Schema Central > NIEM 3.0 > cbrncl.xsd > cbrncl:MultimediaDeviceCategoryCodeSimpleType
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A data type that defines the code values for  the kind of devices that can record multimedia data.

Simple type information


  • Type based on xsd:token
    • Valid valueDescription
      AudioA device that records audible sounds, such as voice.
      CameraA camera that captures images on film.
      Camera-DA camera that captures images on digital/electronic media.
      LPRLicense Plate Reader
      NIINon-Intrusive Imaging
      OCROptical Character Recognition
      ReaderA device to create digital data from a physical/visual form of the data.
      RFIDRadio Frequency Identifier
      ScannerA device to create a digital image of printed material.
      VideoA video recording device that captures images on film.
      Video-DA video recording device that captures images on digital/electronic media.
      VISVisual Inspection System Image
  • Used by

    Type inheritance chain

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