Schema Central > NIEM 2.1 > mn_offense.xsd > mn_off:OffenseCodeSimpleType
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A data type for Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) offense codes.

Simple type information


  • Type based on xsd:token
    • Valid valueDescription
      611Not to Possess Firearm-Juvenile
      260.011Theft - Alters/Removes Serial No.
      160Murder - Unborn
      920Misconduct Affecting Public Official
      300.12Cont. Sub. Possession - First Degree
      941State Lottery
      662Furnishing Dangerous Weapon-Felony
      912Occupational Health and Safety
      550Juvenile Controlled Substance Offender
      263Dishonored Checks
      120.2Murder 2
      902Contribute Delinquency Minor
      153CV Injury - Bodily Harm
      202Negligent Fires
      400.04DWI - .10 or more
      665Dangerous Weapons-Misdemeanors and Gross Misdemeanors
      161Manslaughter - Unborn
      541Underage Drinking and Driving
      239Other Damage/Trespass Property Crime
      932Disorderly Conduct
      260.003Theft by False Representation
      160.2Murder 2 - Unborn
      953.01Minors in Sexual Materials - Use
      900Child Neglect/Child Endangerment
      102Malicious Punishment
      403.01DWI - First Degree
      221.3Cellular Counterfeiting 3
      401.02DWI - .04 within 2 hrs
      160.1Murder 1 - Unborn
      931.2Riot 2
      404.02DWI - Motor Boat
      110.4CSC 4
      235Trespass on Critical Public Service Facilities, Pipeline, Utility
      402.06DWI - Aircraft - Hazardous Substance
      910Health Care Regulation
      210.3Burglary 3
      909Crime Against Family
      221Cellular Phone Counterfeiting
      913Health and Safety
      414Vehicle Equipment/Safety/Inspection
      491Off-Road Vehicle
      901Non-Support of Spouse or Child
      991.01Alcohol Related Fish and Game
      260.013Theft - Not Pay for Services
      210.4Burglary 4
      400.07DWI - Hazardous Substance
      221.1Cellular Counterfeiting 1
      300.4Cont. Substance - Fourth Degree
      625Ineligible to receive, ship, or transport pistol or semiautomatic military-style assault weapon
      103.03Replica Firearm/BB Gun
      402.08DWI - Aircraft - Within 8 hrs. of consuming Alcohol/Cont. Sub.
      952Obscene Materials
      403.02DWI - Second Degree
      400.08DWI - Schedule I & II Cont. Sub. Other than Marijuana
      660Firearm Transfer/Silencers Prohibited-Felony
      974.02Obstruction of Legal Process
      401.07DWI - School Bus/Head Start - Misd.
      406.02Refusal to Test - Aircraft
      100.1Assault 1
      200.3Arson 3
      400.05DWI - .10 or more within 2 hrs.
      990Animal Welfare
      580Juvenile Petty Offender
      405.04DWI Mandatory Penalties- Fifth Offense
      922Violation of Regulation/Licensing Rule
      141.1Agg. Robbery 1
      260.007Theft - Coin Operated Machine
      290Fraudulent Trade/Commerce
      400.02DWI - Controlled Substance
      170.01Order for Protection
      103.01Crime of Violence
      233Game/Fishing/Hunting Property Crime
      170.04Domestic Abuse No Contact Order
      300.42Cont. Sub. Possession - Fourth Degree
      261Financial Transaction Card Fraud
      400.03DWI - Combined Alcohol/Cont. Sub./Hazardous Sub.
