
      MKDRepublic of Macedonia
      MLIRepublic of Mali
      MLTRepublic of Malta
      MMRUnion of Burma
      MNPCommonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands
      MOZRepublic of Mozambique
      MRTIslamic Republic of Mauritania
      MTQDepartment of Martinique
      MUSRepublic of Mauritius
      MWIRepublic of Malawi
      MYTDepartment of Mayotte
      NAMRepublic of Namibia
      NCLNew Caledonia
      NERRepublic of the Niger
      NFKTerritory of Norfolk Island
      NGAFederal Republic of Nigeria
      NICRepublic of Nicaragua
      NLDKingdom of the Netherlands
      NORKingdom of Norway
      NPLFederal Democratic Republic of Nepal
      NRURepublic of Nauru
      NZLNew Zealand
      OMNSultanate of Oman
      PAKIslamic Republic of Pakistan
      PANRepublic of Panama
      PCNPitcairn, Henderson, Ducie, and Oeno Islands
      PERRepublic of Peru
      PHLRepublic of the Philippines
      PLWRepublic of Palau
      PNGIndependent State of Papua New Guinea
      POLRepublic of Poland
      PRICommonwealth of Puerto Rico
      PRKDemocratic People's Republic of Korea
      PRTPortuguese Republic
      PRYRepublic of Paraguay
      PSEPalestinian Territory
      PYFFrench Polynesia
      QATState of Qatar
      REUDepartment of Reunion
      RUSRussian Federation
      RWARepublic of Rwanda
      SAUKingdom of Saudi Arabia
      SDNRepublic of the Sudan
      SENRepublic of Senegal
      SGPRepublic of Singapore
      SGSSouth Georgia and South Sandwich Islands
      SHNSaint Helena, Ascension, and Tristan da Cunha
      SLBSolomon Islands
      SLERepublic of Sierra Leone
      SLVRepublic of El Salvador
      SMRRepublic of San Marino
      SOMSomalia, Federal Republic of
      SPMTerritorial Collectivity of Saint Pierre and Miquelon
      SRBRepublic of Serbia
      SSDRepublic of South Sudan
      STPDemocratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe
      SURRepublic of Suriname
      SVKSlovak Republic
      SVNRepublic of Slovenia
      SWEKingdom of Sweden
      SWZKingdom of Swaziland
      SXMSint Maarten
      SYCRepublic of Seychelles
      SYRSyrian Arab Republic
      TCATurks and Caicos Islands
      TCDRepublic of Chad
      TGOTogolese Republic
      THAKingdom of Thailand
      TJKRepublic of Tajikistan
      TLSDemocratic Republic of Timor-Leste
      TONKingdom of Tonga
      TTORepublic of Trinidad and Tobago
      TUNTunisian Republic
      TURRepublic of Turkey
      TZAUnited Republic of Tanzania
      UGARepublic of Uganda
      URYOriental Republic of Uruguay
      USAUnited States of America
      UZBRepublic of Uzbekistan
      VATState of the Vatican City
      VCTSaint Vincent and the Grenadines
      VENBolivarian Republic of Venezuela
      VGBVirgin Islands, British
      VIRUnited States Virgin Islands
      VNMSocialist Republic of Vietnam
      VUTRepublic of Vanuatu
      WLFWallis and Futuna
      WSMIndependent State of Samoa
      XACTerritory of Ashmore and Cartier Islands
      XAZEntity 1
      XBIBassas da India
      XBKBaker Island
      XCREntity 2
      XCSCoral Sea Islands Territory
      XCYEntity 3
      XEUEuropa Island
      XGLGlorioso Islands
      XGZGaza Strip
      XHOHowland Island
      XJAJohnston Atoll
      XJMJan Mayen
      XJNJuan de Nova Island
      XJVJarvis Island
      XKMEntity 4
      XKNEntity 5
      XKRKingman Reef
      XKSRepublic of Kosovo
      XMWMidway Islands
      XNVNavassa Island
      XPLPalmyra Atoll
      XPRParacel Islands
      XQPEtorofu, Habomai, Kunashiri, and Shikotan Islands
      XSPSpratly Islands
      XTRTromelin Island
      XWBWest Bank
      XWKWake Island
      XXXNo Man's Land
      YEMRepublic of Yemen
      ZAFRepublic of South Africa
      ZMBRepublic of Zambia
      ZWERepublic of Zimbabwe
  • Attributes

    structures:id [0..1]xsd:IDfrom group structures:SimpleObjectAttributeGroup
    structures:ref [0..1]xsd:IDREFfrom group structures:SimpleObjectAttributeGroup
    structures:metadata [0..1]xsd:IDREFSfrom group structures:SimpleObjectAttributeGroup
    structures:relationshipMetadata [0..1]xsd:IDREFSfrom group structures:SimpleObjectAttributeGroup
    Any attribute[0..*]Namespace: urn:us:gov:ic:ism urn:us:gov:ic:ntk, Process Contents: laxfrom group structures:SimpleObjectAttributeGroup

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