A data type used for returning person status information to the requesting organization
Complex type information
Schema document: domains/screening/2.1/screening.xsd
NIEM properties:
- Base: s:ComplexObjectType
- Sequence [1..1]
- scr:VisaFoilNumber [0..*] The text that denotes the number that is pre-printed on the Non-Immigrant Visa (NIV) or Immigrant Visa (IV) foil by the manufacturer.
- scr:VisaControlNumberID [0..*] The identifier assigned to the VISA by DHS Citizenship and Immigration
- im:SevisID [0..*] The ID assigned by the Student Exchange Visitor System to an Alien Student
- scr:PhotoRequestIndicator [0..*] A boolean indicator with a value of True sent with any query requesting that a photo image be returned with the results of the query.
- scr:AdmittedDate [0..*] The date an immigrant was admitted into the US.
- im:ImmigrationStatusChangeDate [0..*] The date an immigrant's status changed.
- scr:IdentificationStatusAdvisoryText [0..*] The text that describes special or advisory information about a particular Identification ID
Name | Occ | Type | Description | Notes |
s:id | [0..1] | xsd:ID | from type s:ComplexObjectType | |
s:metadata | [0..1] | xsd:IDREFS | from type s:ComplexObjectType | |
s:linkMetadata | [0..1] | xsd:IDREFS | from type s:ComplexObjectType |
Used by
- Element scr:PersonSearchResult
Type inheritance chain
- s:ComplexObjectType
- scr:PersonSearchResultType