A specific kind of physical feature.
Element information
Schema document: niem-core/2.0/niem-core.xsd
from type fbi:SMTCodeSimpleType
Valid value Description FRC L SHLD Shoulder, left EXTR L FGR Extra finger(s), left hand HFR BACK Back ART KNEE Artificial knee joint MOLE R SHD Shoulder, right DISC R BRS Breast, right RTAT ULARM Arm, left upper HFR SPINE Spine RTAT FOOT Foot, nonspecific SC L WRIST Wrist, left CRIP R LEG Crippled leg, right DISC L WRS Wrist, left ART L BRST Breast implant, left BRAC R LEG Brace, right leg NM L ANKL Left Ankle, needle mark ART R SHLD Right Shoulder, artificial RTAT RBRST Breast, right SHRT R LEG Shorter right leg DIMP CHIN Dimples, chin IMPL PENIS Penile implant POCKMARKS Pockmarks FRC LL JAW Jaw, lower left ORTH PLATE Orthopedic plate SC R HIP Hip, right MC HEART Heart or circulatory diseasesincluding: high blood pressure,heart failure, heart attack,hardening o FRC ARM Arm, nonspecific MISS R KID Kidney, right TAT L WRS Wrist, left HFR LR JAW Jaw, lower left MOLE U LIP Lip, right FRC L ARM Left Arm, fractured MOLE ABDOM Abdomen DEV SEPTUM Deviated septum GLAUCOMA Glaucoma HFR LL JAW Jaw, lower left TAT R THGH Thigh, right RTAT LCALF Calf, left DISC LSHLD Shoulder, left MOLE L ELB Left Elbow, mole DA AMPHETA Amphetamines (includes stimulants,speed, etc.) MOLE L SHD Shoulder, left ART L ELB Left Elbow, artificial HFR UR JAW Jaw, upper right MISS BRST Breast, nonspecific, missing TAT R BRST Breast, right MISS LOVAR Ovary, left RTAT L HIP Hip, left HFR R LEG Right Leg, healed fractured TAT LELBOW Elbow, left SC EAR Ear, nonspecific ART ARM Arm, nonspecific, artificial MOLE THGH Thigh, nonspecific FRC R KNEE Knee, right DISC HEAD Head RTAT TOE Toe(s), nonspecific, remove tattoo TAT FARM Forearm, nonspecific HFR WRIST Wrist, nonspecific DA OTHER Other drugs of abuse not listedabove, identify in themiscellaneous (MIS) field RTAT RFOOT Foot, right FRC NECK Neck NM R ARM Arm, right HFR CLAVIC Clavicle, nonspecific MISS LRARM Arm, lower right SC FGR Finger, nonspecific MOLE R CALF Right Calf, mole SC LIP Lip, nonspecific FRC UR LEG Leg, upper right CRIP L ARM Crippled arm, left HFR R FOOT Foot, right DISC L ELB Left Elbow, discolored HFR NOSE Nose SC SHLD Shoulder, nonspecific TAT R KNEE Knee, right NM R WRIST Wrist, right FRC LR JAW Jaw, lower left HFR L FOOT Foot, left ART SHLD Artificial shoulder joint MOLE R CHK Cheek (face), right DISC F ARM Forearm, nonspecific, discolored MISS TES Testical, nonspecific, missing MC SKIN Skin Disorders(includes psoriasis and eczema) TAT L BUTK Buttock, left MISS C VRT Missing Cervical Vertebra(e) CARD PACEM Cardiac pacemaker CRIP ARM Arm, nonspecific, crippled TAT R HND Hand, right FRC L RIB Rib(s), left DISC RTHGH Thigh, right TD ADEPRES Antidepressants (mood-lifters -(Mood lifters - includes: Amitriptylene, Elavil, Norpramine, Prozac,T FRC SPINE Spine DISC WRIST Wrist, nonspecific ART ELBOW Artificial elbow joint HFR L ANKL Ankle, left TAT TOE Toe(s), nonspecific, tattoo DEAF MUTE Deaf-mute DISC L FGR Finger(s), left hand SC L TOE Left Toe, scar DISC L HIP Hip, left SC L ELB Elbow, left TAT FOOT Foot, nonspecific PROT U JAW Protruding upper jaw MC KIDNEY Kidney Conditions or Diseases PRCD EARS Pierced ears NM L TOE Left Toe, needle mark EXTR