A date on which a binary object is captured or created.
Element information
Schema document: niem-core/3.0/niem-core.xsd
Type: nc:DateType
Properties: Global, Qualified, Nillable
- Sequence [1..1]
- structures:ObjectAugmentationPointAbstract [0..*]An augmentation point for ObjectType
- Choice [0..*]
- intel:DayDateA day - one of the numbered 24-hour periods into which a month is divided.
- intel:MonthDateA month - one of the 12 divisions of a year as determined by a calendar, especially the Gregorian calendar.
- nc:DateA full date.
- nc:DateTimeA full date and time.
- nc:YearDateA year.
- nc:YearMonthDateA year and month.
from subst. group nc:DateRepresentation - nc:DateAccuracyAbstract [0..1]A data concept for a subjective assessment that indicates belief that date content is exact or accurate.
- nc:DateMarginOfErrorDuration [0..1]A subjective assessment of the uncertainty of an estimated point by bounding an elements value with an estimated margin of error.
- nc:DateAugmentationPointAbstract [0..*]An augmentation point for DateType.
from type structures:ObjectTypefrom subst. group structures:ObjectAugmentationPointfrom subst. group nc:DateAccuracyfrom subst. group nc:DateAugmentationPoint
Name | Occ | Type | Description | Notes |
structures:id | [0..1] | xsd:ID | from type structures:ObjectType | |
structures:ref | [0..1] | xsd:IDREF | from type structures:ObjectType | |
structures:metadata | [0..1] | xsd:IDREFS | from type structures:ObjectType | |
structures:relationshipMetadata | [0..1] | xsd:IDREFS | from type structures:ObjectType | |
Any attribute | [0..*] | Namespace: urn:us:gov:ic:ism urn:us:gov:ic:ntk, Process Contents: lax | from type structures:ObjectType |
Used in
- Type biom:DNAImageType via extension of nc:BinaryType (Element biom:DNASampleImage)
- Type biom:FaceImageType via extension of nc:BinaryType (Element biom:FaceImage)
- Type biom:FingerprintImageType via extension of nc:BinaryType (Element biom:FingerprintImage)
- Type biom:ImageType via extension of nc:BinaryType
- Type biom:IrisImageType via extension of nc:BinaryType (Element biom:IrisImage)
- Type biom:PhysicalFeatureImageType via extension of nc:BinaryType (Element biom:PhysicalFeatureImage)
- Type biom:SegmentedImageType via extension of nc:BinaryType (Element biom:BiometricContextImage)
- Type nc:BinaryType (Elements biom:BiometricBinary, intel:PersonMultimediaIDBinary, j:EvidenceDocumentationBinary, j:RoleOfBinary, nc:Attachment, nc:Binary, nc:DeviceStoredAudioBinary ...more)
- Type nc:ImageType via extension of nc:BinaryType (Elements cyfs:StudentPhotoImage, j:CriminalTraitGraffitiImage, j:CriminalTraitTattooImage, m:PortImage, m:VesselImage, m:VesselNationalFlagImage, nc:DeviceStoredImage ...more)
- Type scr:EFTSFeatureType
Sample instance
<nc:BinaryCaptureDate> <structures:ObjectAugmentationPoint>any content</structures:ObjectAugmentationPoint> <intel:DayDate>---31</intel:DayDate> <nc:DateAccuracy>any content</nc:DateAccuracy> <nc:DateMarginOfErrorDuration>P1Y2M3DT10H</nc:DateMarginOfErrorDuration> <nc:DateAugmentationPoint>any content</nc:DateAugmentationPoint> </nc:BinaryCaptureDate>