An amount of money or quantity of time still required to be spent in order to fulfill an obligation.
Element information
Schema document: niem-core/2.0/niem-core.xsd
Type: xsd:anyType
Properties: Global, Qualified, Abstract
Used in
- Type fs:ChildSupportObligationType via extension of nc:ObligationType (Element fs:ChildSupportObligation)
- Type it:DutyTaxFeeType via extension of nc:ObligationType (Element it:DutyTaxFee)
- Type it:PaymentType via extension of nc:ObligationType (Element it:Payment)
- Type nc:ObligationRecurrenceType via extension of nc:ObligationType (Element nc:ObligationRecurrence)
- Type nc:ObligationType (Elements nc:AssessmentFee, nc:DisciplinaryActionFee, nc:DisciplinaryActionRestitution, nc:Fee, nc:Obligation, nc:RegistrationFee, j:PersonTreatmentFee, j:SanctionCreditedObligation, j:SanctionSetObligation, j:SanctionStayedObligation, j:SanctionSuspendedObligation, j:SupervisionFee)
Substitution hierarchy
- nc:ObligationDue
- can be substituted with nc:ObligationDueAmount
- can be substituted with nc:ObligationDueDuration