C NIP Extra nipple, center CRIP L HND Crippled hand, left HFR LEG Leg, nonspecific BRA LR LEG Brace, left and right legs MISS LUNG Lung, nonspecific, missing HFR UL JAW Jaw, upper left DISC ANKL Ankle, nonspecific TD INSULIN Insulin MOLE R LEG Leg, right MOLE L FT Foot, left MOLE L BUT Buttock, left PRCD ULIP Pierced lip, upper RTAT R CHK Cheek (face), right DA MARIJUA Marijuana ART L SHLD Left Shoulder, artificial PRCD LLIP Pierced lip, lower FRC R RIB Rib(s), right MISS FOOT Foot, nonspecific, missing NM SHLD Shoulder, nonspecific, needle mark HFR ELBOW Elbow, nonspecific, healed fractured DISC HAND Hand, nonspecific, discolored TAT HIP Hip, nonspecific MISS L FT Foot, left DENT UP Denture, upper only RTAT RFARM Forearm, right TAT L EYE Left Eye, tattoo MISS OVARY Ovary, nonspecific, missing RTAT URARM Arm, right upper RTAT L ELB Elbow, left FRC L WRST Wrist, left CON LENSES Contact lenses MC ALZHMRS Alzheimer's Disease PROT L JAW Protruding lower jaw CROSSEYED Crosseyed CRIP R HND Crippled hand, right RTAT HAND Hand, nonspecific DISC FHD Forehead RTAT L CHK Cheek (face), left FRC LL ARM Arm, lower left CRIP L LEG Crippled leg, left DISC BACK Back PRCD L EYE Pierced left eyebrow MISS SPLEN Spleen MOLE EYE Eye, nonspecific, mole MC QUADPLG Quadriplegic HEAR AID Hearing Aid CATA R EYE Cataract, right eye TAT L FGR Finger(s), left hand RTAT LIP Lip, nonspecific TD TRANQUI Tranquilizers (includes:Valium, Thorazine, Stellazine,etc.) SC ABDOM Abdomen MOLE R THG Thigh, right HFR L WRST Wrist, left SC L EYE Eyebrow, left/left eye area DA ROHYPNL Rohypnol(Brand name for Flunitrazepam.Also referred to as "rophies","roofies", "ruffies", and "roche HFR SKULL Skull MISS L FJT Finger joint(s), left hand TAT HAND Hand, nonspecific FRC R ELB Right Elbow, fractured NM L KNE Left Knee, needle mark FRC L ELB Left Elbow, fractured HFR FOOT Foot, nonspecific SC R THGH Thigh, right TAT R LEG Leg, right, nonspecific NM R FGR Finger(s), right hand DISC R FGR Finger(s), right hand DISC CHIN Chin BRAC ARM Brace, one arm, nonspecific RTAT FACE Face, nonspecific (Use the MIS fieldo further describe location) TAT R FGR Finger(s), right hand EXTR VRT Extra vertebrae, nonspecific RTAT L LEG Leg, left HFR R TOE Toe(s), right foot VASC PROTH Vascular prosthesis RTAT CHEEK Cheek (face), nonspecific NM L WRIST Wrist, left RTAT LTHGH Thigh, left TAT BACK Back HFR L RIB Rib(s), left MOLE BUTTK Buttocks, nonspecific ART R ARM Arm, right, artificial RTAT LFARM Forearm, left EXTR BRST Extra breast, nonspecific FRC WRIST Wrist, nonspecific TAT SHLD Shoulder, nonspecific SC BUTTK Buttocks, nonspecific NM L FGR Finger(s), left hand PRCD L NIP Pierced nipple, left CRUTCHES Crutches TAT WRS Wrist, nonspecific RTAT CALF Calf, nonspecific SC UR ARM Arm, right upper TUBE R EAR Tube in right ear MOLE L HND Hand, left MOLE BRST Breast, nonspecific SC R ARM Arm, right, nonspecific TAT R ARM Arm, right GLASSES Glasses (prescription) CRIP TOE Toe(s), nonspecific, crippled FRC STERN Sternum MISS PANCR Pancreas FRC L LEG Left Leg, fractured PRCD BACK Pierced back RTAT R LEG Leg, right (Use the MIS field tourther describe location) SC EYE Eyebrow, nonspecific MOLE R HIP Hip, right DISC R ARM Arm, right RTAT LWRS Wrist, left TD CARDIAC Cardiac (heart medications -includes: Digitalis,Digoxin, etc.) MISS R TES Testis, right DISC ABDOM Abdomen HFR NECK Neck FRC UL LEG Leg, upper left MUTE Mute (To be used if person is mutebut not deaf.) FRC UR ARM Arm, upper right EXTR CBRST Extra breast, center ART R EYE Eye, right, artificial FRC LR ARM Arm, lower right SC L SHLD Shoulder, left TAT LF ARM Forearm, left DISC L CALF Left Calf, discolored NM LR ARM Lower Right Arm, needle mark RTAT CHIN Chin BRAC L LEG Brace, left leg MOLE WRS Wrist, nonspecific, mole TRANSVST Transvestite MOLE LIP Lip, nonspecific MISS TONG Tongue DISC CHEEK Cheek (face), nonspecific ART R KNE Right Knee, artificial DISC LTHGH Thigh, left SHRT LEG Leg, nonspecific, short ART EAR Ear, nonspecific, artificial MISS R FJT Finger joint(s), right hand TRANSSXL Transsexual(Miscellaneous field should indicate what the individual was at birth and what they are a HFR LL LEG Leg, lower left TAT UL ARM Arm, left upper HFR FGR Finger(s), nonspecific TAT KNEE Knee, nonspecific PRCD R NIP Pierced nipple, right DA RITALIN Ritalin NM R HIP Right Hip, needle mark PROT JAW Jaw, nonspecific, protruding MISS ADND Adenoids RTAT L EYE Left Eye, remove tattoo MISS LRYNX Larynx DISC R HND Hand, right DISC LIP Lip, nonspecific DISC L LIP Lip, lower SC L EAR Ear, left TAT R CHK Cheek (face), right NM R FOOT Foot, right PRCD L EAR Pierced left ear RTAT LSHLD Shoulder, left TD BRNCHDL Bronchial Dilators(Includes inhalers) BLND L EYE Blind, left eye TAT HEAD Head, nonspecific(use MIS field to further describelocation) SC R SHLD Shoulder, right TD OTHER Other therapeutic medicationsnot listed above, identify inthe MIS Field. EXTR NIP Extra nipple, nonspecific MOLE RBRST Breast, right SC KNEE Knee, nonspecific MISS L EAR Ear, left RTAT RKNEE Knee, right FRECKLES Freckles FRC JAW Jaw, nonspecific TAT BUTTK Buttocks RTAT RCALF Calf, right MOLE FACE Face, mole MISS BRSTS Breasts INTRA ROD Intramedullary rod HFR RPELVI Pelvis bone, right MISS L HND Hand, left EXTR TOE Toe(s), nonspecific, extra MC ALLERGY Allergies including asthma TAT R FOOT Foot, right TAT L EAR Ear, left SC WRIST Wrist, nonspecific SC UL ARM Arm, left upper NM HAND Hand, nonspecific, needle mark RTAT NECK Neck MC PLMNARY Pulmonary (Lung) Diseases(includes Emphesyma, CysticFibrosis) DIMP R CHK Dimples, right cheek (face) SC R EYE Eyebrow, right/right eye area MC LIVER Liver Disease(Including cirrhosis andhepatitis) SC BREAST Breast, nonspecific RTAT CHEST Chest FRC LL LEG Leg, lower left RTAT RBUTK Buttocks, right RTAT L ARM Arm, left CLEFT PAL Cleft palate BRAC R ARM Brace, right arm HFR LR ARM Arm, lower right FRC CLAVIC Clavicle, nonspecific MC NRLGCAL Neurological Conditions or Diseases(includes Cerebral Palsy, Epilepsy, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson FRC R FOOT Foot, right TAT RF ARM Forearm, right FRC HIP Hip, nonspecific, fractured DISC R EYE Eyebrow, right/right eye area NM FOOT Foot, nonspecific, needle mark NM L LEG Leg, left FRC SHLD Shoulder, nonspecific ART L HIP Left Hip, artificial MISS R ARM Arm, right RTAT BUTTK Buttocks, nonspecific TAT L TOE Left Toe, tattoo SC CHEST Chest TAT R TOE Right Toe, tattoo SC L CALF Calf, left DISC SHLD Shoulder, nonspecific DA ALCOHOL Alcohol TAT L LEG Leg, left, nonspecific TAT R CALF