A data type for the reasons why a child-support-enforcement case was transferred.
Simple type information
Schema document: domains/cyfs/3.0/cyfs.xsd
Valid value Description CPMoved Custodial parent moved into another child-support-enforcement office location or service area. CPRequest Custodial parent requested that the child-support-enforcement case be transferred to another office location or service area. ForeignIV-DRequest Another IV-D Office requested that the child-support-enforcement case be transferred to another office location or service area. NCPRequest The non-custodial parent requested that the child-support-enforcement case be transferred to another office location or service area. Other Child Support Enforcement case has been transferred for an unenumerated reason. UnableToEstablishJurisdiction A tribe was not able to establish jurisdiction over a child-support-enforcement application.
Used by
- Element cyfs:ChildSupportEnforcementCaseTransferCode via derived type cyfs:ChildSupportEnforcementCaseTransferCodeType
Type inheritance chain
- xsd:token
- cyfs:ChildSupportEnforcementCaseTransferCodeSimpleType
- extended by cyfs:ChildSupportEnforcementCaseTransferCodeType
- cyfs:ChildSupportEnforcementCaseTransferCodeSimpleType