      243Pawnbrokers/Junk Dealers - Stolen Property
      970Judicial Process
      979Adminstration of Justice
      404Permit Other DWI/Mentally Impaired to Operate
      520Juvenile Curfew Offense
      645Weapon without Permit
      170Restraining Orders
      103Terroristic Threats
      300.52Cont. Sub. Possession - Fifth Degree
      661Furnishing Dangerous Weapon to Minors-Felony
      170.03Juv. Court Restr. Order
      110.2CSC 2
      405.07DWI Mandatory Penalties-Felony
      403.04DWI - Fourth Degree
      401.05DWI - School Bus/Head Start - GM - Child Under 16
      920.01Misconduct by Public Official
      300Cont. Substance Crime
      201Wildfire Arson
      260.015Theft - Diversion of Corp. Property
      260.006Theft - Finds Lost Property
      650Tear Gas/Electronic Incapacitation Device
      300.22Cont. Sub. Possession - Second Degree
      402.01DWI - Aircraft - Alcohol
      401Commercial Vehicle DWI
      931.1Riot 1
      230Criminal Damage to Property
      251Worker's Compensation Fraud
      997Crimes in Furtherance of Terrorism
      402.04DWI - Aircraft - .04 or more
      903Contribute to Need for Child Protection
      429MV Reg./Title/Licensing/Sale
      974.01Aiding an Offender
      953.02Minors in Sexual Materials - Possess/Disseminate
      951Indecent Exposure
      420MV Registration
      111Solicit Children to Engage in Sexual Conduct
      664Possession Dangerous Weapon in Court House or State Building-Felony
      510Juvenile Runaway
      933Interference with Privacy
      961Not to Possess Firearm
      300.3Cont. Substance - Third Degree
      234Damage to Property of Critical Public Service Facilities, Pipeline, Utility
      199Person Offense
      241Bringing Stolen Goods into State
      300.11Cont. Sub. Sale - First Degree
      402.07DWI - Aircraft - Schedule I or II
      630Illegal Firearm/Ammunition
      209Arson Fires
      970.04Failure to Appear
      405.05DWI - Mandatory Consecutive Sentences
      221.2Cellular Counterfeiting 2
      200.2Arson 2
      242Precious Metal Dealers - Stolen Property
      403Driving While Impaired (Degree)
      966Firearm Discharge
      415MV Insurance Violation
      240Receiving Stolen Property
      977Failure of Predatory Offenders to Register
      163.01CV Homicide - Death/Unborn
      666Firearm Removal or Alteration of Serial Number
      610Not to Possess Firearm
      200.1Arson 1
      220Check Forgery
      299Property Offense
      230.31Criminal Damage to Property 3 - Bias
      260.004Theft by Swindle
      501.1Juvenile Truancy - Habitual
      973Misconduct by Justice Official
      930Disorderly House
      100.5Assault 5
      923Election & Campaign Regulation
      530Juvenile Tobacco Offense
      501Juvenile Truancy
      911Environmental Regulation
      161.2Manslaughter 2 - unborn
      300.21Cont. Sub. Sale - Second Degree
      929Crime Against Government
      249Stolen Property
      293Financial Exploit. - Vulnerable Adult
      931.3Riot 3
      404.04DWI - Aircraft
      200Arson 1-3
      110.1CSC 1
      121.1Manslaughter 1
      961.02Not to Possess Firearm - Convicted Crime of Violence
      410Obstruction of Traffic
      132Deprive Custodial Rights
      668Prohibited Substances
      937Disturbing Peace
      402.05DWI - Aircraft - .04 within 2 hrs.
      100.2Assault 2
      938Disturbing Privacy
      161.1Manslaughter 1 - unborn
      260.008Theft of Trade Secret
      230.2Criminal Damage to Property 2 - Bias
      560Juvenile Traffic Offender
      413School Bus Safety
      500Juvenile Status Offense/CHIPS
      210.1Burglary 1
      170.02Harassment Restr. Order
      252General Assistance Fraud
      412Stopping and Parking Provision
      100Assault 1-5
      141.2Agg. Robbery 2
      392Anhydrous Ammonia
      965Tear Gas/Electronic Incapacitation Device
      663Possession Dangerous Weapon on School Property
      612Not to Possess Firearm-Convicted Crime of Violence
      406Refusal to Test - MV and Aircraft
      120.3Murder 3
      260.002Theft of Movable Property - Legal Interest
      172Obscene/Harassing Phone Call
      140Simple Robbery