Calf, right DIMP FACE Face, dimple TAT UR ARM Arm, right upper DISC R BUT Buttock, right RTAT UPLIP Lip, upper MOLE FGR Finger, nonspecific TAT L HND Hand, left HFR L ELB Left Elbow, healed fractured MC PASTPRE Pregnancy - Past MOLE R ANK Ankle, right RTAT EAR Ear, nonspecific HFR PELVIS Pelvis ART R HND Hand, right, artificial HFR R KNEE Knee, right TAT FACE Face, nonspecific(use MIS field to further describelocation) EXTR R TOE Extra toe(s), right CANE Cane RTAT NOSE Nose SC HAND Hand, nonspecific HFR L HAND Hand, left TAT EAR Ear, nonspecific TAT LIP Lip, nonspecific MOLE TOE Toe(s), nonspecific, mole MC NERVOUS Nervous conditions including:seizures, stroke, senility, andmental retardation MOLE NOSE Nose NM R ANKL Right Ankle, needle mark MISS PROST Prostate Gland EXTR U TTH EXTRA TOOTH/TEETH (UPPER JAW) SC FACE Face, nonspecific(use MIS field to further describelocation) BRACE BACK Brace, back TAT CALF Calf, nonspecific TD ANALGES Analgesics (pain relievers -includes: Darvon, Acetominophen,Aspirin, etc.) MOLE L EYE Eyebrow, left/left eye area MISS THYRD Thyroid SC R CALF Calf, right FRC L HAND Hand, left SC R KNEE Knee, right HFR R ANKL Ankle, right TUBE L EAR Tube in left ear RTAT ABDM Abdomen MOLE CHEST Chest FRC R HIP Right Hip, fractured TAT RELBOW Elbow, right MISS HAND Hand, nonspecific, missing RTAT LEG Leg, nonspecific SC L BUTTK Buttocks, left NM L HIP Left Hip, needle mark RTAT LBUTK Buttocks, left FRC KNEE Knee, nonspecific NM L THIGH Thigh, left RTAT FNGR Finger, nonspecific FRC PELVIS Pelvis RTAT THGH Thigh, nonspecific RTAT ARM Arm, nonspecific MOLE ELBOW Elbow, nonspecific, mole TAT FHD Forehead SC L LEG Leg, left SC L ARM Arm, left, nonspecific NM TOE Toe(s), nonspecific, needle mark MOLE KNEE Knee, nonspecific PRCD R EAR Pierced right ear FRC BACK Back RTAT LBRST Breast, left EAR TUBES Tubes in ears, left and right TD ANTINFL Anti-Inflammatory Medication PRCD NIPPL Pierced nipple, nonspecific DISC KNEE Knee, nonspecific DISC RF ARM Right Forearm, discolored SC ARM Arm, nonspecific TAT L ARM Arm, left RTAT KNEE Knee, nonspecific FRC L HIP Left Hip, fractured MOLE R KNE Knee, right DISC R HIP Hip, right CRIP R FGR Crippled finger(s), right hand(includes webbed fingers) MC ADD Attention Deficit Disorder ORTH NAIL Orthopedic nail or pin ART FOOT Foot, nonspecific, artificial NM L BUTTK Buttock, left DISC CALF Calf, nonspecific, discolored SC LOW LIP Lip, lower NM L ELB Left Elbow, needle mark DISC EYE Eyebrow, nonspecific MC ACNE Acne ART L FT Foot, left, artificial RTAT R EYE Right Eye, remove tattoo MOLE L ANK Ankle, left MOLE LBRST Breast, left SC RF ARM Forearm, right SHRT L LEG Shorter left leg SHUNT ART Shunt, arterial vascular PRCD EYE Pierced eyebrow, nonspecific RTAT R FGR Finger(s), right hand MISS KID Kidney, nonspecific, missing MOLE R HND Hand, right DISC R CALF Right Calf, discolored TAT ARM Arm, nonspecific TAT L SHLD Shoulder, left NM CALF Calf, nonspecific, needle mark CRIP L FGR Crippled finger(s), left hand(includes webbed fingers) ART R BRST Breast implant, right DISC L ANK Ankle, left NM R BUTTK Buttock, right RTAT L TOE Left Toe, remove tattoo FRC FGR Finger(s), nonspecific MC BEHAVIO Behavior Disorder(includes Autism, Depression,Schizophrenia, Suicidal Tendencies(past