Element information
Schema document: external/ogc/gml/3.2.1/deprecatedTypes.xsd
Type: gml:ProjectedCRSPropertyType
Properties: Global, Qualified
- Choice [0..1]
- gml:ProjectedCRSgml:ProjectedCRS is a 2D coordinate reference system used to approximate the shape of the earth on a planar surface, but in such a way that the distortion that is inherent to the approximation is carefully controlled and known. Distortion correction is commonly applied to calculated bearings and distances to produce values that are a close match to actual field values.
- gmx:ML_ProjectedCRS
from subst. group gml:ProjectedCRS
Name | Occ | Type | Description | Notes |
nilReason | [0..1] | gml:NilReasonType | from group gml:AssociationAttributeGroup | |
gml:remoteSchema | [0..1] | xsd:anyURI | from group gml:AssociationAttributeGroup |
Sample instance
<gml:projectedCRSRef> <gml:ProjectedCRS gml:id="ID"> <gml:metaDataProperty> <gml:GenericMetaData>Any text, intermingled with: <!--any element--> </gml:GenericMetaData> </gml:metaDataProperty> <gml:description>string</gml:description> <gml:descriptionReference/> <gml:identifier codeSpace="">string</gml:identifier> <gml:name>string</gml:name> <gml:remarks>string</gml:remarks> <gml:domainOfValidity> <gmd:EX_Extent>............ </gmd:EX_Extent> </gml:domainOfValidity> <gml:scope>string</gml:scope> <gml:conversion> <gml:Conversion gml:id="ID">... </gml:Conversion> </gml:conversion> <gml:baseGeodeticCRS> <gml:GeodeticCRS gml:id="ID">... </gml:GeodeticCRS> </gml:baseGeodeticCRS> <gml:cartesianCS> <gml:CartesianCS gml:id="ID">... </gml:CartesianCS> </gml:cartesianCS> </gml:ProjectedCRS> </gml:projectedCRSRef>