Schema Central > NIEM 2.1 > xAL-types.xsd > a:PremisesElementTypeList
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A list of name types for premises

Simple type information


  • Type based on xsd:normalizedString
    • Valid valueDescription
      NameNames of Premises such as airport, hospital, university, military base, etc. Can also be the name of the building or house or apartment
      LocationWhere in the building/landmark the premises is located, e.g. lobby, ground floor, penthouse, or where in a larger complex (e.g. airport) the address is located.
      SubPremisesConnectorFree text description that is required to logically connect the 2 premises
      InternalThoroughfareRoads and streets within boundaries of larger complexes/premises such as hospitals, airports, etc.
      ReferenceLocationFree text description of some other location and how this premises relates to it, e.g. 300m from water station, new the police station, etc.
      Typeadditional supporting information
  • Used by

    Type inheritance chain

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