      599Juvenile Unknown
      601Explosive/Incendiary Device
      141Aggravated Robbery
      162.3Assault 3 - Unborn
      100.3Assault 3
      300.2Cont. Substance - Second Degree
      163Crim. Veh. Homicide/Inj. - Unborn
      160.3Murder 3 - Unborn
      260.005Theft - Temporary
      540Juvenile Alcohol Offense
      402Aircraft DWI
      960Explosive/Incendiary Device
      101Domestic Assault
      964Weapon without Permit
      254Fraud - Federal Food Stamps
      962Illegal Firearm/Ammunition
      292State Lottery Fraud
      162.1Assault 1 - Unborn
      300.5Cont. Substance - Fifth Degree
      131False Imprisonment
      300.53Cont. Sub. Fraud - Fifth Degree
      404.03DWI - Off Road/Motorized Bicycle
      992Employer Misconduct
      391Sale Simulated Cont. Substance
      405DWI Mandatory Penalties/Consecutive Sentences
      300.54Cont. Sub. Unknown - Fifth Degree
      253Unemployment Fraud
      411Driving Rule
      110.5CSC 5
      640Firearm Transfer
      150CV Homicide
      399Drug Offense
      232Computer Related Property Crime
      260.009Theft of Leased/Rented Property
      264Counterfeited Intellectual Property
      162Assault - Unborn
      200.4Arson 4
      151CV Injury - Great Bodily Harm
      300.41Cont. Sub. Sale - Fourth Degree
      915Violation of Reporting Requirement
      405.03DWI Mandatory Penalties- Fourth Offense
      210Burglary 1-4
      954Harmful Materials to Minors
      230.3Criminal Damage to Property 3
      260.017Theft - MV Use without consent
      300.32Cont. Sub. Possession - Third Degree
      961.01Not to Possess Firearm - Juvenile
      939Disturbing Peace/Privacy
      121.2Manslaughter 2
      390Import Controlled Substance
      260Theft Statute
      169Crime Against Unborn
      402.02DWI - Aircraft - Cont. Sub.
      400.06DWI - .20 or more wihtin 2 hrs.
      110.3CSC 3
      406.01Refusal to Test - Motor Vehicle
      152CV Injury - Substantial Bodily Harm
      934Interference with Communication
      100.4Assault 4
      400Driving While Impaired (DWI)
      162.2Assault 2 - Unborn
      300.1Cont. Substance - First Degree
      210.2Burglary 2
      405.06DWI - Permissive Consecutive Sentences; multiple offense
      400.01DWI - Alcohol
      100.41Assault 4 - Motivated by Bias
      230.1Criminal Damage to Property 1
      998Crime for Benefit of Gang
      991Fish and Game (Other)
      699Weapon Offense
      918Railroads/Transit Facilities/Providers
      490 Airplane/Aeronautics
      119Sex Offense
      953Minors in Sexual Materials
      260.012Theft - Cable TV Services
      416Motorcycle Provision
      110Criminal Sexual Conduct
      163.02CV Injury - Great Bodily Harm/Unborn
      402.03DWI - Aircraft - Combined Alcohol/Cont. Sub./Hazardous Substance
      259Govt. Assistance Fraud/Theft
      171.01Harassment/Stalking - motivated by bias
      260.001Theft of Movable Property
      974Obstruction of Justice
      403.03DWI - Third Degree
      294Poss Shoplifting Gear/Burg. Tools/Code Grabbing Device
      405.02DWI Mandatory Penalties- Third Offense
      667Weapon of Mass Destruction
      260.01Theft - Alters/Removes I.D. No.
      265Possesion/Sale Stolen or Counterfeit Checks
      401.06DWI - School Bus/Head Start - GM - within 10 yrs of prior
      190Drive-by Shooting
      250Wrongfully Obtain Public Assistance
      405.01DWI Mandatory Penalties - Second Offense
      230.4Criminal Damage to Property 4
      940Pari Mutual Gambling
      262Identity Theft
      919Public Health/Safety/Environment
      421MV Licensing
      300.51Cont. Sub. Sale - Fifth Degree
      173Harassment - Letter/Tel. Pkg.
      260.014Theft - Telecommunications
      959Sex Related
      120.1Murder 1
      401.04DWI - School bus/Head Start - Any Amount
      924Public Information Data Practices
      492Water Craft
      255Medical Assisstance Fraud
      260.016Theft - Diversion of Corp. Property
      404.01DWI - Snowmobile & ATV
      159CVH & Injury
      963Firearm Transfer
      422MV Title
      300.31Cont. Sub. Sale - Third Degree
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