Schema Central > NIEM 2.1 > cbrncl.xsd > cbrncl:InspectionResolutionCodeSimpleType
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A data type for the findings resulting from inspection of an item of interest.

Simple type information

NIEM properties:


  • Type based on xsd:token
    • Valid valueDescription
      NothingSuspiciousFoundNothing suspicious was found.
      Alarm or Fault - Unknown CauseAn alarm or fault was produced by an unknown cause.
      LegalChemicalFoundLegal chemical(s) was found.
      WeaponsWeapons were found.
      NarcoticsNarcotics were found.
      LegalBiologicalMaterial)FoundLegal biological material(s) was found.
      OtherSuspiciousMaterialFoundOther suspicious material was found.
      IllegalRadioactiveMaterialFoundIllegal radioactive material was found.
      Alarm or Fault - TestAn alarm or fault produced by a test.
      MedicalIsotopeOnPersonA medical isotope was found on a person.
      HumanSmugglingHuman smuggling was found.
      LegalRadioactiveMaterialFoundLegal radioactive material was found.
      IllegalBiologicalMaterialFoundIllegal biological material(s)was found.
      FalseRadiationAlarmThe radiation alarm was a false alarm.
      ExplosivesExplosives were found.
      OtherThreatAnother kind of threat was found.
      FalseChemicalAlarmThe chemical alarm was a false alarm.
      BannedSubstancesBanned substances were found.
      FalseBiologicalMaterialAlarmThe biological material alarm was a false alarm.
      SNMSpecial Nuclear Material is present.
      NORMNaturally occurring radioactive material.
      IllegalChemicalFoundIllegal chemical(s) was found.
  • Used by

    Type inheritance chain

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