and present) FRC SKULL Skull SC R WRIST Wrist, right MOLE R EAR Ear, right RTAT FLBOD Full body HAIR IMPL Hair implants MOLE LF ARM Left forearm, mole NM FGR Finger(s), nonspecific, needle mark ART L HND Hand, left, artificial SC L HND Hand, left MISS APPNX Appendix HFR KNEE Knee, nonspecific FRC R WRST Wrist, right MC EATDIS Eating Disorders(Includes Anorexia Nervosa andBulimia) DISC UL ARM Upper Left Arm, discolored SC L BRST Breast, left DISC FACE Face, nonspecific STAPLES Staples DA BARBITU Barbiturates RTAT RANKL Angle, right SC R BUTTK Buttocks, right SC FHD Forehead HFR UL LEG Leg, upper left MISS L KID Kidney, left HFR HIP Hip, nonspecific, healed fractured MOLE R FGR Finger(s), right hand GOLD TOOTH Gold tooth RTAT PENIS Penis EXTR R NIP Extra nipple, right RTAT RWRS Wrist, right TAT L BRST Breast, left SC R CHK Cheek, right DA NARCOTI Narcotics (includes Heroin,Morphine, Dilaudid, Methadone,etc.) MISS INTES Intestines DISC R ANK Ankle, right NM L ARM Arm, left TAT CHIN Chin DISC RKNEE Knee, right PRCD TONGU Pierced tongue HFR R SHLD Shoulder, right MOLE HAND Hand ART R LEG Leg, right, artificial SC R FT Foot, right DISC L BRS Breast, left MOLE L LIP Lip, lower EXTR L TTH EXTRA TOOTH/TEETH (LOWER JAW) ART R HIP Right Hip, artificial SC L ANKL Ankle, left TAT CHEEK Cheek (face), nonspecific RTAT R TOE Right Toe, remove tattoo MISS LLUNG Lung, left RTAT LKNEE Knee, left PRCD R EYE Pierced right eyebrow PRCD NOSE Pierced nose CLEFT CHIN Cleft chin TAT R WRS Wrist, right MC PARPLGC Paraplegic HFR R RIB Rib(s), right FRC ANKL Ankle, nonspecific MISS L FGR Finger(s), left hand NM PENIS Penis, needle mark DISC R WRS Wrist, right RTAT EYE Eye, nonspecific, remove tattoo MISS FGR Finger(s), nonspecific, missing BRAC TEETH Brace, teeth TAT FNGR Finger, nonspecific MC DOWNSYN Down's Syndrome FRC RIBS Rib(s), nonspecific MOLE NECK Neck CAUL R EAR Cauliflower ear, right RTAT ELBOW Elbow, nonspecific MC CANCER Cancer TAT L KNEE Knee, left HFR R FGR Finger(s), right DA COCAINE Cocaine (includes crack) SC L HIP Hip, left TAT THGH Thigh, nonspecific HFR L SHLD Shoulder, left FRC HAND Hand, nonspecific EXTR L NIP Extra nipple, left TD HYPNOTI Hypnotics (sleeping aides -includes: Barbiturates,Chloral Hydrate, Glutethemide,etc.) DIMP CHEEK Cheek, nonspecific, dimple MOLE RF ARM Right forearm, mole MOLE R FT Foot, right MISS R FGR Finger(s), right hand TAT CHEST Chest NM R LEG Leg, right NM KNEE Knee, nonspecific, needle mark FRC R ARM Right Arm, fractured SC HIP Hip, nonspecific TAT L CALF Calf, left DISC LEG Leg, nonspecific MOLE L EAR Ear, left ART L ARM Arm, left, artificial NM R KNE Right Knee, needle mark TAT NECK Neck FRC R SHLD Shoulder, right RTAT L FGR Finger(s), left hand SC BACK Back TAT ANKL Ankle, nonspecific SC LEG Leg, nonspecific SC ANKL Ankle, nonspecific CRIP R TOE Crippled toe(s), right(includes webbed toes) FRC UR JAW Jaw, upper right FRC LEG Leg, nonspecific HFR UL ARM Arm, upper left TD RITALIN Ritalin DISC ELBOW Elbow, nonspecific, discolored MISS VRT Missing Vertebra(e),nonspecific RTAT WRS Wrist, nonspecific SC R HND Hand, right ART LEG Leg, nonspecific, artificial CRIP R FT Crippled foot, right(includes clubfoot) SC UP LIP Lip, upper TAT R BUTK Buttock, right NM ANKL Ankle, nonspecific, needle