A data type for a kind of physical feature. This code is used for defining a SMT category.
Simple type information
Schema document: domains/biometrics/3.0/biom.xsd
Valid value Description BRANDED Image burned into the skin using a branding iron or other form of heat CHEMICAL Image created by the use of chemicals to burn the image into the skin CUT Image caused by an incision of the skin MARK Pattern resulting from needle or track marks PIERCING Deliberately made hole through body tissue, usually to wear body ornamentation SCAR Healed scar tissue that was the result of an accident or medical procedure TATTOO A common tattoo or indelible image resulting from the pricking of the skin with a coloring matter
Used by
- Element biom:PhysicalFeatureCategoryCode via derived type biom:PhysicalFeatureCategoryCodeType
Type inheritance chain
- xsd:token
- biom:PhysicalFeatureCategoryCodeSimpleType
- extended by biom:PhysicalFeatureCategoryCodeType
- biom:PhysicalFeatureCategoryCodeSimpleType