This property element either references a point via the XLink-attributes or contains the point element. pointProperty is the predefined property which may be used by GML Application Schemas whenever a GML feature has a property with a value that is substitutable for Point.
Element information
Schema document: external/ogc/gml/3.2.1/geometryBasic0d1d.xsd
Type: gml:PointPropertyType
Properties: Global, Qualified
- gml:Point [0..1]A Point is defined by a single coordinate tuple. The direct position of a point is specified by the pos element which is of type DirectPositionType.
Name | Occ | Type | Description | Notes |
nilReason | [0..1] | gml:NilReasonType | from group gml:AssociationAttributeGroup | |
gml:remoteSchema | [0..1] | xsd:anyURI | from group gml:AssociationAttributeGroup | |
owns | [0..1] | xsd:boolean | Default value is "false". from group gml:OwnershipAttributeGroup |
Used in
- Anonymous type of element gml:Row via reference to gml:geometricPositionListGroup
- Anonymous type of element gml:controlPoint via reference to gml:geometricPositionGroup
- Group gml:geometricPositionGroup
- Group gml:geometricPositionListGroup via reference to gml:geometricPositionGroup
- Type gml:ArcByBulgeType (Element gml:ArcByBulge)
- Type gml:ArcByCenterPointType (Element gml:ArcByCenterPoint)
- Type gml:ArcStringByBulgeType (Element gml:ArcStringByBulge)
- Type gml:ArcStringType (Element gml:ArcString)
- Type gml:ArcType (Element gml:Arc)
- Type gml:BSplineType (Element gml:BSpline)
- Type gml:BezierType (Element gml:Bezier)
- Type gml:CircleByCenterPointType (Element gml:CircleByCenterPoint)
- Type gml:CircleType via extension of gml:ArcType (Element gml:Circle)
- Type gml:CubicSplineType (Element gml:CubicSpline)
- Type gml:GeodesicStringType via reference to gml:geometricPositionGroup (Element gml:GeodesicString)
- Type gml:GeodesicType via reference to gml:geometricPositionGroup (Element gml:Geodesic)
- Type gml:LineStringSegmentType (Element gml:LineStringSegment)
- Type gml:LineStringType (Element gml:LineString)
- Type gml:LinearRingType (Element gml:LinearRing)
- Type gml:NodeType (Element gml:Node)
Sample instance
<gml:pointProperty> <gml:Point gml:id="ID"> <gml:metaDataProperty> <gml:GenericMetaData>Any text, intermingled with: <!--any element--> </gml:GenericMetaData> </gml:metaDataProperty> <gml:description>string</gml:description> <gml:descriptionReference/> <gml:identifier codeSpace="">string</gml:identifier> <gml:name>string</gml:name> <gml:pos>1.0 1.0</gml:pos> </gml:Point> </gml:pointProperty>