A data concept for a name of a substance.
Element information
Schema document: niem-core/3.0/niem-core.xsd
Type: xsd:anyType
Properties: Global, Qualified, Abstract
Used in
- Type it:HazardousMaterialDataType via extension of nc:SubstanceType (Element it:HazardousMaterialData)
- Type j:ForensicSpecimenType via extension of nc:SubstanceType (Element j:ForensicSpecimen)
- Type nc:DrugType via extension of nc:SubstanceType (Elements cyfs:Medication, nc:Drug)
- Type nc:SubstanceType (Elements j:Metal, j:PreciousMetal, nc:Chemical, nc:HazardousMaterial, nc:Substance)
Substitution hierarchy
- nc:SubstanceDesignator
- can be substituted with j:HazardousMaterialCode
- can be substituted with j:MetalCode
- can be substituted with j:PreciousMetalCode
- can be substituted with m:HazmatDeclarationUNHazmatCode
- can be substituted with nc:DrugCode