A data type that specifies requesting person status information from Screening encounters
Complex type information
Schema document: domains/screening/2.1/screening.xsd
NIEM properties:
- Base: s:ComplexObjectType
- Sequence [1..1]
- im:AlienNumber [0..*] A number indicating a unique number assigned to an aliens file.
- Choice [0..*]
- nc:PersonName A combination of names and/or titles by which a person is known.
- im:PersonName Applied augmentation for type nc:PersonNameType
- j:PersonName Applied augmentation for type nc:PersonNameType
- scr:PersonName Applied augmentation for type nc:PersonNameType
from subst. group nc:PersonName - nc:PersonBirthDate [0..*] A date a person was born.
- im:AlienBirthCountryName [0..*] A field denoting the aliens country of birth.
- nc:PersonDeathDate [0..*] A date a person died or was declared legally dead.
- im:StudentEducationLevelDescriptionText [0..*] A field indicating the description for the associated EDUCATION LEVEL CODE.
- nc:PersonSexText [0..*] A gender or sex of a person.
- nc:PersonNationalityText [0..*] A country in which a person was born.
- nc:PersonRaceCode [0..*] A classification of a person based on factors such as geographical locations and genetics.
- nc:PersonReligionText [0..*] A religion to which a person subscribes or believes; a categorization of spiritual beliefs.
- scr:ArrivalDate [0..*] The date that a non-immigrant Alien arrived in the U.S.
- scr:ArrivalReasonText [0..*] The text that explains the reason for a non-immigrant Alien's arrival in the U.S.
- scr:PortOfEntryCodeText [0..*] The text representing a code for a DHS organization location where a traveler or alien entered or departed the US.
- im:AlienImmigrationStatus [0..*] A field indicating a description of an associated Immigrant status code
- nc:PersonCitizenshipText [0..*] A county that assigns rights, duties, and privileges to a person because of the birth or naturalization of the person in that country.
- im:FileControlOfficeText [0..*] The Field Offices or Service Centers that has the authorization to handle the Alien's A-File and update CIS to reflect location and movement of the file.
- Choice [0..*]
- nc:LocationStateCanadianProvinceCode A state, commonwealth, province, or other such geopolitical subdivision of a country.
- nc:LocationStateFIPS10-4InternationalCode A state, commonwealth, province, or other such geopolitical subdivision of a country.
- nc:LocationStateFIPS5-2AlphaCode A state, commonwealth, province, or other such geopolitical subdivision of a country.
- nc:LocationStateFIPS5-2NumericCode A state, commonwealth, province, or other such geopolitical subdivision of a country.
- nc:LocationStateNCICLISCode A state, commonwealth, province, or other such geopolitical subdivision of a country.
- nc:LocationStateNCICLSTACode A state, commonwealth, province, or other such geopolitical subdivision of a country.
- nc:LocationStateNCICRESCode A state, commonwealth, province, or other such geopolitical subdivision of a country.
- nc:LocationStateName A state, commonwealth, province, or other such geopolitical subdivision of a country.
- nc:LocationStateUSPostalServiceCode A state, commonwealth, province, or other such geopolitical subdivision of a country.
from subst. group nc:LocationState - nc:LocationPostalCode [0..*] An identifier of a post office-assigned zone for an address.
- scr:DepartureDate [0..*] The date representing the departure or exit of a person or conveyance from the United States.
- scr:DepartureReasonText [0..*] The text that explains the reason that an Alien departed the U.S. as a result of an Alien deportation, removal or voluntary departure.
- im:CitizenshipCertificateIdentification [0..*] A field indicating the naturalization certificate number of the alien.
- im:CitizenshipNaturalizationDate [0..*] The date on which the alien became a U.S. Citizen.
- im:CitizenshipNaturalizationCityName [0..*] A city name where the alien was naturalized for U.S. Citizenship.
- im:FormNameDescriptionText [0..*] The name of the last form the Alien filled out.
- im:FormSubmittedDate [0..*] Date that the last form type was submitted by Alien.
- scr:PersonEnumeratorIdentification [0..*] The identification enumerator assigned to a Person Status Summary
Name | Occ | Type | Description | Notes |
s:id | [0..1] | xsd:ID | from type s:ComplexObjectType | |
s:metadata | [0..1] | xsd:IDREFS | from type s:ComplexObjectType | |
s:linkMetadata | [0..1] | xsd:IDREFS | from type s:ComplexObjectType |
Used by
- Element scr:PersonStatusSummary
Type inheritance chain
- s:ComplexObjectType
- scr:PersonStatusSummaryType