The data type description of the nature of an item sufficient to identify it for customs, statistical or transport purposes.
Complex type information
Schema document: domains/internationalTrade/2.1/internationalTrade.xsd
NIEM properties:
- Base: nc:TangibleItemType
- Sequence [1..1]
- nc:ItemName [0..*] A name of an item.
- nc:ItemActionText [0..*] An action that was taken against a property item.
- nc:ItemBarCodeIdentification [0..*] A bar code assigned to a property item.
- nc:ItemConditionText [0..*] A state or appearance of an item.
- nc:ItemDealerIdentification [0..*] An identification assigned to an item by a dealer.
- nc:ItemDescriptionText [0..*] A description of an item.
- Choice [0..*]
- nc:ItemDisposition A result or outcome that happens to an item after it has been handled or processed.
- j:PropertyDisposition Applied augmentation for type nc:ItemDispositionType
from subst. group nc:ItemDisposition - nc:ItemOtherIdentification [0..*] An identification assigned to an item.
- nc:ItemOwner [0..*] An entity which owns a property item.
- nc:ItemOwnerAppliedID [0..*] An identifier applied to an item by the owner.
- nc:ItemOwnerPurchasedValue [0..*] An amount of money a current owner paid to purchase a property item.
- nc:ItemPossessionDescriptionText [0..*] A description of how or why a party other than the owner came to possess a property item.
- nc:ItemPossessor [0..*] An entity other than the owner which has possession of an item.
- nc:ItemReceiptIdentification [0..*] An identification issued to an item when taken into possession for official purposes.
- nc:ItemRFIdentification [0..*] An identification of an item based on radio waves.
- nc:ItemSerialIdentification [0..*] An identification inscribed on or attached to a part, collection of parts, or complete unit by the manufacturer.
- nc:ItemStateIdentification [0..*] A state-assigned identification for an item.
- nc:ItemStatus [0..*] A status of an item.
- nc:ItemUsageText [0..*] A manner or way in which an item is used.
- nc:ItemValue [0..*] An evaluation of the monetary worth of an item.
- nc:ItemVisibleID [0..*] An identifier of an item that is visible on the item itself.
- nc:WeaponIndicator [0..*] True if an item is traditionally considered to be a weapon; false otherwise.
- nc:WeaponUsageIndicator [0..*] True if an item not traditionally considered to be a weapon is used as such; false otherwise.
- nc:ItemAgeMeasure [0..*] An age of an item.
- nc:ItemBinary [0..*] A binary representation of an item.
- nc:ItemBrandName [0..*] A distinctive name that identifies a manufacturer of a property item.
- Choice [0..*]
- nc:ItemCategoryText A kind of property item.
- j:PropertyCategoryNCICTYPACode A kind of property.
- j:PropertyCategoryNCICTYPCode A kind of property.
- j:PropertyCategoryNIBRSCode A kind of property.
- j:PropertyCategoryNIBRSPropertyCategoryCode A kind of property.
from subst. group nc:ItemCategory - Choice [0..*]
- nc:ConveyanceColorPrimaryText A single, upper-most, front-most, or majority color of a conveyance.
- nc:ConveyanceColorSecondaryText A lower-most or rear-most color of a two-tone conveyance or a lesser color of a multi-colored conveyance.
- nc:ItemColorDescriptionText A description of the overall color of an item.
- nc:VehicleColorPrimaryCode A single, upper-most, front-most, or majority color of a vehicle.
- nc:VehicleColorSecondaryCode A lower-most or rear-most color of a two-tone vehicle or a lesser color of a multi-colored vehicle.
- nc:VesselColorPrimaryCode A color of the majority of a vessel.
- nc:VesselColorSecondaryCode A minor color of a vessel.
from subst. group nc:ItemColor - nc:ItemHeightMeasure [0..*] A measurement of the height of an item.
- nc:ItemImage [0..*] A binary representation of an image of an item.
- nc:ItemLengthMeasure [0..*] A measurement of the length of an item.
- nc:ItemMakeName [0..*] A name of the manufacturer that produced an item.
- nc:ItemModelName [0..*] A name of a specific design or kind of item made by a manufacturer.
- nc:ItemModelYearDate [0..*] A year in which an item was manufactured or produced.
- nc:ItemQuantity [0..*] A count of the individual units which make up an item.
- nc:ItemSizeDescriptionText [0..*] A description of the size or physical dimensions of an item.
- Choice [0..*]
- nc:PropertyStyleText A style of a property item.
- nc:VehicleStyleCode A style of a vehicle.
from subst. group nc:ItemStyle - nc:ItemWeightMeasure [0..*] A measurement of the weight of an item.
- nc:ItemWidthMeasure [0..*] A measurement of the width of an item.
- it:ConsignmentItemMaterialText [0..*] Text description of the material that comprises a Consignment Item.
- it:ConsignmentItemShapeCode [0..*] Shape of a consignment Item. If shape is Other, then a description should be provided in it:ConsignmentItemShapeDescriptionText.
- it:ConsignmentItemShapeDescriptionText [0..*] Description of the shape of a consignment item.
- it:EquipmentIdentification [0..*] Marks (letters and/or numbers) which identify equipment e.g. unit load device.
- Choice [0..*]
- nc:Document A paper or electronic document.
- it:AdditionalDocument Applied augmentation for type nc:DocumentType
- it:AdditionalInformation Applied augmentation for type nc:DocumentType
- it:Document Applied augmentation for type nc:DocumentType
- j:Document Applied augmentation for type nc:DocumentType
from subst. group nc:Document - it:CustomsProcedure [0..*] An activity required for Customs
- it:CountryOfOrigin [0..*] The country of origin of goods shall be defined as the country where the goods were manufactured wholly (Article 31) or subjected to sufficient processing (Article 32) in accordance with the criteria laid down by this Customs Code or in accordance with the procedures defined by this Customs Code.
- it:GoodsMeasure [0..*] The weight measurement characteristics
- it:ExaminationPlaceCode [0..*] Identification of a place where goods are to be examined if this place is different from the place where the goods are located
- it:Commodity [0..*] The nature of a goods item sufficient to identify it for customs, statistical or transport purposes.
- it:ConsignmentItemPackaging [0..*] The packaging information on the individual Consignment Item.
- it:DepartureTransportMeans [0..*] A means of transport used in the departure.
- it:SequenceNumber [0..*] The number indicating the position in a sequence.
- it:ConsignmentValue [0..*] Taxable Value of the Consignment
- it:ConsignmentItemIdentification [0..*] Identification information of a consignment Item.
- it:ConsignmentItemVolumeMeasure [0..*] A volumetric measure of a consignment item.
- it:HazardousMaterialData [0..*] A data type providing details of a hazardous material.
from type nc:ItemTypefrom type nc:TangibleItemType
Name | Occ | Type | Description | Notes |
s:id | [0..1] | xsd:ID | from type s:ComplexObjectType | |
s:metadata | [0..1] | xsd:IDREFS | from type s:ComplexObjectType | |
s:linkMetadata | [0..1] | xsd:IDREFS | from type s:ComplexObjectType |
Used by
- Element it:ConsignmentItem
- Element it:ContainerCargoItem
- NIEM reference target from nc:ContainerReference
- NIEM reference target from nc:ConveyedItemReference
- NIEM reference target from nc:ItemReference
- NIEM reference target from nc:RoleOfItemReference
Type inheritance chain
- s:ComplexObjectType
- nc:ItemType
- nc:TangibleItemType
- it:ConsignmentItemType
- nc:TangibleItemType
- nc:ItemType