A data type for an aggregation of information about activities and events associated with detection and interdiction of CBRNE threats.
Complex type information
Namespace: http://release.niem.gov/niem/domains/cbrn/3.0/
Schema document: domains/cbrn/3.0/cbrn.xsd
- Sequence [1..1]
- structures:ObjectAugmentationPointAbstract [0..*]An augmentation point for ObjectType
- cbrn:RemarkText [0..*]A placeholder for comments intended to help the consumer of the data to understand better the information encapsulated by the parent element.
- cbrn:RemarksComplexObjectAugmentationPointAbstract [0..*]An augmentation point for cbrn:RemarksComplexObjectType.
- cbrn:CaseRequestCode [0..*]A description of a kind of Case request.
- cbrn:CaseUUID [0..*]A universally unique identifier for a case.
- cbrn:CaseStartDateTime [0..*]A date and time when a case was initiated.
- cbrn:CaseThreatLevelCode [0..*]A threat level represented by the activities or items represented by a case.
- cbrn:CaseEventDateTime [0..*]A date and time of the first detection event associated with a case.
- cbrn:CaseWindowStartDateTime [0..*]A DateTime for the time window start for a BOLO kind of case.
- cbrn:CaseWindowEndDateTime [0..*]A DateTime for the time window end for a BOLO kind of case.
- cbrn:CaseMetadata [0..*]Metadata about a case.
- cbrn:CaseKindCode [0..*]A kind of case.
- cbrn:CaseLocationDescriptionText [0..*]A description of the locale or location associated with a case when it was initiated. For a case that is a collection of cases, may describe a route or involved locations/locales.
- cbrn:CasePriorityCode [0..*]A priority of a case.
- cbrn:CaseStatus [0..*]A status of a case.
- cbrn:CaseClosedIndicator [0..*]True if a case is closed; false otherwise.
- cbrn:CaseSetQuantity [0..*]A number of cases contained in a CaseSet , or otherwise related to a Case.
- cbrn:DataFileSetQuantity [0..*]A number of files in a file set.
- cbrn:DetectionEventUUID [0..*]A unique identifier of the Detection Event for which the user entered the data.
- cbrn:CBRNECaseAugmentationPointAbstract [0..*]An augmentation point for cbrn:CBRNECaseType.
from type structures:ObjectTypefrom subst. group structures:ObjectAugmentationPointfrom type cbrn:RemarksComplexObjectTypefrom subst. group cbrn:RemarksComplexObjectAugmentationPointfrom subst. group cbrn:CBRNECaseAugmentationPoint
Name | Occ | Type | Description | Notes |
structures:id | [0..1] | xsd:ID | from type structures:ObjectType | |
structures:ref | [0..1] | xsd:IDREF | from type structures:ObjectType | |
structures:metadata | [0..1] | xsd:IDREFS | from type structures:ObjectType | |
structures:relationshipMetadata | [0..1] | xsd:IDREFS | from type structures:ObjectType | |
Any attribute | [0..*] | Namespace: urn:us:gov:ic:ism urn:us:gov:ic:ntk, Process Contents: lax | from type structures:ObjectType |
Used by
- Element cbrn:CBRNECase
Type inheritance chain
- structures:ObjectType
- cbrn:RemarksComplexObjectType
- cbrn:CBRNECaseType
- cbrn:RemarksComplexObjectType