mark SC CHK Cheek, nonspecific STUTTERS Stutters PRCD LIP Pierced lip, nonspecific BLND R EYE Blind, right eye DISC BRST Breast, nonspecific MISS R LEG Leg, right CRIP L TOE Crippled toe(s), left(includes webbed toes) DISC FGR Finger, nonspecific RTAT FHD Forehead MOLE ANKL Ankle, nonspecific MISS LRLEG Leg, lower right RTAT HIP Hip, nonspecific CATA L EYE Cataract, left eye MISS RLUNG Lung, right DEAF Deaf, left and right ears MISS OVARS Ovaries SC L KNEE Knee, left HFR R ELB Right Elbow, healed fractured ART BRST Breast, nonspecific, artificial MOLE L CHK Cheek (face), left FRC ELBOW Elbow, nonspecific, fractured CAUL EAR Cauliflower Ear SC CALF Calf, nonspecific EXTR RBRST Extra breast, right DISC R ELB Right Elbow, discolored RTAT LFOOT Foot, left MISS TONSL Tonsils FRC R LEG Right Leg, fractured DEAF R EAR Deaf, right ear MISS R FT Foot, right CRIP FOOT Foot, nonspecific, crippled HFR L KNEE Knee, left TAT L THGH Thigh, left HFR R ARM Right Arm, healed fractured NM R TOE Right Toe, needle mark RTAT R ARM Arm, right (Use the MIS field tofurther describe location) DISC L FT Foot, left MISS STOMA Stomach NM R CALF Right Calf, needle mark ART HIP Artificial hip joint TAT L FOOT Foot, left RTAT ANKL Ankle, nonspecific MISS R TOE Toes(s), right foot MOLE L THG Thigh, left TAT FLBODY Full Body(Use only when the entire body - arms, legs, chest, and back are covered with tattoos.) DISC L TOE Left Toe, discolored DISC L CHK Cheek (face), left MOLE FHD Forehead HFR L ARM Left Arm, healed fractured MOLE CALF Calf, nonspecific, mole FRC R FGR Finger(s), right RTAT L HND Hand, left NM R HND Hand, right HFR ARM Arm, nonspecific NM THIGH Thigh, nonspecific, needle mark SC THGH Thigh, nonspecific SC ELBOW Elbow, nonspecific MOLE L TOE Left Toe, mole MC DIABTIC Diabetic HUMPBACKED Humpbacked MOLE EAR Ear, nonspecific TAT LW LIP Lip, lower SLVR TOOTH Silver tooth ART L KNE Left Knee, artificial HFR L LEG Left Leg, healed fractured BLND EYE Blind, one eye, nonspecific ART R FT Foot, right, artificial MISS GALL Gallbladder HFR SHLD Shoulder, nonspecific FRC L FGR Finger(s), left DISC L HND Hand, left FRC UL ARM Arm, upper left RTAT R HIP Hip, right DISC NOSE Nose NM ARM Arm, nonspecific, needle mark DISC L ARM Arm, left WIRE SUTUR Wire sutures MISS L LEG Leg, left DISC R TOE Right Toe, discolored RTAT SHLD Shoulder, nonspecific MOLE CHIN Chin DISC BUTTK Buttocks, nonspecific MC ARTHRTS Arthritis COLOST APP Colostomy appliances MISS LEG Leg, nonspecific, missing DISC LKNEE Knee, left HFR L FGR Finger(s), left MOLE R BUT Buttock, right MC PREGNAN Pregnancy - Present TAT EYE Eye, nonspecific, tattoo SC R EAR Ear, right DISC CHEST Chest FRC LCLAVI Clavicle, left DISC R CHK Cheek (face), right NM UL ARM Upper Left Arm, needle mark ORTH SCREW Orthopedic screw MOLE HEAD Head, nonspecific MISS LBRST Breast, left RTAT HEAD Head, nonspecific (Use the MIS fieldo further describe location) MISS R EAR Ear, right RTAT L EAR Ear, left DISC GROIN Groin, nonspecific, discolored WHEELCHAIR Wheelchair MC DRUGAB Drug Abuse BRACE NECK Brace, neck HFR L TOE Toe(s), left foot NM L SHLD Left Shoulder, needle mark ART L EYE Eye, left, artificial SC F ARM Forearm, nonspecific DISC RSHLD Shoulder, right TAT R EYE Right Eye, tattoo DISC FOOT