Schema Central > NIEM 2.1 > coverage.xsd > gml:AbstractContinuousCoverage
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A continuous coverage as defined in ISO 19123 is a coverage that can return different values for the same feature attribute at different direct positions within a single spatiotemporal object in its spatiotemporal domain. The base type for continuous coverages is AbstractContinuousCoverageType.
The coverageFunction element describes the mapping function. 
The abstract element gml:AbstractContinuousCoverage serves as the head of a substitution group which may contain any continuous coverage whose type is derived from gml:AbstractContinuousCoverageType.

Element information

Type: gml:AbstractContinuousCoverageType

Properties: Global, Qualified, Abstract



gml:id [1..1]xsd:IDfrom type gml:AbstractGMLType

Used in

Substitution hierarchy

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