Screening record information received from the CBP Traveler Encounter Compliance System (TECS).
Element information
Schema document: domains/screening/2.1/screening.xsd
Type: scr:ScreeningTECSRecordInfoType
Properties: Global, Qualified, Nillable
- Sequence [1..1]
- nc:DocumentFileControlID [0..*] An identifier assigned to a document to locate it within a file control system.
- scr:ASAAgencyCodeText [0..*] The text for the code for the agency that owns the record; e.g., DoJ
- scr:ASASubAgencyCodeText [0..*] The text for the code for the subagency that owns the record; e.g., FBI
- scr:EntryTECSUserID [0..*] The identifier for the UserID of the individual who entered the record originally
- scr:EntryDateTime [0..*] The DateTime the TECS record information was originally entered
- scr:EntryTerminalID [0..*] The identifier value for the terminal device from which the original record was created
- scr:OwnerTECSUserID [0..*] The identifier or UserID of the current owner of the record
- scr:LastUpdateTECSUserID [0..*] The identifier or the UserID of the individual who last updated the record
- nc:LastUpdatedDate [0..*] A date information was last modified.
- scr:LastUpdateTerminalID [0..*] The identifier for terminal device from which the last update to the record was made
- scr:DeleteIndicator [0..*] A boolean type that indicates whether the record has been logically deleted from the system
- scr:AccessControlLevelCodeValue [0..*] The number value for the access control level to be applied to the record
- scr:ControlLevelLastUpdateDateTime [0..*] The Datetime on which the access control level was last modified
Name | Occ | Type | Description | Notes |
s:id | [0..1] | xsd:ID | from type s:ComplexObjectType | |
s:metadata | [0..1] | xsd:IDREFS | from type s:ComplexObjectType | |
s:linkMetadata | [0..1] | xsd:IDREFS | from type s:ComplexObjectType |
Used in
- Type scr:ScreeningTravelDocumentType (Element scr:ScreeningTravelDocument)
Sample instance
<scr:ScreeningTECSRecordInformation> <nc:DocumentFileControlID>string</nc:DocumentFileControlID> <scr:ASAAgencyCodeText>string</scr:ASAAgencyCodeText> <scr:ASASubAgencyCodeText>string</scr:ASASubAgencyCodeText> <scr:EntryTECSUserID>string</scr:EntryTECSUserID> <scr:EntryDateTime> <nc:Date>2000-01-01</nc:Date> </scr:EntryDateTime> <scr:EntryTerminalID>string</scr:EntryTerminalID> <scr:OwnerTECSUserID>string</scr:OwnerTECSUserID> <scr:LastUpdateTECSUserID>string</scr:LastUpdateTECSUserID> <nc:LastUpdatedDate> <nc:Date>2000-01-01</nc:Date> </nc:LastUpdatedDate> <scr:LastUpdateTerminalID>string</scr:LastUpdateTerminalID> <scr:DeleteIndicator>true</scr:DeleteIndicator> <scr:AccessControlLevelCodeValue>1</scr:AccessControlLevelCodeValue> <scr:ControlLevelLastUpdateDateTime> <nc:Date>2000-01-01</nc:Date> </scr:ControlLevelLastUpdateDateTime> </scr:ScreeningTECSRecordInformation>