Foot, nonspecific FRC R ANKL Ankle, right MISS L TOE Toes(s), left foot HFR TOE Toe(s), nonspecific DISC L BUT Buttock, left SC CHIN Chin SC TOE Toe(s), nonspecific, scar MOLE L WRS Wrist, left DA PAINT Paint (includes thinner) DISC EAR Ear, nonspecific SC NOSE Nose TAT R ANKL Ankle, right FRC RCLAVI Clavicle, right DENT LOW Denture, lower only FRC L TOE Toe(s), left foot MISS L ARM Arm, left MISS LLLEG Leg, lower left SC FOOT Foot, nonspecific NM UR ARM Upper Right Arm, needle mark MOLE SHLD Shoulder, nonspecific SC HEAD Head, nonspecific(use MIS field to further describelocation) HFR UR ARM Arm, upper right FRC R HAND Hand, right MOLE L KNE Knee, left ART R ELB Right Elbow, artificial HFR R WRST Wrist, right ART L LEG Leg, left, artificial NM L FOOT Foot, left FRC L KNEE Knee, left TAT UP LIP Lip, upper MC BLOOD Hematological Diseases (disease ofthe blood - includes: anemia,hemophilia, leukemia, and sicklecell PRCD ABDMN Pierced abdomen NM R THIGH Thigh, right MISS EAR Ear, nonspecific, missing MISS LLARM Arm, lower left MOLE L FGR Finger(s), left hand CRIP FGR Finger(s), nonspecific, crippled TAT R EAR Ear, right MISS ROVAR Ovary, right EXTR LBRST Extra breast, left MOLE HIP Hip, nonspecific SC NECK Neck MC TOURETE Tourette's Syndrome CRIP L FT Crippled foot, left(includes clubfoot) ART LARYNX Artificial larynx NM BUTTK Buttock, nonspecific, needle mark DA GLUE Glue MISS NOSE Nose DISC TOE Toe(s), nonspecific, discolored FRC L FOOT Foot, left RTAT R HND Hand, right TAT L ANKL Ankle, left MOLE R ELB Right Elbow, mole ART L EAR Ear, left, artificial ART BRSTS Breast implant, left and right TD ANTBTCS Antibiotics SC PENIS Penis SC R LEG Leg, right DISC L EYE Eyebrow, left/left eye area EXTR L VRT Extra vertebrae, lumbar SC R BRST Breast, right MISS R HND Hand, right MOLE CHK Cheek (face), nonspecific DISC R LEG Leg, right NM HIP Hip, nonspecific, needle mark MOLE L LEG Leg, left FRC LPELVI Pelvis bone, left SC L THGH Thigh, left BALD Bald/Balding TAT LEG Leg, nonspecific MOLE R ARM Arm, right NM LL ARM Lower Left Arm, needle mark TAT BREAST Breast HFR LR LEG Leg, lower right MOLE L HIP Hip, left DISC UR ARM Upper Right Arm, discolored FRC UL JAW Jaw, upper left HFR JAW Jaw, nonspecific ART HAND Hand, nonspecific, artificial NM LEG Leg, nonspecific, needle mark MOLE ARM Arm, nonspecific, mole MISS L TES Testis, left RTAT LWLIP Lip, lower TAT ELBOW Elbow, nonspecific FRC R TOE Toe(s), right foot NM WRIST Wrist, nonspecific, needle mark MOLE PENIS Penis EXTR FGR Finger(s), nonspecific, extra MOLE UR ARM Upper Right Arm, mole PRCD EAR Pierced ear, one nonspecific SC R FGR Finger(s), right hand MOLE R TOE Right Toe, mole SC R ANKL Ankle, right DIMP L CHK Dimples, left cheek (face) RTAT GROIN Groin Area TAT L HIP Hip, left MOLE LEG Leg, nonspecific SC L FGR Finger(s), left hand HFR R HAND Hand, right MOLE L ARM Arm, left RTAT LANKL Ankle, left MISS FJT Finger Joint, nonspecific, missing BLIND Blind, both eyes MISS L VRT Missing Lumbar Vertebra(e) TAT PENIS Penis HFR RIBS Rib(s), nonspecific TAT ABDOM Abdomen RTAT BACK Back ART R EAR Ear, right, artificial MOLE L CALF Left Calf, mole CRIP R ARM Crippled arm, right CATARACT Cataract, (nonspecified) FRC RPELVI Pelvis bone, right EXTR R FGR Extra finger(s), right