A data type for an angle measure where the units are decimal degrees and the values range from +180.0 to -180.0.
Simple type information
Namespace: http://release.niem.gov/niem/domains/cbrn/3.0/
Schema document: domains/cbrn/3.0/cbrn.xsd
Used by
- Element cbrn:AzimuthValue via derived type cbrn:Angle180Type
- Element cbrn:LongitudeValue via derived type cbrn:Angle180Type
- Element cbrn:RelativeLocationAzimuthValue via derived type cbrn:Angle180Type
- Element cbrn:RollValue via derived type cbrn:Angle180Type
Type inheritance chain
- xsd:decimal
- cbrn:Angle180SimpleType
- extended by cbrn:Angle180Type
- cbrn:Angle180SimpleType