Schema Central > NIEM 3.0 > emergencyManagement.xsd > em:MessageContentCategoryCode
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A kind of resource content / payload being sent

Element information


  • Type based on xsd:token
    • Valid valueDescription
      AcceptIn response to a resource message; "I'll get back to you with an answer one way or the other (could still result in a "decline")"
      AcknowledgeIn response to any resource message, "I have received your message but have not yet processed it"
      CancelMessage used to revoke any previous resource message. NOTE: This message may be used to "cancel" or "recall" resource: Resource requested and perhaps en route, but no longer needed.
      Commit ResourceMessage used to agree or commit specific resource in response to a Resource Request or Requisition, or to a "Request Return"
      DeclineIn response to a resource message; "I cannot meet your request"
      Notify Auxiliary RecipientsMessage used to advise or notify an auxiliary recipient (e.g. a government official) about any resource message as an "FYI", where the auxiliary recipient was not included on original distribution.
      Notify Resource Request DispositionMessage used to report on the current "status" of any resource in relation to a Resource Requisition, Release Resource, or Request to Return Resource.
      Offer Unsolicited ResourcesMessage used to offer available resources (that have not been requested) to assist with an emergency response.
      Release ResourceMessage used by authorities at the incident to "release" (demobilize) resource back to its original point of assignment or to another location / assignment.
      Request ExtensionA request initiated by the requester / receiver of resource, "I want to extend how long I need to keep this resource"
      Request Information (RFI)Message used to ask resource questions or provide general description of situation and general resources needs.
      Request QuoteMessage used to request a price quote from a seller or supplier.
      Request ResourceMessage used to request needed resources from one or many recipients, possibly spawning multiple responses.
      Request Resource DispositionMessage used to request current "status" of resource in relation to a previous Resource Requisition or Release Resource.
      Request ReturnMessage used to request release (demobilize) of resources back to its original point of assignment or to another location / assignment ("I want my stuff back").
      Requisition ResourceMessage used to "order" specific resource, or to confirm specific resource to be "ordered" relating to one or more responses to a "Request Resource".
      Response to Offer Unsolicited ResourcesMessage used as the response to an offer of unsolicited resources, indicating accept or decline.
      Response to Request Information (RFI)Message used as the response to an RFI message providing general information or to list resource that may meet the specified need.
      Response to Request QuoteMessage used as the response to a "Request Quote". Allows sender to list resource(s) which they feel represent suitable match with the request, with pricing information.
      Response to Request ResourceMessage used as the response to a "Request Resource". Allows sender to list resource(s) which they feel represent suitable match with a resource request.
      Response to Request ReturnMessage used as the response to a "Request Return" indicating whether the resource may be released, with relevant time-line information.
      UpdateMessage used to provide information superseding a previously sent Resource Message (change/modify one or more information elements of the message). Example: Change requested resource quantity.
  • Attributes

    structures:id [0..1]xsd:IDfrom group structures:SimpleObjectAttributeGroup
    structures:ref [0..1]xsd:IDREFfrom group structures:SimpleObjectAttributeGroup
    structures:metadata [0..1]xsd:IDREFSfrom group structures:SimpleObjectAttributeGroup
    structures:relationshipMetadata [0..1]xsd:IDREFSfrom group structures:SimpleObjectAttributeGroup
    Any attribute[0..*]Namespace: urn:us:gov:ic:ism urn:us:gov:ic:ntk, Process Contents: laxfrom group structures:SimpleObjectAttributeGroup

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    Sample instance


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