Schema Central > NIEM 2.1 > cbrncl.xsd > cbrncl:MessageKindCodeSimpleType
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A type for the kinds of N.25 messages.

Simple type information

NIEM properties:


  • Type based on xsd:token
    • Valid valueDescription
      DeviceConfigAndHealthStatusMessageA set of messages to provide configuration and health status data regarding a device.
      AlarmSummaryMessageA message to provide notification of an alarm with summary information.
      RequestMessageA set of messages for making requests for data from an encounter site.
      TradeDataMessageA message type for trade data.
      SystemAuditMessageA message type for providing data regarding the functions and operations of site control systems.
      RadiationDeviceMessageA set of messages to provide radiation measurement or assessment data collected during a radiation detection event.
      SiteOperationsInfoMessageA set of messages to provide information on the operations of an encounter site.
      RadNucCaseMessageA message requesting and providing information on a case that involves detection and interdiction of radiation/nuclear threats.
      ConveyanceTrackingMessageA set of messages for requesting and providing information on conveyance observations. A set of such observations may provide a tracking of the movement of the conveyance over time.
      GeneralDeviceMessageA set of messages to provide data collected from devices other than radiation detection data during a radiation detection event.
  • Used by

    Type inheritance chain

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