hand MOLE R WRS Wrist, right SHUNT CERB Shunt, cerebral ventricule HFR HAND Hand, nonspecific NM ELBOW Elbow, nonspecific, needle mark MOLE R EYE Eyebrow, right/right eye area CAUL L EAR Cauliflower ear, left DENT UP LO Denture, upper and lower DISC PENIS Penis MC ALCOHOL Alcoholism SC R ELB Elbow, right DISC ARM Arm, nonspecific HFR RCLAVI Clavicle, right HFR LPELVI Pelvis bone, left MOLE GROIN Groin area SC GROIN Groin area SC LF ARM Forearm, left DISC LF ARM Left Forearm, discolored NM L CALF Left Calf, needle mark RTAT BRST Breast, nonspecific FRC LR LEG Leg, lower right MOLE UL ARM Upper Left Arm, mole MISS PENIS Missing Penis RTAT RSHLD Shoulder, right MOLE BACK Back DISC L EAR Ear, left DISC U LIP Lip, upper FRC TOE Toe(s), nonspecific HFR ANKL Ankle, nonspecific SKL PLATE Skull plate HFR LCLAVI Clavicle, left MC TB Tuberculosis DISC R EAR Ear, right SC R TOE Right Toe, scar EXTR L TOE Extra toe(s), left HFR R HIP Right Hip, healed fractured MISS UTRUS Uterus MOLE F ARM Forearm, nonspecific, mole MISS RBRST Breast, right TD ACONVUL Anticonvulsants (seizuremedicines - includes: DilantinMysoline, Phenobarbital, etc.) NM R SHLD Right Shoulder, needle mark PRCD GNTLS Pierced genitalia NM GROIN Groin, nonspecific, needle mark FRC FOOT Foot, nonspecific RTAT FARM Forearm, nonspecific SC L FT Foot, left FRC NOSE Nose CL LIP Cleft Lip NM R ELB Right Elbow, needle mark DISC R FT Foot, right CRIP HAND Hand, nonspecific, crippled RTAT RTHGH Thigh, right MISS L EYE Eye, left TAT GROIN Groin area NM L HND Hand, left MC THYROID Thyroid Conditions or Diseases SC L CHK Cheek, left HFR STERN Sternum DEAF EAR Deaf, one ear (nonspecific) BRA LR ARM Brace, left and right arms DISC THGH Thigh, nonspecific FRC L ANKL Ankle, left RTAT R EAR Ear, right RTAT R ELB Elbow, right HFR LL ARM Arm, lower left MC OTHER Other medical disorders/conditionsnot listed above, identify in theMiscellaneous (MIS) Field CRIP LEG Leg, nonspecific, crippled DEAF L EAR Deaf, left ear BRAC L ARM Brace, left arm DISC HIP Hip, nonspecific EXTR TTH Tooth/Teeth, nonspecific, extra MOLE FOOT Foot, nonspecific DISC L LEG Leg, left TAT R HIP Hip, right BRAC LEG Brace, one leg, nonspecific MISS TOE Toe(s), nonspecific, missing MISS R EYE Eye, right TAT NOSE Nose DISC NECK Neck HFR L HIP Left Hip, healed fractured IUD Intrauterine device ART EYE Eye, nonspecific, artificial MISS ARM Arm, nonspecific, missing HFR UR LEG Leg, upper right MISS EYE Eye, nonspecific, missing TAT L CHK Cheek (face), left TAT R SHLD Shoulder, right EXTR C VRT Extra vertebrae, cervical DA HALLUCI Hallucinogens
Name | Occ | Type | Description | Notes |
s:id | [0..1] | xsd:ID | from group s:SimpleObjectAttributeGroup | |
s:metadata | [0..1] | xsd:IDREFS | from group s:SimpleObjectAttributeGroup | |
s:linkMetadata | [0..1] | xsd:IDREFS | from group s:SimpleObjectAttributeGroup |
Used in
- Type nc:PhysicalFeatureType (Elements nc:PersonPhysicalFeature, nc:PhysicalFeature)
- Type scr:PersonPhysicalMarkingType via extension of nc:PhysicalFeatureType (Element scr:PersonPhysicalMarking)
Substitution hierarchy
- nc:PhysicalFeatureCategory
- can be substituted with nc:PhysicalFeatureCategoryCode
Sample instance
<nc:PhysicalFeatureCategoryCode>FRC L SHLD</nc:PhysicalFeatureCategoryCode>