An action for the designated agency to take on contact with the person.
Element information
Schema document: domains/intelligence/3.0/intelligence.xsd
Type: intel:SubjectHandlingType
Properties: Global, Qualified, Nillable
- Sequence [1..1]
- structures:ObjectAugmentationPointAbstract [0..*]An augmentation point for ObjectType
- intel:SubjectHandlingAgencyName [0..*]A name of an agency for whom the person handling information is designated.
- intel:SubjectHandlingCodeText [0..*]An action for the designated agency to take on contact with the person.
- intel:SubjectHandlingDescriptionText [0..*]A description that identifies the action for the designated agency to take on contact with the person.
- intel:SubjectHandlingAugmentationPointAbstract [0..*]An augmentation point for SubjectHandlingType.
from type structures:ObjectTypefrom subst. group structures:ObjectAugmentationPointfrom subst. group intel:SubjectHandlingAugmentationPoint
Name | Occ | Type | Description | Notes |
structures:id | [0..1] | xsd:ID | from type structures:ObjectType | |
structures:ref | [0..1] | xsd:IDREF | from type structures:ObjectType | |
structures:metadata | [0..1] | xsd:IDREFS | from type structures:ObjectType | |
structures:relationshipMetadata | [0..1] | xsd:IDREFS | from type structures:ObjectType | |
Any attribute | [0..*] | Namespace: urn:us:gov:ic:ism urn:us:gov:ic:ntk, Process Contents: lax | from type structures:ObjectType |
Used in
- Type intel:AgencySubjectHandlingType (Element intel:AgencySubjectHandling)
- Type scr:WatchlistType (Element scr:Watchlist)
Sample instance
<intel:SubjectHandling> <structures:ObjectAugmentationPoint>any content</structures:ObjectAugmentationPoint> <intel:SubjectHandlingAgencyName>string</intel:SubjectHandlingAgencyName> <intel:SubjectHandlingCodeText>string</intel:SubjectHandlingCodeText> <intel:SubjectHandlingDescriptionText>string</intel:SubjectHandlingDescriptionText> <intel:SubjectHandlingAugmentationPoint>any content</intel:SubjectHandlingAugmentationPoint> </intel:SubjectHandling>